posted on Jul, 8 2004 @ 03:04 PM
Astro, scientisist have proven evolution. You see it everyday at a supermarket. The apples or oranges you choose are the best made. The reason they
are best is because they evolved from the rest, ie my example of a farmer breeding two apple trees that survived a cold snap while the other 50
didn't. Those trees evovled a way to survive cold tempatures. Then when ever you get sick, don't you wonder why? "I took the flu shot 3 years
ago." Well, that flu and todays flu are different because todays flu has evolved a defense against the vaccine of 3 years ago, 2 years ago, and even
1 year ago. They have proven that in labs. And when I say they, I don't do it to be vague, I do it because more than one person has done it. If I
was to try and list all the scientists who have accomplished Microevolution in labs it would most likely take 5-6 hours that I don't want to
waste.(also have a phone line modem, and it charges to the phone bill, and don't need that big of a phone bill)
And why haven't we found the missing link? What are Homo Erectus? Austropiculus(sp?) and Cro Magmum(sp?)? Aren't they missing links into our past?
Anthropologists agree that these species were either ancestors or one of them was the breaking point.(Breaking point between wolf and dog would be
the species that was first not breedable with wolves and only other dogs)
Anyways, Lockheed, I think dolphins do more than instinct. I find it hard to believe having sex for pleasure or jumping out of the water for fun is
instinct. Of course, some people believe that animals and humans are different. We aren't, as said humans are animals to, just a different kind.
Like how a dog is different from a fish. They both animals, just not the same.
But we do follow instinct, don't we? Isn't it in our instinct to go forth and multiply? To defend what is ours? To help our offspring?
Chimpanzees can and will adopt a baby chimp if it's parents die. They will raise it, take care of it, and teach it as their own. Chimpanzees and
Gorillas can learn sign language. Is it instinct to speak sign language? Or is it instinct to learn? Humans learn, and so do chimpanzees. But
unlike a chimpanzee us humans learn in more than one way. A chimpanzee if shown how to use a stick to break open a hard shell will learn how to do
it. If you tell them how to do something in sign language and they know sign language they will do it. Chimps can learn to speak sometimes better
than other humans. If a person goes deaf due to an accident, how long does it take for them to learn sign language? A chimpanzee learns faster in
most cases.
So it isn't that humans have left instinct behind, but like Lockheed said, it is doing it subconsciencely. It is our instinct to learn and survive.
We have done so and with so much free time we have created by being so well able to survive we have gone farther. If one was to take all the
chimpanzees and teach them sign language, teach them how to build houses, wheels, how to farm, read(some can, but only things like See Spot, See spot
run) so forth, and do this in an enviroment with no hardships, no enemies, just all the free time needed to learn and practice what is taught, who
knows? Maybe we could create a planet of the apes, without all the slavery and things. Humans are lucky, how much free time do you have? Why is it
you have free time? For we have evolved well enough to survive well enough to not need spend all the time guarding our cave. We had the time to
laern how to make things even easier and therefore more free time. Sure at first it was "Big stick heavy, not go very far, but if we trim it down
and make point sharper, it goes farther and still pierces the hide." But you need to start somewhere.