posted on Dec, 27 2010 @ 06:23 PM
reply to post by projectvxn
I understand the logic in that and I agree. Really, I agree. I also can relate to what Eavel is saying and find myself posting to places I might not
otherwise post to just to build my "creds." Oh, but now I want it all, all the little stars and K points and stuff. I even got the evil idea I could
build a lot of ATS brownie points by starting some thread on some controversial issue and take an unpopular stand with a lame justification for doing
so and keep arguing for it. I see it happen all the time, intentionally or not. Being an ethical person I haven't gone to that level yet.
Some of the incentives seem to have a counter effect but with the numbers and diversity here it probably actually works to the good. Without the
incentive of opening the doors I would probably spend more time reading and formulating better posts. As a Subject Matter Expert you are probably well
aware of the conundrum. But then ATS is all about its members' contributions and keeping the dialog going, I guess.
Thanks for letting me get that off my chest. Besides, this post was worth another point and another post toward opening the chat door even if no star
was possible and may drop my averages and cost me a K point. A double-edged sword.