Life is a Choose Your Own Adventure reality matrix. The illusion of choice is revealed as the decision making process
itself. All options, decisions, choices, outcomes, resolutions, answers, are provided to us, by "god".
In essence, "god" in creating this perceivable universe, is gratified every time a conflict resolution(ie. Hegelian
Dialectics), occurs. To clarify, this means that every time you feel a sensation of pain, "god" feels good. Conversely, any time you feel
pleasure, "god" is gratified. Having established that, and in no particular order:
component: Affirm belief in the existence of a "God", or "creationist force, a Cosmic Mother of some kind or another. ie.
acknowledge that you are alive, thanks to something you can't begin to fathom. That and your Mother's womb.
compenent: Affirm belief that all relations, stemming from this generative god force, are under the jurisdiction of said force, and can
ultimately be understood to include "WE", as a contributing factor, in the relationship between said creationist and the purpose of creating
it. Simplified, if a "god" there be, then certainly it is WE.
Meaning "god" is within us, as much as without. "Cosmic Mother" is in every molecule, atom, particle.
compenent: Faith, and acceptance, of your role in the grand scheme of things. Don't like your role? Work on improving yourself, and
you'll find new doors of perception opening up to you wherever you choose to see them. We've all heard the sayings, ie. "You have to play your
hand the best you can, with the cards you're dealt". Unhappy with your hand? Fold space/time, and wait for the next round to begin. ie.
affect change in your world. "All you need to change your world is to change the way you think about it". "Why do we fall? So that we can
learn to pick ourselves back up".
component: Affirm your belief in the New World Order. Stop reading about it, stop writing about it. Just, affirm that you fully
believe in the New World Order, and put it down for a couple of days. In the interm, do those things you enjoy doing, outside of the NWO
material. Eat a steak. Take a walk. Be charitable and attentive to those around you. Test the waters of karma. Everything happens for a
reason, you need to understand that. In a choose your own adventure, you have the option to choose a path, but all available paths are made available
to you from the writer or publisher of the book. Dead end? Back up, try again. The illusion of choice.
component: Realize the multiplicitous nature of reality. The reality where at one extreme of understanding, the NWO is real, and is
excersising massive influence, and control over your day to day life. ie. Holding you back from achieving something special, or general. And at the
other extreme aspect, is not real, and excersising no influence, or control over your day to day life. ie. "You create your own reality as you
go along". Evaluate those things in life you are given the opportunity to experience. Identify the things that most express what you are
grateful for, and engage in them without guilt. Guilt, is a control valve, and when you let them, anyone can come along and play with your control
valves. Especially big interests.
component: Understand, not think about, but k-now(kill nwo), that anything negative you are experiencing in your life, is the karmic
cycle expressing itself for you to potentially learn from. It's between you and your "god", not between you and an imagined global
elite, hell bent on world domination. The reality of the matter is as simple as that.
component: Once we understand the absolute positive value of a negative experience, we understand every thing that's ever happened to us.
You realize all at once, that you are the only blame for anything you experience as a negative effect. You, and the maker, that is. For me,
Cosmic Mom covers the most distance. But that's me. Blue is the best color, if you're asking.
component: "The heart of the giver makes the gift dear and precious." Martin Luther King. Understand the message behind this video:
Everything that happens in this moment we lovingly know as life on earth, happens for a reason. We may not always immediately understand the
harder lessons in life when they occur, but everytime one of them occurs we learn one more example, of how not to go about doing something. The
illusion of choice becomes a learning experience no matter which direction it appears to have. In that realization, comes the absilute value
of life. The purpose of Life is to Live!
component: Awaken to the reality of the Governing Dynamic(or "jesus" if you wish). Understand that you are in partial control of your
interaction with the world around you. Total control belongs to the force, the governing dynamic, or "god", or WE. If you
feel anger, resentment, or pain, take it up with your internal connection to the force. Make a decision based on your self-awareness, and work
with your intuitive self, to improve your immediate reality.
component: Understand, that if there is an Illuminati, and, there most certainly is, that everything they do, are options provided to them, by
the collective total expression that is WE. The world is exactly the way we want it to be at this point in our metaphysical
evolutionary exprience. If it wasn't, we would change it as a hive mind. In fact, this is exactly what is happening in the world, right now!
Every day more and more people wake up to the current truth, behind the matrix of reality.
component: Having all these understandings, understand the End Game. Understand, if the God-force that is WE, didn't want a New World Order,
then, there wouldn't be one! The same goes for Global Freemasonry. The Illuminati, etc. Everything, all sides, Hegelian WWE realization,
everything, is under the ruling energy of what I refer to as Cosmic Mom. But that's only if you're asking. Instead, imagine me asking you,
what you think created the Perceivable Universe, and then, "Why do you think it requires so much human sacrifice(ie pain fear
Aha But what if infact We are the new world order, In that case all actions would be meaningless compared to the goodness in our hearts and minds.
We could be the way the world works and the way it takes shape as we go around with our different actions and reactions, We are what binds and breaks
Originally posted by TedHodgson
Aha But what if infact We are the new world order, In that case all actions would be meaningless compared to the goodness in our hearts and minds.
We could be the way the world works and the way it takes shape as we go around with our different actions and reactions, We are what binds and breaks
Exactly the point I tried to make! Thank you for pointing that out! We are indeed the New World Order. Just, not in the aspect most people
are currently imagining, apparently including the ruling elite. The question remains, why don't they pull the plug on us now? They could
achieve it with no effort. ie. Mind Control technology.
They don't pull the plug on us because they wouldn't be anything with out "We". They survive and gain their power through the lives the created for
"We" to live. I'm sure you have already figured that ha.
If everybody in the world or maybe one country thought like we, as in us, do, then the Illuminati or whatever secret society, would very easily be
disbanded. That is is if the didn't sick massive armies on the people, but our sheer numbers could overwhelm them.
If a person could change a city, a city could change a state, a state could change a nation, and a nation could change the world.
edit on
26-12-2010 by Dissent because: (no reason given)
So how do you explain the depopulation
programs? The Georgia Guidestone? They don't need us. They could colonize the
moon or Mars if they wanted to. They have all the power, wealth and influence they could ever want or need. Either it doesn't happen because they
are competing against one another for Total Leadership rights, they don't want to kill the majority of the planets population, or for some unverified
reason, can't. For whatever reason "Lucifer"
doesn't permit it.
Why? It is just my opinion, that they don't needus, I could be wrong. Perhaps they
just want us? In any case, the paradigm is fear based, or trauma based
mind control. Just, not like they think, when they perform it on Humanity.
Bill Hicks knew about trauma based mind control is some form or another(ie the comedic equivalent). That's why something like this is so funny!
edit on 12/26/10 by JustSomeGuy74 because: (no reason given)
That is kinda funny but its kinda beyond my humor too ha. The trauma he just induced on his audience, telling them about '___' philosophy, would
probably make people's heads explode ha. But "trauma based mind control" is definitely implemented by the elite, as seen in specific false flag
events that we all remember.
But you're right, they might not need us, they do have every they need to progress their agenda. But i don't think they want us either, although they
probably make a lot of money off the debt-based monetary system most of human kind lives in.
As for Depopulation, who knows who their targets are. I just know they want to eliminate the middle class. that way all the civilians are of one
social class, and the super-wealthy who run the world are in the other. I'd think that if all the civilians were broke, they'd be dropping like flies
from maybe lack of food, health care, proper living conditions, ect. Maybe.
And the Georgia Guidestones, I could never explain ha. I just think a world like that would be extremely boring. The best part about Earth is the
different cultures in different countries. I feel that would all be destroyed if the world was unified under one flag. I'd imagine the whole world be
like the United States too, and that would just straight up suck
edit on 27-12-2010 by Dissent because: (no reason given)
The trauma he just induced on his audience, telling them about '___' philosophy, would probley make people's heads explode
that's not just '___' pihosophy, that's a hard core, contemplate the nature of human existence and whether or not it has a cosmic significance type
philosophy! it's comedy based mind control.
trauma based mind control" is definitely implemented by the elite, as seen in specific false flag events that we all remember
It is my opinion, that while a "global elite" may be performing trauma based mind control on the people of free Earth on the conscious level,
on the the subconscious level, they act in accordance with the desire of the total human hive mind that is an intricate aspect of the total
cosmic experience. Just my opinion, I could be wrong.
But i don't think they want us either, although they probably make a lot of money off the debt-based monetary system most of human kind lives
They, don't just have a lot of money. They, fabricate it out of thin air, and control the fluxuating value of it with the flick of a whim. They
regulate the amount of credit in circulation at any given space/time. Which again testifies to the fact that if they wanted to, they could achieve a
New World Order Total Big Brother Control Grid, by noon today. Yet they don't. They allow this website to remain open, and in doing so,
allow people who come here, opportunity to assemble and share revolutionary ideas day in and day out, as if they were waiting for something, anything,
to come of all the lines of text that make up the cyber-library that is ATS.
I just know they want to eliminate the middle class. that way all the civilians are of one social class, and the super-wealthy who run the
world are in the other.
The literature certainly suggests this to be the reality of the New World Order. Again, what could they possibly be waiting for? We already know
they don't use the same calendar as the little people, so Dec 21 2012 has no real significance. Are they scared of something?
And the Georgia Guidestones, I could never explain
If we're to believe the official story, they are the vision of one man in particular, which reflects his outlook on achieving the utopian Brave New
World of popular literature. It exemplifies that there are people out there, who have a negative reality tunnel when it comes to the implementation
of the new world order. Or it seems to anyways, if you aren't one of the 500,000,000.
The best part about Earth is the different cultures in different countries. I feel that would all be destroyed if the world was unified under
one flag.
I couldn't disagree more. But that's a good thing. Conflicting interests come together in order that a conflict resolution(common grounds)
may be acquired. I think when the time comes, all the right people from the different cultures will assemble at the right moment, and the cultural
differences that separate us today, will prove to be the preserved heritage of the free world tomorrow. But that's just me, I could be wrong!