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2 pictures to examine

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posted on Jul, 6 2004 @ 06:20 PM
hi there
a few years ago, i was taking my kids to school when a heard someone behind me say "whats that" , i looked round and seen what i thought at the time was something coming through the atmosphere (asteroid)? i took 2 pics with my digital kodak camera.

at first i thought it was an asteroid or something, and it seemed pretty big, and was giving off light, so i took pic 1, as you can see it looks like something falling. seconds later, whilst walking (maybe 10 feet in distance) the object seemed to stop and go to the right before disapearing behind the mountain in the pic.

i never posted this before as i thought i had lost the pics. a friend had them on his pc after all this time.
i have no idea what it was, but all i know as it was going fast.

if you want to you can copy the pics and zoom in on the objects.

the location was Arthurs Seat Edinburgh, scotland.


link :

posted on Jul, 6 2004 @ 06:43 PM
im surprised, 37 views and no interest.
everyone i showed these pics to were confused as to what they could be.
there is no flight path there at all. so it rules that out..

...oh well onwards and upwards

posted on Jul, 6 2004 @ 06:51 PM
i will reply just to reply

i dont see anything unusual, period.

posted on Jul, 6 2004 @ 07:00 PM
hmmm well i looked and when i blew them up they looked like an object with light in the middle of them...I have no idea but very interesting pictures

posted on Jul, 6 2004 @ 07:00 PM

Originally posted by Conan The Usurper
i will reply just to reply

i dont see anything unusual, period.

Then get your eyes checked :p. And yeah sorry to say, but I think we all noticed you seem to just reply to reply in nearly every thread you make. You better drop that habbit, or the moderators might take notice.

Then about the pictures. The first image shows what seems to be an asteroid indeed. If the second image is the same object then DANG, good shot!!

Blowing up the 2nd image it seems to be triangular in shape. Although its rather low detail, imho the second image could be a bird too.

Its an Unidentified Flying Object for me, mainly because the lack of detail, but it remains to be seen if it was ET or not.

What caught my eye on the images is that the sky and light intensity on the 2 images is rather different. Were you using a Digital camera with auto intensity maybe?

You can see that the hill in both images is the same though.

When you looked at the object, did it seem far away? Or could it have been closeby(bird)?

[edit on 6-7-2004 by thematrix]

posted on Jul, 6 2004 @ 07:23 PM
It's just a weather balloon flying through swamp gas

posted on Jul, 6 2004 @ 07:41 PM
I normally try to be hopeful when seeing these photos, but I always only see a strange object, which should be right... But no, it always seems like they are such poor quality that it is far too easy to right them off as.... well, weather baloons, hahaha... and so on. Sorry to be the wet blanket of sorts here.

posted on Jul, 6 2004 @ 07:50 PM
I thought I would post the images in question to help the conversation along. I didn�t alter them in any way; I just cropped and enlarged the photos so they would be easier to view.

posted on Jul, 6 2004 @ 07:56 PM
Lil question for airplane buffs. Does a jet on afterburner show distinct light emitting from its rear that, from a distance, would look something like that?

[edit on 6-7-2004 by thematrix]

posted on Jul, 6 2004 @ 07:57 PM
nice pix shauny.....

the 1st pic could very well be a meteor but as you've mentioned, the object proceeded to travel to the right.

If that's the case and you can confirm that you visually tracked the object from the meteor appearance to when it flew behind the mountains then maybe it could of been something.....

Now if you did not visualy see the meteor like object move to the mountains where you took the 2nd pic......well then I don't know...
it could be a bird(??) of sorts, it also seems the object in the 2nd pic is closer than the meteor-like object.(or looks that way)

in any case thanks for the post.....and always keep an eye to the sky..

looking now at the pic provided by kinglizard it also could be a Iridium Satellite

[edit on 6-7-2004 by quadricle]

posted on Jul, 6 2004 @ 07:58 PM
see that is what is odd about the second photo looks like the light is more in the middle of the object but its too blurry for me to really tell..the other one looks like a triangular shape, maybe an airplane, dunno

posted on Jul, 6 2004 @ 08:08 PM
Darker one could be a bird, from the photo, but they tend to be a bit more defined than that. You'd have known if it was a bird while taking the picture

The light one obviously isn't a bird. It's interesting that it's a whiter white than ambient light the scene, which does mean it's not simply reflecting the sunlight.


posted on Jul, 6 2004 @ 08:13 PM
My first thought is - it does look sort of "bird like" as quadricle indicates. I don't see any sort of tail in either pic and in the second there seems to be no light source from the object so I am inclined to believe it is not a metior. Especially if it did not impact and there were no other reports. I also noted the drastic difference in lighting between the two pictures - though this may be due to the position of the sun and the angel of the camera. So could it be a bird - maybe, but the first pic seems quite high in the air for a bird and the variation in size relatative to the horizon (or lack of it) between the two pics seems to indicate that it is actually quite far away and not a bird or if so, a very large one. So then what is it? Hmm....not sure.

PS - what state is this? I see it was in November - maybe we can check further.

posted on Jul, 6 2004 @ 08:44 PM
thanks for the replys people.

as i stated the thing we took a pic of was hurtling towards the ground, then swung to the right then dropped behind the mountain. it IS the same object in both pics. and it did at the time seem at least 20-30-40 miles away, it did seem that far away. my 2 sons (8%10 years old) seen it, as did 3 motorists and 4 people walking by. at the time i thought it was a stealth bomber or something, but the speed it was falling was like a stone sropping from the sky. then to swerv and drop....well that wasnt right.

note : i offered this pic to 3 local newspapers. they all thought it was interesting, but also admited the quality was poor.

as someone said its a killer when u go to look these pics, and time and time again we are annoyed with poor quality, to far away shots....that also capture the imagination.

i take my camera everywhere with me. one day....ill get the money shot

posted on Jul, 6 2004 @ 08:45 PM
If these two images are indeed showing the same object, then this is definetly interesting. And if the description of the movement of the object is correct, the theory of it being an asteriod is out of the question.

I'd guess the difference in intensity is due to the automatic lighting compensation of the camera (unless they've been modified afterwards, of course).

My questions are; did you visually follow the object the whole time between the images? If so, did you see the object shift from giving off light to being dark? Did the object turn dark right before it went away?

Anyways, thanks for sharing

[edit on 6-7-2004 by Durden]

[edit on 6-7-2004 by Durden]

posted on Jul, 6 2004 @ 08:46 PM
sorry ...also..

it was november, and the pics were taken seconds after each other. you can see the clouds and hill shape are the same in both pics.
my digital camera does not allow me to just snap away. there is a 3-5 second delay between the abilty to take pics.

just incase anyone is interested my camera is a Kodak DX3215 Zoom 1.3 Megapixels .

posted on Jul, 6 2004 @ 08:49 PM

Originally posted by thematrix

Then about the pictures. The first image shows what seems to be an asteroid indeed. \Blowing up the 2nd image it seems to be triangular in shape. Although its rather low detail, imho the second image could be a bird too.

The first picture seems more like a glint or reflection off of a aluminum or plexiglass surface. The 2nd picture could be anything. Thats just looking at them. With no video, the flight path is just speculation. An asteriod still intact that low would have left an impact crater

posted on Jul, 6 2004 @ 08:53 PM
here is the flip side of my photo.

this was where i was standing when i took the pic (black arrow) the object was directly behind where that pic was taken.

i took this pic at another point in time for no other reason than my house is there somewhere

posted on Jul, 6 2004 @ 08:56 PM

Originally posted by FredT

Originally posted by thematrix

Then about the pictures. The first image shows what seems to be an asteroid indeed. \Blowing up the 2nd image it seems to be triangular in shape. Although its rather low detail, imho the second image could be a bird too.

The first picture seems more like a glint or reflection off of a aluminum or plexiglass surface. The 2nd picture could be anything. Thats just looking at them. With no video, the flight path is just speculation. An asteriod still intact that low would have left an impact crater

this is true, it all goes on trust.
here i am posting 2 year old photos
id think the same

but all i say is true
it baffled me 100% at the time, and was even the talk of the local school for a few days

posted on Jul, 6 2004 @ 10:37 PM
Well - I see by your stats you are in Edinburgh? Is that correct? I just want to do a little homework on this and want to make sure I'm looking at the right location.

By the way - I've been there, I love it and I would say it is a very mystical land where very strange things are likely to happen.

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