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"They" are drugging and dumbing down the best of us.

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posted on Dec, 25 2010 @ 05:02 PM
To me, there is no doubt that the drug companies own our government and our media. They will do or say anything to make a profit. And the sad part is that we as a society have fallen for it.

When I was a kid, we didn't administer drugs to 25% of the student body, we just accepted the fact that certain kids were unruly, others were sleepy, others defiant, others unfocused. It was a part of life. We accepted people for who they were.

Today, there seems to be a push to label everyone who is not "average". Anybody whose appearance or behavior, is not what the powers that be would like, are labeled and medicated.

What is this world coming to?

It is my belief, that the most powerful agents of change on this planet, have always been "not normal".
edit on 25-12-2010 by Hendrix92TheUniverse because: don't know how to embed video, so just shared link

posted on Dec, 25 2010 @ 05:35 PM
I'm against all sorts of meds and even refuse to take advil, yeah I take it to the extreme..
But unless you need it to survive, I'd advise against all. It's unwanted chemicals and taking away our personalities. To each their own, if you want to live like that, be my guest.

posted on Dec, 25 2010 @ 05:48 PM
I absolutely agree. Edison was considered retarded initially in school and at home as they couldn't understand his intellectual curiosity for what it was. He was caught sitting on eggs in an attempt to hatch them, what people missed was the keen observational skills of the boy whom later because he wasn't drugged and dumbed down by agents such as Ritalin etc..used those same innate skills to create more inventions then all but two people in the US patent registry.

I am sure the same might be found in the cases of most master inventors and a number of geniuses throughout history. Sadly we in America value conformity now more than discovery. We are willing to give our health over to drug companies that pad the pockets of half of Washington to sell their wares to an ignorant fear ridden public.

It is a sad truth that until we as a species develop the qualities inherent in a compassionate heart, we will always put profit and separatism/caste sytems before truth, health and happiness.

posted on Dec, 25 2010 @ 05:59 PM
While I understand the spirit of your post, I for one, believe that Big Pharma, and Government, are controlled, or more accurately maybe, influenced by the Banking establishment. It is in the best interest of this financial elite, to maintain the status quo, unless they are the ones inciting the changes in our societies.

I'm not sure so much, that we the people, have fallen for some elaborate scheme perpetrated by the pharmaceutical companies, who act in concert with the banking interests of the world. It would seem to me, that the reality lay in the idea that they(Big Pharma, Fractional Reserve interests) just don't know how else to make everyone see things the way they do. When confronted by a child who isn't demonstrating conformity to established ideas, they(Big Pharma, Banksters, Doctors etc.) think "Well gee, this is a great system, if only everyone would see it, and participate in it, like we do, everything will be fine."

I think there is a general concern on the part of they, to try whatever tactic available to them to try and make people participate on their level of understanding. They want to keep things the way they are. And who can blame them! They have the life to be sure!

Perhaps it is an evil agenda. Perhaps it is an agenda borne out of fear. After all, 1 percent of the population controls the other 99 percent. Staggering odds to overcome should the people ever wake up to the reality of the world around them! It is probably this fear paradigm that fuels the fire of separation between Us and Them.

I agree with you tho, when you say it is your belief that powerful agents of change, have always been viewed by some, as abnormal. There are people in this world, who have a vested interest in maintaining their addiction to the material reality aspect of the total Life experience. When something comes into conflict with that world view, conflict resolution requires one of the participating interests, to back off, and/or to gain the upper hand.

In any case, IF you are of sound mind, you can take their medications to appease their fears, and at the same time, realize that the power of change, lay in the operating mind. If you believe that a prescribed drug will have an adverse effect on you, chances are, that reality will materialize. However, if you believe that the pills don't have any real effect over you, but you take them for the sake of family and friends(and doctors and lawyers etc.) having comfort knowing you are being treated, then you will realize that the pills(and other modes of pharmacological delivery) only effect in so far as the suggested effect will be!

To add some color to the idea, consider the following presentation:

edit on 12/25/10 by JustSomeGuy74 because: too much glitter, not enough glamour! ;D

edit on 12/25/10 by JustSomeGuy74 because: ironing kinks

posted on Dec, 25 2010 @ 06:02 PM
reply to post by Shadowfoot

compared to Tesla, I find Edison to be exactly that! LOL *sorry, just my opinion*

posted on Dec, 25 2010 @ 06:06 PM
reply to post by JustSomeGuy74

Excellent post my friend
2nd same as the first

posted on Dec, 25 2010 @ 06:09 PM
The whole thing is all part of a master plan and most are beginning to see something is not right but can't put their finger on it because they have put their trust in the very ones set out to destroy. Big Pharma is way out of hand and they are just part of it. We can not escape it altogether, we're like ants under a road roller. There's no place to run to to make a new frontier as when we came to America. Just do the best we can because any uprising would be futile.


posted on Dec, 25 2010 @ 06:27 PM
reply to post by truthiron

No offence, but the more you repeat that mantra, the more it becomes reality for you!!!

posted on Dec, 25 2010 @ 06:36 PM
IMHO, big pharma has always been around, it just has different names. Over many, many years, TPTB have looked for some way to dumb down the masses. They just got better at it. There are 2 things that sadden me about it. One, people are so willingly oblivious to human nature, that even the most curious and unruly, are considered mentally unstable.

Second, that though it has taken quite a long while for people to beg for the drugs as they do today, there were many thousands of people that were used as test subjects, in order to make the wealthy, wealthier. We kind of just allowed this to happen, and it may only get worse.

BTW, a great example of both points is the lobotomy

Peace, NRE.

posted on Dec, 25 2010 @ 06:51 PM

Originally posted by truthiron
The whole thing is all part of a master plan and most are beginning to see something is not right but can't put their finger on it because they have put their trust in the very ones set out to destroy. Big Pharma is way out of hand and they are just part of it. We can not escape it altogether, we're like ants under a road roller. There's no place to run to to make a new frontier as when we came to America. Just do the best we can because any uprising would be futile.


Agreed. I was reading about chakras and 'popping' sounds. My belief is that the tech has entered in to the stage wherein it can detect and obstruct brainwaves that start to transcend. They can even influence persons, remotely. It's great if ats members get these popping sounds, I guess, when meditating. From where I stand, it usually portends chaos, insanity, and power tripping. Just that this is what I have seen as those around me begin to act insane during such moments. It is as if commands are being beamed into the head of the household, and said person begins acting madly. All the Jesus nightmares come alive then, and the most vapid, shallow sayings emerge, such as 'it's usually in the last place you look', 'all you need is Jesus' etc.... Nevermind that I spend hours combing the house, sometimes every week, looking for stuff this person misplaced. Sometimes I am blamed for it, so I am absolutely forced to search. It's nuts. Also, I noticed that when I'm caught by surprise during an 'argumentative mode entrance', my brain will start sparking. The smell of perfumes makes it even worse. I'm willing to accept that this may be a defense on my mind's behalf, a quick start up perhaps. I keep thinking of the proverb from that conformist land: 'a nail that sticks up will soon be hammered down', and I am sick of it. I suspect there are satellites helping this proverb along.

edit on 25-12-2010 by starless and bible black because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 25 2010 @ 09:23 PM
reply to post by JustSomeGuy74

Sigh...well yes I would say the same, however the point I was making fit nicely with surface memories of Edisons story. Let it be known..Edison was in fact a jealous tool as he gained age and prestige, and was horrible to Tesla( a favorite of mine)....but geez cut a guy a break for attempting to illuminate a last sigh

posted on Dec, 25 2010 @ 09:26 PM
reply to post by Shadowfoot

*apologies* for the sake of discussion!

posted on Dec, 25 2010 @ 09:30 PM
reply to post by JustSomeGuy74

hehe, I appreciate that

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