posted on Jul, 6 2004 @ 05:19 PM
As many of you probablyknow, Will Smith is starring in a new robot movie, "I, Robot." Hooray? HooRAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!
This movie has taken
over every public gathering place in my area. The mall has over 100 hanging posters for the movie, there is one hangins at least every 15 feet. I am
not kidding. I'll post a picture if anyone wants proof of this insanity.
Why does this enrage me so? BECAUSE ITS ABOUT ROBOTS. No offense to robots, or of course, the all famous RoboJesus (praise him!)...but robot movies
are always lame. Why? Because its not hard to prevent them from taking over the world.
How do we embark on such a task?
1. OFF.
Thats it! Hit the button! Unplug it! Flip the switch! RAHHHHHHHH!
If anyone else hates robot movies, please enlighten me. If anyone likes robot movies...WHAT ARE YOU THINKING?!?!?