posted on Dec, 25 2010 @ 08:41 AM
The argument whether people are born gay exists mainly to discount groups who still want to practice conversion therapies and other mambo-jumbo on gay
people (and there are quite a few).
To these fraudsters gays simply cannot be born that way, because they think God told them so. Hence gays are just very sinful and misguided straight
Describing how we feel that we were born gay simply reclaims a part of our life experience in the face of people who want to dictate it for us.
Being born a certain way does not guarantee equal rights in society.
Being born black or Native American (or female) certainly didn't provide grounds for equal treatment in the US for many centuries.
The argument for equality rests on rights to personal adult choice.
Straight people no longer practice arranged marriages, and are allowed to divorce these days, and the church no longer dictates how and when they can
have marital sex.
So they no longer engage in what were "traditional family values" for many centuries.
As such, there is no good argument for adults not to choose a partner of the same sex.
Incidentally, not all gay people feel they were born gay. Especially women find it easier to change sexual orientation throughout life. Nobody even
remembers being born.
However, for me it is a distinct feeling, and discounts the argument that I consciously chose to be gay, as many homophobes argue.
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25-12-2010 by halfoldman because: (no reason given)