posted on Dec, 25 2010 @ 12:06 AM
I feel like this should be a top topic thread.
Please star and flag this people, and share it with friends. It's really worth the trouble.
Everyone is ignoring threads like this one, so they can argue about social issues like gay vs anti-gay or about if muslims are terrorists or not.
Stupid issues like that.
Meanwhile, most of our society is still drinking the tap water and getting their fluoride.
Oh and you know what? This video is a perfect example of who is the real debunker and who is really behind conspiracies. This guy is debunking the
lies that have been told to the population for years with good science. He is exposing the conspiracy.
I would call Paul Connett a Skeptic, and a Debunker. He does not brainlessly follow the established order, like many scientists do. He actually
thought about things and did research to find the truth. He is the type of skeptic we need more of !