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Kitten-killer video poster being hunted online

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posted on Dec, 25 2010 @ 11:13 AM
reply to post by ..5..

From the video it seems that sadly they did not.

I wonder how long it will take for someone to find him?


posted on Dec, 25 2010 @ 11:21 AM
Better the police find him rather than myself...

I have no use for animals like justice would be slow..

posted on Dec, 25 2010 @ 11:30 AM
What you are seeing here is a serial killer in the making. It is a fact that most serial killers start like this. He needs to be found. He is deriving pleasure from the fact that he is controlling and playing "God".....toying with them and knowing what he is about to do brings him pleasure. He is dangerous.....and scary. I feel sick after seeing this...those poor babies......

posted on Dec, 25 2010 @ 11:35 AM

Originally posted by StealthyKat
What you are seeing here is a serial killer in the making. It is a fact that most serial killers start like this. He needs to be found. He is deriving pleasure from the fact that he is controlling and playing "God".....toying with them and knowing what he is about to do brings him pleasure. He is dangerous.....and scary. I feel sick after seeing this...those poor babies......

He is a serial killer. He just killed two innocent kittens and they suffered an agonizing death. Did you see the anus prolapsed on 1 of the poor kittens from the vacuum? I guarantee this is not the 1st of his atrocities. Make no bones about it, he has little children next on the agenda. Eugenics should be allowed for specific cases like these. Kill this f-n bastard.

posted on Dec, 25 2010 @ 12:13 PM
reply to post by clameater

I couldn't watch that long, I just checked it to see if it were real....and had to stop when I saw the bag. The pure diabloical act of stroking those innocent babies showed evil intent. You are 100% correct that he is already a serial murderer. It is almost a given that he has done things to children or thought about it....because they are vulnerable like the kittens and it's about control over a defensless victim. I'll bet HE has been abused as well....although I am not saying that it is a an exuse because it's not. I believe evil exists.....and that is pure evil. This kid is very disturbed and very dangerous.
edit on 25-12-2010 by StealthyKat because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 25 2010 @ 01:30 PM


posted on Dec, 25 2010 @ 01:30 PM
reply to post by StealthyKat

oops, dub post
edit on 25-12-2010 by clameater because: dub post

posted on Dec, 25 2010 @ 01:49 PM
Some are born Evil some are born Good
this teen have fallen to the dark force
was he abused ?? or was he spoiled to much that he didnt care about anything ...

i would punish this teen in a dark hole for months like they have in prison
so he can think and rethink and rethink .. until he ask forgiveness about this useless crual action
would he repent of his sins ?

i love cats and any creatures in general that sadden me .. but what can we really do about it ?
hurt the boy ? slap him until he say mercy ?? many would think of that ..

if you were his father .. what would you do
is the question i ask to all

posted on Dec, 25 2010 @ 02:55 PM

Originally posted by Ben81
Some are born Evil some are born Good
this teen have fallen to the dark force
was he abused ?? or was he spoiled to much that he didnt care about anything ...

i would punish this teen in a dark hole for months like they have in prison
so he can think and rethink and rethink .. until he ask forgiveness about this useless crual action
would he repent of his sins ?

i love cats and any creatures in general that sadden me .. but what can we really do about it ?
hurt the boy ? slap him until he say mercy ?? many would think of that ..

if you were his father .. what would you do
is the question i ask to all

Kill him.

There is enough trash posing as human beings on this planet as is. Put him in a great big bag and suck the air out, same as with the kittens, then put him in a hole in the ground once he's dead.

He's on his way to being a serial killer of people. Eventually the thrills he gets off on by killing animals won't be enough; he will need to escalate to higher forms of life, ones that can beg and scream in a language he knows.

Kill him and save untold human victims in the future and more animals in the present.

posted on Dec, 25 2010 @ 02:59 PM

Originally posted by mr-lizard
No mercy. I would like to spend five minutes with this sick bastard and hurt him.

As wrong as an eye for an eye is, as a cat lover, i'd happily donate five minutes of my time to beating the living crap out of this kid and making him realise how precious life really is.

I feel nauseated.

I am with you. Give me five minutes alone with him, penalty free, and there would be no need to try him in court.

posted on Dec, 25 2010 @ 03:11 PM
He is probably going to turn out to be a real nice guy, the kind you could take home to your parents, an asset to his community and church.

One thing that I tuned into at a very early age as I witnessed on Tv a guy who drove his car into a group of people on a sidewalk in Tahoe where I lived at the time. Soon after other people began to mimic the same act and even seemed to try to do it in ways and places where even more people would be injured.

I recall the same pattern emerging shortly after with the McDonald's killings, again it began to be like a one upmanship between sociopathic killers.

Seemed every time there was a high profile murder spree or mass killing, the mindless sociodroids would surface to out do one another.

One way to stop this was to end the media's reaction to the murders act's and therefore keep them from getting the fame and attention they wanted as well as not allowing the weak minded to follow the leader.

This is terrible and just insane, if the 'hunters' find this person will it be a oneupmanship? Or will they turn him over to the law who will eventually let him loose to continue his mentally unstable behavior until one day he no longer gets his kicks from torturing defenseless animals?

RIP Kitties.

posted on Dec, 25 2010 @ 04:18 PM

Originally posted by antar
He is probably going to turn out to be a real nice guy, the kind you could take home to your parents, an asset to his community and church.

One thing that I tuned into at a very early age as I witnessed on Tv a guy who drove his car into a group of people on a sidewalk in Tahoe where I lived at the time. Soon after other people began to mimic the same act and even seemed to try to do it in ways and places where even more people would be injured.

I recall the same pattern emerging shortly after with the McDonald's killings, again it began to be like a one upmanship between sociopathic killers.

Seemed every time there was a high profile murder spree or mass killing, the mindless sociodroids would surface to out do one another.

One way to stop this was to end the media's reaction to the murders act's and therefore keep them from getting the fame and attention they wanted as well as not allowing the weak minded to follow the leader.

This is terrible and just insane, if the 'hunters' find this person will it be a oneupmanship? Or will they turn him over to the law who will eventually let him loose to continue his mentally unstable behavior until one day he no longer gets his kicks from torturing defenseless animals?

RIP Kitties.

Aside from the Sun and Daily Mail, all media seem to be very quiet on this one.
If he wanted media attention, he's not getting it.

That does not mean that there is a growing army of people working to track this guy down and turn him over.

Who to turn him over to is the question, as the last reported instance I saw of of this kind of thing was not against local laws, even though they tracked the person down.

If you view the original video, It's been highlighted to me that at least one of the animals was sexually abused prior to being killed.

I wonder if there are local laws for that when he is tracked to his location?

posted on Dec, 25 2010 @ 06:38 PM
When he is found, and mob justice has been meted out, he should be put on the same 5hit list as the rest of the sick pukes. And every couple years this should be trotted out in his home town, just to inform anyone that didn't know before, what a bastard he is.

Oh vacuum boy is getting married? Oh, well lets show the bride to be, who she's marrying. V'boy getting a job? Oh, we'll see about that. V'boy getting out on parole? I don't think so.

posted on Dec, 25 2010 @ 06:46 PM
I had a hard time sleeping last night just knowing what he did to those innocent baby kitties. I would not allow myself to watch the video or I wouldn't have slept for a week. Please, someone somewhere, find this kid!!!! He needs to be locked up in a mental ward somewhere. Clearly anyone that can do such a thing will harm more animals and people as well.

posted on Dec, 25 2010 @ 08:11 PM
reply to post by ommadawn

Ok I will be honest, I will not be watching the video, no. I did read in this thread the kittens were on the bed. So I intuited at that point the kittens were being abused, tortured prior to death and then some sick form of necrostyle bestiality was to come into play as well.

I will most probably not be replying into this thread again as I do not wish to give this any more energy.

posted on Dec, 25 2010 @ 08:15 PM
once again, i am sooooooo rooting for 2012. how many times do we have to prove we are the bane of this world's existence? i truly hope this little punk gets his. i don't give a crap if he's a kid or not, teen years are the years you are capable of making choices about right and wrong. humans are disgusting evil beings, and speaking as a human, i'd rather we were wiped off the earth than for us to ruin things for all the other life on earth that has every much a right to be here as we do.

posted on Dec, 25 2010 @ 08:17 PM
reply to post by Night Star

Night Star, I love you and am empathetic to your pain. *Wrapping you in my love and understanding.* Now lets get out of here and stay out, don't give this anymore of our energy. I am not saying not to be diligent in reporting or stopping something like this if we stumble into it, but this thread is going to possibly cause a weak minded psychopath to do harm, it is pure evil intent and negative energy, maybe the killer has even been on this thread? Who knows?

posted on Dec, 25 2010 @ 08:30 PM
Thanks antar. I hear ya!

posted on Dec, 25 2010 @ 09:19 PM
You know I wish guys would stop trying to "comfort" females on this thread and stick to the topic. I hope someone posts some info on this guy soon, the only thing I could find was someone on 4chan saying some guy's info from Lativa.

If anyone finds out some solid information, please post it here. I don't like digging around places on the internet I'm not familiar with.

posted on Dec, 25 2010 @ 09:23 PM
OMG! This video produces the most uncomfortable feelings in me. I could not watch the video in its entirety because those precious kittens were so innocent and trusting. I wanted my last memories of them to remain just that. When I saw his face, I immediately felt something very dark, sinister and deeply disturbing. He appeared to be so at ease as if he has done this before. I am quite sure he has done this before! No conscience, no emotion. Totally void of the capacity to feel anything for anyone. I hope and pray that the proper authorities locate him and forever keep him away from society. His violence is only going to escalate.

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