As soon as we were born into this world, we are shaped and conditioned by the world. Words from our parents and siblings of love and encouragement as
well as admonishments, the environment - sun, stars, moon, birds, etc, and had never cease to seek to comprehend the world we live in.
Such is the gift of life, and with a mind that always seek to rationalise and comprehend.
From young, we had been taught and conditioned by rationality of our 5 senses - see, touch, hear, taste and smell. Anything that cannot be detected by
2 or more of such senses, we are led to believe that it is not reality, but fantasies and hallucinations.
Unfortunately, there is little known sense - the 6th. And it is this 6th sense that flawed mortals in power had continually attempted to keep it
hidden from mankind, never to fund or research, to pay only lip service, for with such sense, they will lose control over the hold to power.
That 6th sense is present in all mankind, but because it is little known and never allowed to be develope to its fullest potential for the sake of
control, it had been disregarded as myths or schizoid behavior. Da vinci had it, Beethovan, a deaf musician had it. Uri Gellar had it. Just to name a
few. So had the West German demostrator, a normal human, had when he demostrated using a computer hook up and interface with a computer, to create and
command objects with his mind alone.
The 6th sense is one that has the power to move and touch mankind AND be touched for good or for bad in many diverse ways. And thus a need for control
and containment. It is a dangerous ability if not properly developed and fall on the wrong hands.
Where does that power and ability comes from? My only answer is that we humans have a common Creator, and it can only come from Him. But with free
will that comes with the gift of life, it is an ability that we must be careful with, never to hurt or harm any human with it.
Each of us human are exposed to the environment daily. Certain things - be it literature, arts, or nature, draws us in and gives us comfort and
inspires us to be better, but certain things repels us with revulsion, and some influenced by their environment resorted to kill and harm our
Creator's children.
It's only that little understood 6th sense at work......
edit on 25-12-2010 by SeekerofTruth101 because: (no reason given)