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Are the Spirits of Universe speaking to us through Artists and Musicians ?

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posted on Dec, 25 2010 @ 11:28 PM
As soon as we were born into this world, we are shaped and conditioned by the world. Words from our parents and siblings of love and encouragement as well as admonishments, the environment - sun, stars, moon, birds, etc, and had never cease to seek to comprehend the world we live in.

Such is the gift of life, and with a mind that always seek to rationalise and comprehend.

From young, we had been taught and conditioned by rationality of our 5 senses - see, touch, hear, taste and smell. Anything that cannot be detected by 2 or more of such senses, we are led to believe that it is not reality, but fantasies and hallucinations.

Unfortunately, there is little known sense - the 6th. And it is this 6th sense that flawed mortals in power had continually attempted to keep it hidden from mankind, never to fund or research, to pay only lip service, for with such sense, they will lose control over the hold to power.

That 6th sense is present in all mankind, but because it is little known and never allowed to be develope to its fullest potential for the sake of control, it had been disregarded as myths or schizoid behavior. Da vinci had it, Beethovan, a deaf musician had it. Uri Gellar had it. Just to name a few. So had the West German demostrator, a normal human, had when he demostrated using a computer hook up and interface with a computer, to create and command objects with his mind alone.

The 6th sense is one that has the power to move and touch mankind AND be touched for good or for bad in many diverse ways. And thus a need for control and containment. It is a dangerous ability if not properly developed and fall on the wrong hands.

Where does that power and ability comes from? My only answer is that we humans have a common Creator, and it can only come from Him. But with free will that comes with the gift of life, it is an ability that we must be careful with, never to hurt or harm any human with it.

Each of us human are exposed to the environment daily. Certain things - be it literature, arts, or nature, draws us in and gives us comfort and inspires us to be better, but certain things repels us with revulsion, and some influenced by their environment resorted to kill and harm our Creator's children.

It's only that little understood 6th sense at work......
edit on 25-12-2010 by SeekerofTruth101 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 26 2010 @ 02:03 AM
Are the Spirits of Universe speaking to us through Artists and Musicians ?
Perhaps you are talking about being "in the groove" or "in love with a muse". It seems that love has a big relationship with the muses. It must be lust in the case of some artists
"Auto-pilot" is another term that describes the sensation of artistic creation. When I was writing songs, the original idea would keep morphing, until finally the work was deemed finished (but always unfinished). There is a point where you have to stop working on it - especially if new ideas are flowing in at cosmic speeds. That muse doesn't love me anymore. I never accomplished anything with art. It was all for the sake of folly! But I still have the tapes and listen to them. It is much like time travelling to your younger self. I would describe that process of artists intent is to create a thought which is then conducted/transformed into a material/physical form (sound, words, pictures). Otherwise this thought remains only a thought... and a thought that slips away quickly.

edit on 12/26/2010 by SayonaraJupiter because: fix

posted on Dec, 26 2010 @ 08:13 AM
Thanks for the kind words OP.

You know when i made those songs i felt as though i was being overshadowed by the spirit of Maitreya.
It was as though my body was being prepared for something greater and the music were the entrails of my expreince, creativly.

I am glad you enjoyed the music and appreciated the message. For me that is my art and i made those songs simply to convey the messages in them. If they touched at least one person in the way you described them touching you then i am happy.

Peace and blessings.

posted on Dec, 26 2010 @ 12:30 PM
reply to post by nakiannunaki

Yeah, kudos to you, some good stuff you got going there, keep it up!

posted on Dec, 26 2010 @ 12:47 PM
I mentioned this before,I also posted it on another site discussing more or less the same idea.
You should watch this clip,skip through to halfway,she talks about ideas are entities and they inspire us or help us with our work.

Im sorry i cant embed,but dont let that prevent you in cliking on it if your interested in the subject
seriously check it out.

posted on Dec, 26 2010 @ 12:47 PM
I mentioned this before,I also posted it on another site discussing more or less the same idea.
You should watch this clip,skip through to halfway,she talks about ideas are entities and they inspire us or help us with our work.

Im sorry i cant embed,but dont let that prevent you in cliking on it if your interested in the subject
seriously check it out.

posted on Dec, 26 2010 @ 12:53 PM
reply to post by MathiasAndrew

...Is it supernatural, spiritual forces at work or perhaps even aliens using us to get their message across?

Good question, good thread.

...Whatever it is, it's been recognized for a long, long time. Some think it's the supra-mind, soul, ether - lots of explanations. Some physicists look to dark matter, and particles that jump through time to explain these "connections."

Whatever the explanation - it's real (imho). Respect it, guard it, protect it. In the end, it may be all we have to get us through.

posted on Dec, 26 2010 @ 05:08 PM
Great thread! I have to admit I skipped to the end to add my personal experiences to the thread before reading anymore, but I will definitely take the time to read everyone's responses!

I go to art school at a large University and can definitely say that most of my work or my best ideas can be traced back to a instant flash of inspiration- I go from thinking about nothing, to knowing what my next piece will be, within a second. It is just flashed in my mind's eye, if you will. But I definitely interpret this flash of inspiration as coming from something much larger than myself, or coming outside of my limited ego. I am 21 years old, and I have been relying on these flashes of insight for about 5 years, basically since I decided I wanted to be an artist when I grow up. Many times when I try to force out an idea, I will just get frustrated or will come up with something I am ultimately unhappy with. I don't consider myself any more of an artist than anyone else, the only difference is that I work hard to embrace my creativity

Now, that's not to say that once I do have the flash of inspiration, the creative element of making the piece is over. That is just the spark- now I have to figure out how to create it. But regardless, there many times is an outside force responsible for the initial idea.

Once I am inspired to make something, it is as if I have this obligation to see it physically manifested... It almost isn't something I choose to do, it is something I absolutely have to do.. otherwise I would just go on knowing I wasn't living up to my potential. As of the past 2 years, I have had a true awakening, and all of my work now uses sacred geometry and symbols which transcend time and space.. I am trying as much as I can to embrace this creative force, and to harness its power, to take this unconscious force and bring it to our physical world, and over the past year or so I have really begun to feel its effects.. As others have said, it is an incredible way to live on this planet!

posted on Dec, 26 2010 @ 10:07 PM
I'm not so sure about the "spirits" thing, but I can offer this. I am a musician and I believe that music/art is the only manner of recording (to convey to others), an emotion. You can film visuals, record sounds, capture scents...but emotions are captured through art. Also...I use music as a release (or therapy) to help work through things I feel very deeply. Nothing else seems to work. I can actually get over a death or loss of a friend better by writing about it, than talking about it.

Cool thread!

posted on Dec, 27 2010 @ 08:15 AM
They dive deep into a dimension of something you may or may not be thinking about.

posted on Dec, 27 2010 @ 08:15 AM
They dive deep into a dimension of something you may or may not be thinking about.

posted on Dec, 27 2010 @ 08:44 AM
We don't know WTF all that is happening, our existence here really is... But YES! It is not just a simple little "you", it is a larger YOU, whatever the heck that is...

Even the good old Hildegard von Bingen knew that, but she called it God, we can call it Aliens, Ascended Masters, Spaghetti Monster, whatever...

"Tuning in" (by any method possible - music being one of them) is surely the most enlightening and FUN thing you can do on this planet and this form of consciousness.

I feel and watch with awe the wonders of this world, but believe no crazy ideas and theories about those (admittedly "mental", "affectionate") occurances, until proven with some scrutiny and credible methods.

But why surrender to meaningless repetition of commonsensical mechanistic existence in the meantime, if we can choose otherwise. It is not really like anyone knows exactly how we should spend our very limited time here.

posted on Dec, 27 2010 @ 04:28 PM
As an amateur composer i can tell you that there are moments when a beat just hits me ... for example i just sit in class listening to the teacher and then boom all of a sudden i can't hear anything arround me just the beat and it goes on until i write it down or memorise it.

Another friend of mine which is more of a pro at composing and writing songs dreams them and the next morning he remembers them clearly.

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 02:39 AM
reply to post by MathiasAndrew

When I was growing up as a teenager I listened to some rap music. The message I got from listening to that music was negative, usually about hate, anger & violence. Im sure not all rap music is bad and that there are those out there with positive messages. It was until I started going out to night clubs where I was exposed to different music such as house, tribal, progressive, etc. I then started to listen to that particular kind of music recreationally at home. I started to pay attention to the lyrics of songs, title of a song, the order they were listed on a CD, as well as the title of the CD. The first message I understood was that "music is freedom". Throughout a few years after that, I was starting to notice a consistency in the messages being delivered in the different songs from different artists I was listening to. They spoke mostly about showing love and compassion along with happiness, but also conveyed other positive, uplifting lyrics and rhythm. Not to mention with addictive beats as well

At one point I was tuned in to one DJ's musics and heard the same message being delivered in just about every other song. For a while I believed he was either an alien or an angel in human form. I then came to the conclusion that he simply has a direct line to whatever great positive force that is out.

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 03:17 AM

Originally posted by AlexIR
As an amateur composer i can tell you that there are moments when a beat just hits me ... for example i just sit in class listening to the teacher and then boom all of a sudden i can't hear anything arround me just the beat and it goes on until i write it down or memorise it.

Another friend of mine which is more of a pro at composing and writing songs dreams them and the next morning he remembers them clearly.

When I wrote songs 20 years ago I went into a trance for several hours. At the end, when I wake up from the trance, there was a 4-track song recorded and already mixed down. This trance could even be 4-8 hours per session.

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 02:59 PM
I did not read each and every reply, but I wanted to reply, as this is a topic I have pondered many times.

I believe that the mechanical aspect of playing / singing / writing / etc... is very mundane, however the practice of and discipline required to do so can result in a meditation state of mind where one is thinking / not thinking, and fresh ideas abound.

For me, the mind is required to calculate performance in real time, while simultaneously the not mind is guiding the general direction (or perhaps not at all!).

Anyway, I call it "Flow". I'm not sure about channelling ideas from greater beings, or the universe, as I do not have firm beliefs towards either matter. For now, I will be satisfied to remember that the mind truly has no limitations, and leave it at that.

Somebody mentioned drugs and alcohol:

I would be the last person to preach. I used to love nothing more than to chemically enchance my mood for the purpose of creation, but I did start to wonder if I wsa damaging my ability to tap into flow, or if when I stopped, I would lose motivation or creativity. Curbing these habits has revealed that this is not the case, but having a clear head is a better thing overall.

posted on Dec, 31 2010 @ 09:15 PM
I do think that it may be possible. I too am an artist, and in which i mostly draw dragons and some other fantasy creatures, but mostly dragons. When ever i draw a new dragon it comes to me randomly, i just let it flow out of my mind, and then i draw it, knowing i will always draw something much cooler and better than the previous drawings. You can view my drawing at:

Much appreciated for you asking that question, i never thought of it that way, makes you think and wonder of the endless possibilities, hidden behind the mysterious veil. ^^)

posted on Dec, 31 2010 @ 09:15 PM
I do think that it may be possible. I too am an artist, and in which i mostly draw dragons and some other fantasy creatures, but mostly dragons. When ever i draw a new dragon it comes to me randomly, i just let it flow out of my mind, and then i draw it, knowing i will always draw something much cooler and better than the previous drawings. You can view my drawing at:

Much appreciated for you asking that question, i never thought of it that way, makes you think and wonder of the endless possibilities, hidden behind the mysterious veil. ^^)
edit on 12/31/2010 by AlienDecendants because: SORRY FOR THE DUPLICATE POST

posted on Jan, 3 2011 @ 10:30 PM
reply to post by AlienDecendants

The poison gas dragon is amazing! I love dragons as well, and would seriously consider getting a tattoo of your latest creation. Nicely done!

posted on Jan, 3 2011 @ 11:16 PM
I'm not a musician, but I know what you're all talking about.
I've read a theory about the basic human mind creating by math basic principles: add, substract, multiply and divide (Take a lizard. Make it biiiiiiiiiig by adding weight. Now you've created Godzilla, as an example). But there's another part in the same theory that talks about a superior level of creation that's over the basic one: and it's inspired by... the universe and it's flow.

I am another kind of artist, not a musician or a paint artist, i'm a fashion designer, and I have tons of sketchbooks full of designs that had came into my mind on dreams or daydreams. Like i'm washing dishes thinking about what I'm going to cook the next day and "OH! why not do this? would it work?". Or back in time when I used to write short tales and I had very weird ideas (i was into surrealism) while I was working onto something else for college...
Or like the other day, I was at a cafe reading a book and sipping a cup of coffee when I had an idea for a story. Some months ago I started to draw mermaid like characters onto my sketchbooks and while on the cafe my brain just did the "click" of divine inspiration that created them a background. I took my sketchbook, left the book away and started to write like possesed, those creatures are alive now!

And for music, there's something weird with music, really. It's like when I'm really into something, my fav musicians start to compose songs about those things and it creeps me out, rly...

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