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Could it be that I never made it out of the Hospital

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posted on Dec, 26 2010 @ 12:10 PM
reply to post by xynephadyn

You people just love enabling each other...

The fact that he continues to think of it, indicates that hes the one fostering the possibility that he died or entered a parallel reality. Its simple. Stop thinking about it, and you will eventually forget and ultimately ignore it.

He hasnt done it. Now, hes completely "sure"

I would love to see the stastics for people trained in psychology-psychoanalysis and their rate of mental illness. It is unusally higher. I have two friends and another person who are on anti-depressants because they simply think negatively/obsessively, or in this guys case, IRRATIONALLY. and they all have their degrees in psychology. They are not fit in any way to be giving anyone advice. It frightens me that such people even have that power.

Too much movies/sci-fi novels and alien concepts being take way too seriously is his issue. He needs to come back to reality and understand sometimes - alien thoughts, feelings, or forces confuse your experience of reality. It can be anything. And a lot of the time a depression can manifest in the strangest ways, like creating a feeling of disassociation between yourself and reality.

Amazing how he says hes not depressed. But clearly he isnt happy with this new viewpoint he has of reality. And if he wont admit it, hes an egotist with a big imagination.

If i were treating him i would give simple advice. Stop thinking of it. Stop obsessing over it. Stop projecting truth and significance to the feeling. Stop theorizing what it could be. Its all delusion and fantasy. Not real.

And as for this "walk in" idea. I have read deeply into kabbalah and eastern thought and i have never come by this concept. I have read about impregnation, where another spiritual force or soul comes down to assist or threaten the growth of the soul. But in this case, the original soul doesnt leave. His body is his alone, and the only way he can leave it is if he physically dies. I would be willing to believe that perhaps hes possessed, and another entity is blurring his field of vision, or experience of reality.

posted on Dec, 26 2010 @ 12:20 PM
reply to post by sylvie

Well i was criticizing his matrix idea for another reason. In the matrix, Neo and all the characters take this world as the most evil illusion that they have to arduously work to get out of.

Thats gnosticism and a taste of its moral relativism for you.

But what you said, i agree. Those things are possible. Much more than walking on water is possible aswell. We can create with our minds; not something from nothing (as we cant create energy, but only use the energy already available) but something from something. An often used idea is taking a pencil in your hand and lifting it up meditatively to different degrees or worlds of being. It simply requires visualizing it and eventually taking it to a level of 'potentiality', where all that exists of the pencil is a raw unformed energy. That same force can than be brought down in thought in another form and when the process is complete, and you open your hand, you have a tennis ball in it.

Those things are entirely possible. What intereferes with their being done is our very low spiritual state. In kabbalistic thought its all explained. The name Elohim - powers, has the same gematria as HaTeva - nature. This is G-ds lower name. The higher name YHWH literally means 'being' and connotes the miraculous and transcendant level of reality. When man conquers his own nature - Elohim/Hateva, he draws down the name YHVH from above into this reality. This brings peace and harmony to the world; but also, mans complete mastery of spirit/mind over the physical.

posted on Dec, 26 2010 @ 01:48 PM

Originally posted by dontreally
You people just love enabling each other...

That's the line of the week, and here it's only Sunday!

If i were treating him i would give simple advice. Stop thinking of it. Stop obsessing over it. Stop projecting truth and significance to the feeling. Stop theorizing what it could be. Its all delusion and fantasy. Not real.

Excellent advice. As I wrote earlier, I had a taste of this earlier this year, and quickly determined that to spend any time on it would likely lead to madness, because obsessing about it seems to be key to finding "evidence" that supports it. If you just let it go, it will sort itself out in time -- if you're dead (or in a coma, as I postulated,) signs of it will become evident, and if you're not, then who cares.

Well i was criticizing his matrix idea for another reason. In the matrix, Neo and all the characters take this world as the most evil illusion that they have to arduously work to get out of.

Thats gnosticism and a taste of its moral relativism for you.

Ironically, this is reverse Gnosticism -- same dualistic concept, but backwards. In the Matrix, the imaginary, "spiritual" world is the evil component that must be broken out of, while to the Gnostics (and the Greeks, who they got it from,) it was the material world that was evil and needed to be escaped from.

posted on Dec, 26 2010 @ 02:45 PM
reply to post by adjensen

Ya i noticed that about it.

Just look at the guys who wrote the Matrix. Theyre as materialistic as you can get. Its a type of gnostic manicheanism. There are different schools of 'gnosticism' - but the most prevalant and popular is the materialistic - dualistic, relativity between spirit and matter one. The type of gnosticism that the elites adhere to is the type CG Jung gave expression to in his psychology.

Basically, there are gnostics who want out of the physical world, and so become ascetics, and there are gnostics who separate spirit and matter completely from each other. The body relinquished to matter, with the spirit involved in the philosophical/spiritual, regulated by a 'unus mundi' or 'christ' as he was regarded by Jung. A self which coordinates both aspects to the personality; evil being rooted in the unconscious (acorrding to jung) and good to the conscious mind. I of course do not agreee with this model. Good is a superconscious inclination, and evil a materialistic inclination. One is the drive of the soul - and spiritual, the other the drive opf the body, and material. One acknwoeldges the truth of unity, and the other destroys that unity to instead impose its own will. The Ego is the actor in this drama. The ego is not 'the source of good' as jungians idioticly imagine. The ego is impartial. infact, long before the ego learns and understands right from wrong it is essentially ruled over by his animalistic lower side.

In truth their whole theology and philosophy is one massive delusion because they insist on looking at the world in their pluralistic/polytheistic manner. As if G-d doesnt want us to conquer our lower natures to do whats good because its good. To be righteous because its right. And to show love and compassion for others becauses its true.

and if you're not, then who cares.

Im of the belief that G-d loves us, and wouldnt do that to us; not if we trust in him. But its true that there is ultimately nothing to worry about. G-d is one wherever you go. Whether in this world - or the next, in heaven or in hell, G-d can be found everywhere, because he is everything. Also, its a biblical and Mosaic belief that G-d really does love all his creatures, and wants our best. when we become conscious of that truth we have nothing to fear. We can trust that this world is real and the thought im having is an evil obstruction to my service of G-d.

So. Im an optomist. If i were in hell id fine some good or peace in it. Theres always a good to be found, and thats the secret of mans ability to understand one thing from another. We have to reject the static and the noise that works against us; and in order to grow in strength - like a weight trainer, one grows only when he overcomes some resistence. Thats why in Jewish thought Satan is seen as ones helper. His sole pupose is to challenge the soul and act as a weight by which the soul ceaselessly resists in order to grow in spiritual "muscle". This very idea connects one to infinity. Its not coincidence that the Jewish people have survived extermination attemept upon extermination attempt. Their hearts and minds are attached to the infinite. No limitation (Egypt in hebrew, Mitzrayim, also means "limitation" - hence the allegorical meaning of the exodus from egypt) can defeat them. Nothing is too heavy when youre connected to the source of everything.
edit on 26-12-2010 by dontreally because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 27 2010 @ 08:34 PM
I believe, that in this time-line, you are indeed alive and well. But that in others, like in all areas where we have a decision to make, you are still in hospital, dead and buried, comatose, etc. Your decision in this time-line was to survive and come out of it.

posted on Dec, 27 2010 @ 10:16 PM
I have had these moments,that make you question reality. And if i am really where my mind percieves me to be.
But if i am reading your thread,you have to be out of the hospital,unless your on a labtop,with the delusion of being somewhere else.

posted on Dec, 29 2010 @ 11:15 AM
reply to post by MrJelly

Feelings of not being in the here and now can be a sign of anxiety disorder! Have you been assessed by a knowledgable specialist? Good luck!

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