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Are our future generations watching us?

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posted on Jul, 6 2004 @ 02:12 PM
I once heard on the radio, this man suggesting the idea that one day in the future, humans have to invent time travel, millions of years from now or whenever. And that they would want to observe us, their ancestors, for whatever reasons, using time travel. He also said that perhaps UFOs and ghosts and other paranormal activity are our future generations 'covering up' their observations of us.

Does this idea have any credibility? I ask because I am a newcomer to these sorts of things, and to be honest, haven't a clue, but the idea does make quite a bit of sense to me.

posted on Jul, 6 2004 @ 03:28 PM
It could be a possibilty.
But then Ghosts, People see ghosts of loved ones that have passed away so this whole time travel may not be with say ghosts.
saying that If we were to witness time travel would we not have to build a receiver first.
Maybe there is more to this than I understand..
Hey anyone out there care to inform us other wise..

posted on Jul, 7 2004 @ 01:26 PM
Use the search function, this has been discussed many of times....

posted on Jul, 7 2004 @ 03:12 PM
Well, actually this is the best and most believable theory aside from the aliens. The Hell! It`s even more believable than aliens coming from outer space!

Think about it... If they invent time-travelling one day, what`s gonna be the biggest ethical priority withusing the technology???

To not intervene in the past, in any way whatsoever!

Any intervention -even if it`s just trowing a beer can in a trash- would be a risk to influence the course of events to extents that are never fully predictable by chaos theorists... as this beer can might help saving the life of someone important along the chain.

So for some reason they would need to observe us, and even abduct some of us and put some implants in out heads to obtain more information on us, but do all this without our knowledge. This would explain why these beings that are inside those UFOs never showed up in public. Perhaps the whole "alien UFOs" thing would only be the result of a massive cover-up, created by agents from the future that are inside the government and the media, in order to make people believe that these UFOs are not human-made, but from outer space, so the masses would hardly believe its something else. A diversion, yes...

Could it just all be a plot in the likes of that movie "12 Monkeys", where humans of the future go in the past to investigate in order to solve the problems of te future? Makes sens to me...

posted on Jul, 7 2004 @ 03:27 PM
Hmm, yes, that could be very possible. Or even more scarrier - we don't observe ourselves, other beings are. Maybe we do destroy ourselves in the future, in 100 or 1000 years from now. But after a long time, the earth recovers. Green stuff starts to grow again, the nature is back in balance, this time, without humans. Later, another race arrives. And they travel back in time, to study us...

Right... anyways, I have a theory about ghosts. Since I don't really believe in ghosts, I think they may be time distortions. That is, if a person sees person X as a ghost, he is seeing what may have happened if X never died. The only question that remains is - why don't we see ghosts everywhere?

posted on Jul, 7 2004 @ 03:38 PM

Originally posted by colec156
It could be a possibilty.
But then Ghosts, People see ghosts of loved ones that have passed away so this whole time travel may not be with say ghosts.
saying that If we were to witness time travel would we not have to build a receiver first.
Maybe there is more to this than I understand..
Hey anyone out there care to inform us other wise..

Saying that about Ghosts, have you seen the film "Contact" I say that film loosly meaning when she makes contact with whatever they are we'll say aliens for the moment, the Alien uses the image of her dead father to make the meeting easier so to speak. So, Whats saying that these Ghosts can't be from the Future but using 'images' of our deceased loved ones???

posted on Jul, 7 2004 @ 03:43 PM
While a little off-track of aliens...I just wanted to jump in here on the ghosts.

First of all, trying to lump all "ghost" cases together is a real misnomer...

There are many different kinds of phenomenon that people call ghosts, but there are separate kinds...

The classic "ghost" is the "spirit" of one who has passed on, and hasn't moved on to a higher plane, etc. heaven, however you want to call it.

There's "poltergeists" which are usually not entities at all, but repressed psychic (often telekinetic) talents of a child going through puberty.

There are "phantoms" which are glimpses into the past, rips in space/time, often these are repetitious hauntings (what's in my my staircase). These aren't actual entities, but are more like watching a movie back in time.

There are others also, but I think you're getting the idea....

posted on Jul, 8 2004 @ 06:31 AM
If our future counterparts had nothing to lose...were facing their demise....why not interfer with their past. And, how would we know if they were? This would explain some of the quirks around today, like alot of people remembering Mandella dying in prison...which never happened, or maybe it did..
I believe our past is as fluid as our future...there have been many.

posted on Jul, 8 2004 @ 02:59 PM
Some very good explanations there, although I don't like it when people just say "Its been discussed before, use the search engine". To be honest I have had a lot of trouble with the search engine and gave up with it.

The "people from the future watching us" theory may also explain the feeling of 'being watched' that some of us get from time to time.

posted on Jul, 8 2004 @ 04:19 PM
kevvosa.....try this book, Vistors From Time:The Secret of the UFOs by Marc Davenport. Davenport discusses the idea of future time travelers coming back to visit the Earth's past. Very informative and well written. Here's the ISBN # for it: 1-883729-02-5. It may be out of print, so here's the publisher info:

Greenleaf Publications, P.O. Box 70563, Tuscalosa, AL 35407-0563

posted on Jul, 8 2004 @ 05:31 PM

Since I don't really believe in ghosts, I think they may be time distortions. That is, if a person sees person X as a ghost, he is seeing what may have happened if X never died. The only question that remains is - why don't we see ghosts everywhere?

Actually, I think the whole thing about ghost is of a totally different matter. As all reported ghost do not appear as scientists taking notes on us, but rather as ordinary people of either very strange beings that just merely looks like humans, these phenomenons could jsut be the result of interdimensional breaches, rather than space/time distorsions.

It has been proven that other dimensions do exist. And the frontier between these dimensions can be curved slightly by light and sound (such as the laser experiment, or using ELF waves to alter EM fields). So there could possibly be some unknown and unpredictable physical factor that kinda bends light and/or alter EM fields so that we could actually momentarly see beings from another dimension! It would kinda open a "door", only temporarly to an invisible world that is quite the same as ours, but has different people in it...

Well, that's just an hypothesis, which I find very interesting btw)...

posted on Jul, 11 2005 @ 10:54 PM

Originally posted by Echtelion

Since I don't really believe in ghosts, I think they may be time distortions. That is, if a person sees person X as a ghost, he is seeing what may have happened if X never died. The only question that remains is - why don't we see ghosts everywhere?

Actually, I think the whole thing about ghost is of a totally different matter. As all reported ghost do not appear as scientists taking notes on us, but rather as ordinary people of either very strange beings that just merely looks like humans, these phenomenons could jsut be the result of interdimensional breaches, rather than space/time distorsions.

It has been proven that other dimensions do exist. And the frontier between these dimensions can be curved slightly by light and sound (such as the laser experiment, or using ELF waves to alter EM fields). So there could possibly be some unknown and unpredictable physical factor that kinda bends light and/or alter EM fields so that we could actually momentarly see beings from another dimension! It would kinda open a "door", only temporarly to an invisible world that is quite the same as ours, but has different people in it...

Well, that's just an hypothesis, which I find very interesting btw)...

With only theories and speculation mixed with genuine hard evidence, I dont' think the time-travel scenario holds much water. After all, there are at least 57 DIFFERENT alien species that have been catologued (source = Sergeant Clifford Stone [US Army - Extraterrestrial Retrieval Team] - 'Disclosure Project'). Why would 56 species care so much to time-travel to see the 1 other species' past? Really, should be EVERYONE'S bible and first-stop towards the truth, legitimacy, and facts of all things UFO..

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