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My theory: Liberal stupidy has alot to do with calories

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posted on Jul, 6 2004 @ 10:33 PM
I'd go for a dumb blonde joke, but I know you're not blonde.

EDIT: Neo-con who cannot admit that one has been manipulated so in defiance tries to feign independence. In the interest of fairplay:

I'm the one on the left.

EDIT: Took down my picture.

[edit on 7-7-2004 by curme]

posted on Jul, 6 2004 @ 10:40 PM
Edit: Waste of bandwidth

[edit on 6-7-2004 by TrueLies]

posted on Jul, 6 2004 @ 10:43 PM
Nice try Curme,

But your 14 remember... Remember that post you wrote or do I have to go find it... You lie like a rug!

posted on Jul, 6 2004 @ 10:44 PM

Originally posted by TrueLies
After that you can shut the # up as you add no intellectual stimulating thoughts to this thread not to mention any original thoughts.

You mean the thread that says that fat people are liberal? If I cannot keep up with the acumen that this thread requires, then I gracefully bow out.

posted on Jul, 6 2004 @ 10:45 PM

Originally posted by TrueLies
Nice try Curme,

But your 14 remember... Remember that post you wrote or do I have to go find it... You lie like a rug!

Please refresh my memory.

posted on Jul, 6 2004 @ 10:47 PM
This belongs in chit-chat , much fun just the same .... Crank up the heat TL !!

posted on Jul, 6 2004 @ 11:00 PM
This is all i'm going to say to you Curme.

Your a lying little worm, why would I say your 14? Because I remember reading your juvenile posts back a month or two ago when you first came on this scene and thought you were a tool, judging by your comments and immature "regurgitated" BS thoughts, I thought you were a kid. And then I saw you post being 14 or 12. One of the two, and thought at that time it sure explained a hell of a lot...

And now i'm going to put you on my ignore list along with a few other "tools" that add no amount of intellectually stimulating conversation or debate to the threads.

I just participated in your level of childish behaviour. There I said it, I admit I stooped down to your level to appease you. But it's alot easier to ignore you, which i'm going to do...
So don't let me interrupt you from being in your "groovy" mood, maybe while your feelin groovy you can go educate yourself on what a tool is.
Oh yes and it wouldn't hurt to hit the books so you can learn what a neo con is. you should be able to tell by my previous posts i'm far from that..


[edit on 6-7-2004 by TrueLies]

posted on Jul, 6 2004 @ 11:07 PM

Originally posted by TrueLies

So I detest that many American's that side with Kerry are going over their caloric intake and thus making them mush brains.

That's okay. Let's see, this holds true if Kerry wins the president elections. A majority of Americans are fat so I guess it's a good thing. Anyone but Bush!!!!

posted on Jul, 6 2004 @ 11:11 PM

Originally posted by oddtodd

No BigMacs , had the demonic red eyes right tho'
AWWWWW!!! took it down already? was gonna photoshop some fat onta ya.....

[Edited on 6-7-2004 by oddtodd]

lol, sorry, I like to show and tell for a bout a min then go back into hiding...
Keeps the mystery going, plus it just backs up my post about being fat... which i'm not so I can't say i'm intellectually stunted which is also why I can think of many ideas and post them. If you take a gander you will notice many democrats on this board post the same topics over and over again... Which brings me back to my point about them being parrot's, they all repeat the same things, they all use the same vocabulary, and their all negative, go look at the threads posted by em and you'll see what I mean. Unliked myself who is far from that description I just gave , as well as other conservative, centrist individuals on this forum.

posted on Jul, 6 2004 @ 11:11 PM

Originally posted by TrueLies
And now i'm going to put you on my ignore list along with a few other "tools" that add no amount of intellectually stimulating conversation or debate to the threads.
[edit on 6-7-2004 by TrueLies]

I'll digress as well, and sit on the sidelines and watch this intellectually stimulating conversation or debate on how fat people are more prone to be liberal mature.

posted on Jul, 6 2004 @ 11:17 PM
Anybody but Bush?

How can you say that??? If your going to vote for anybody at least make it somebody who isn't going to # up the country!

Kerry has been many things to many people. he's the Santa Claus for stupid Americans! He's said he'll raise taxes, create 15 million manufacturing jobs but he won't say what, he said that he'll create opportunity for the disenfranchised but he won't say how, he's sucking the black dick's in Chicago for their votes and even they know he's full of #... anybody but bush? This economy is going down the tubes if those two clowns get in office.
AT least vote for libertarian or nader...
Kerry is a dangerous man.....You want freedom and opportunity don't vote him in....

posted on Jul, 7 2004 @ 07:28 AM
when Clinton was elected the Republicans claimed the economy would tank and we would go into depression if his budget passed. OOPS!!!

TrueLies you are one of a kind. Showing your disdain and prejudice towards "fat" people is being a true conservative. Anyone who looks and acts different than "me".

Please young lady start reading and do it with an open mind.

posted on Jul, 7 2004 @ 10:55 AM

Originally posted by madmanacrosswater
when Clinton was elected the Republicans claimed the economy would tank and we would go into depression if his budget passed. OOPS!!!

TrueLies you are one of a kind. Showing your disdain and prejudice towards "fat" people is being a true conservative. Anyone who looks and acts different than "me".

Please young lady start reading and do it with an open mind.

Nice spin madman,

How about "reading" the post for what it is and not for what you want it to become... I know not all fat people are liberals, that would just be silly.

Being fat and liberal is what i'm talking about. How does one become a liberal?
My theory:

If you over eat/over induldge, like michael moore appears to do often, which leads to fatigue, which makes you not want to do anything, which gives you a negative attitude, which liberals have toward anything and anybody who isn't in their "clique" . Many liberals are sheep and follow blindly because they were spoonfed a bunch of bologne which leads me to say that if you overeat you become lazy and when your lazy you don't go searching for anything, and in this case you don't go searching for facts, you'll just believe any bs someone tells you because of your laziness...
And i'm talking about the mass liberal population.

Notice how the liberal politicians aren't fat?

That's because they are #ing with you, they prey on the idiots and promise many things to them that they know they won't do, but because they want in office so bad, they'll do anything and say anything ... Why do they want to be in that position? because their power hungry and want to make lot's of money. They don't give a give a # about you guys, they play on your laziness and your gimme gimme attitude... And they know you guys are too stupid to even come to my conclusion...

Any when they throw a bone to you guys, you'll take it, you'll eat it up... There's no objection from you guys, there's not one ounce of thinking from you, if those politicians say they'll deliver they will. That's as far as it goes for you.
Then you defend them to anybody who knows their full of # in the name of "promises to give me"...

I would love to give you a more broken down post of what I mean, but it'll just fly over your head... Liberals have no concept of anything except when it comes to the boogeyman or Santa Claus...

I'm going to use Al Gore words here .... " They play on your fears"

If you really listen to what they say about the other party, you'll notice a mass of it is really self projection. It's like reverse speech , the subconscious comes to life and is putting the truth out there for all to see... You just have to be smart enough to put two and two together...

Let me go find some examples of this and i'll prove my point.. .
Since i've studied psychology for a few years I have a pretty good idea on how the criminal mind works, as well as people with personality disorders, which many liberal politicians have...

But i'll leave the thread open for you to try and shut everything I said down..

There the Santa Claus for everybody that votes for em... "The real deal"

posted on Jul, 7 2004 @ 11:24 AM
for showing exactly what I was speaking of. You sit and ponder why liberals are this, and liberals are that. The main reason is because we don't want to turn into prejudiced storytellers such as yourself. You seem to have a very closed mind about things and fortunately we "liberals" like to keep our minds open for all kinds of thought. Even thought like yours mainly because it gives us an opportunity to feel sorry for people who act like yourself.

I guess maybe that is the true difference between a liberal and conservative. Liberals feel for others while CONservatives could give a crap about anyone that doesn't fit their mold.

Oh, by the way I don't know where you studied psych but you may want to ask for your money back.

[edit on 7-7-2004 by madmanacrosswater]

posted on Jul, 7 2004 @ 11:43 AM

Originally posted by madmanacrosswater
for showing exactly what I was speaking of. You sit and ponder why liberals are this, and liberals are that. The main reason is because we don't want to turn into prejudiced storytellers such as yourself.

Storytellers? bah, doubt it... It's really bad when i'm discussing politics with some people around a table over drink and then it hits me, liberals are so #ing stupid because, and then I go down the list... And sometimes I feel the need to share my theories with people. And yes I am prejudice against fat people... Why?

Many reasons... And i'm not talking about the one who gain weight for unexplained reasons.... There is a disease called obiesty, and it sucks they have to go through that.
HOWEVER, I am prejudice against the lazy assholes who a) smoke pot, munch out, get fat, and then feel sorry for themselves and feel bitter in the process and take it out on others.
2) The fat people who pity themselves, make excuses, and eat because they aren't happy... They are the lazy.
3) The fat people in America have a lot to do with fast food , the quick fix meal, the ones who drive through the drive through, unzip their pants and scarf down 3 big mac's a large fry and biggie size pop.
4) The fat asses of this country who just eat more because they figure well i'm this fat I might as well keep it going, it's alot more easier to gain weight then lost weight, and I'm too lazy to go on a diet so i'll just keep going in the direction i'm going.
There's more but I think you get the point...

You seem to have a very closed mind about
things and fortunately we "liberals" like to keep our minds open for all kinds of thought.

BAHAHA! That is the biggest load of CRAP i've ever heard! Do you sleep in donkey # at night? Cuz it's apparant that every other person reaks of # except you... Typical though, pigs don't think they smell like # either...
I have an open mind, and i'm aware of both end of the spectrum, can you say the same, because apparantly it's not looking like that from your other posts.
What I have a problem with is excuse makers, excuse makers are the ones who can't do things on their own, they need someone to hold their hand in the process. I understand thats why liberals are around to help the disenfranchised. Yes you will label the slimiest of the slim a poor disenfranchised individual who is in dire need of a hand. Understand your patriotism towards those people, good for you. however, I also understand there is a difference between REAL disenfranchised people and the excuse making a holes who are leeches to society that you also label disenfranchised, now I have a problem with that. I dont' have a problem with extenuating my hand to help real in need people.

But you guys protect the guilty, you protected a narcissistic sociopathic rapist when he was in office, you protect the lazy who pretend to be helpess, you protect anybody and anybody who can't lift their leg without someone's help.
And the fat theory of mine was half joking half truth...

I have a very open mind, just not when it comes to the aholes like I stated above...

I guess maybe that is the true difference between a liberal and conservative. Liberals feel for others while CONservatives could give a crap about anyone that doesn't fit their mold.

Yeah your right, we don't give a # about the people who don't fit our mold, mainly because the people who don't fit our mold are the people I just mentioned above.. We'll leave that job up to you guys.

[edit on 7-7-2004 by TrueLies]

posted on Jul, 7 2004 @ 12:05 PM
This is a wierd topic, but an idiotic conversation (or it least it has become so through the course of numerous post of little to no value at all).

I like to call them drive by postings. They have very little prep. and are short spurts of crap that rarely hit their target.

Oh well. I'd have to say that if we are talking about fat people in general, I find that the less educated, less intellegent, or less well off you are, the more prone you are to be fat.

I also find that the poorer you are, the more prone you are to be liberal rather than conservative.

So if both are true, then a case can be made that if one is poor or stupid (which generally means poor or reasonably so also) than you are more prone to be fat and more prone to be liberal.

I don't think the fatness and liberalism are directly related though. Being fat is an epidemic of a country living in mental opulence. Laziness of the mind is eating the core of our country, and driving us onto the slippery slope to collapse.

posted on Jul, 7 2004 @ 12:10 PM

Originally posted by KrazyJethro
This is a wierd topic, but an idiotic conversation (or it least it has become so through the course of numerous post of little to no value at all).

I like to call them drive by postings. They have very little prep. and are short spurts of crap that rarely hit their target.

Oh well. I'd have to say that if we are talking about fat people in general, I find that the less educated, less intellegent, or less well off you are, the more prone you are to be fat.

I also find that the poorer you are, the more prone you are to be liberal rather than conservative.

So if both are true, then a case can be made that if one is poor or stupid (which generally means poor or reasonably so also) than you are more prone to be fat and more prone to be liberal.

I don't think the fatness and liberalism are directly related though. Being fat is an epidemic of a country living in mental opulence. Laziness of the mind is eating the core of our country, and driving us onto the slippery slope to collapse.

Oh my gosh, that is exactly what i've been meaning to say... bless your heart.. I have a problem with sentence structuring and you hit it right on the head... Very good.......

posted on Jul, 7 2004 @ 02:38 PM
All I can say is:

The less intelligent states are Bush states...hmm...let me find the obesity chart too...I'll be back...

EDIT: Fixed the BB Code...aren't I sweet. Also added a "the" in there. OH MY! My obesity and liberalism is causing me to forget words....

[edit on 7/7/2004 by OXmanK]

posted on Jul, 7 2004 @ 04:18 PM
You are a conservative that I can relate to. I appreciate your input and "moderation". The world would be a lot better off if more had your qualities. I try to, however certain individuals do bring my dandruff up then I stoop ALMOST to their level. However, I do try to do it without calling names.

Good luck to you, my friend.

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