posted on Dec, 23 2010 @ 04:28 PM
I'm not sure if this is the correct forum to post in, but I have a question for all of you. Someone told me that Obama's name is in Revelation 13,
the chapter that talks the beast and 666. I downloaded some biblecode software and gave it a try. This is the results:
OBAMA 98 -1.445 1.132 Revelation 13:11.31 Revelation 13:14.114
THEBEAST 1 -1.544 1.032 Revelation 13:2.4 Revelation 13:2.11
THEBEAST 1 -1.544 1.032 Revelation 13:3.96 Revelation 13:3.103
THEBEAST 1 -1.544 1.032 Revelation 13:4.45 Revelation 13:4.52
THEBEAST 1 -1.544 1.032 Revelation 13:4.70 Revelation 13:4.77
THEBEAST 1 -1.544 1.032 Revelation 13:4.97 Revelation 13:4.104
THEBEAST 1 -1.544 1.032 Revelation 13:14.92 Revelation 13:14.99
THEBEAST 1 -1.544 1.032 Revelation 13:14.158 Revelation 13:14.165
THEBEAST 1 -1.544 1.032 Revelation 13:15.38 Revelation 13:15.45
THEBEAST 1 -1.544 1.032 Revelation 13:15.60 Revelation 13:15.67
THEBEAST 1 -1.544 1.032 Revelation 13:15.128 Revelation 13:15.135
THEBEAST 1 -1.544 1.032 Revelation 13:17.58 Revelation 13:17.65
THEBEAST 1 -1.544 1.032 Revelation 13:18.56 Revelation 13:18.63
The ELS reference is 49 characters between rows.
There are 13 displayed terms in the matrix.
The matrix starts at Revelation 13:1.107 and ends at Revelation 13:18.93.
The matrix spans 1960 characters of the surface text.
The matrix has 40 rows, is 49 columns wide and contains a total of 1960 characters.
There are 12 significant terms in the matrix.
The matrix odds are 1 chance in 2439381187779.833 in favour of significance.
The cumulative 'R' Factor for the displayed matrix is 12.387.
Besides all those 13s, that cumulative 'R' Factor is a little mysterious to me, but the help function said that an 8 means 1:100,000,000. What so
you think about this? Is Obama the anitchrist, the false prophet, or just in the wrong place at the wrong time?