I don't know what it is but... Well first of all.
Merry Christmas and I hope a wonderful 2011 New Year for you all. But, the older I get &
at this time of year, the more I think back of my childhood and Santa Experience. It got me to thinking when I compare it to today's Christmas's.
And then I expand that thinking about what Christmas was like prior to me being around and long before then. I came up with this:
The Great Santa Claus Conspriacy!
Most of you probably have visions of this type of image when you thing back to your youth and Christmas:
Or This:
And, of course, this:
This is the image THEY want you to have. To keep the children compliant and in line. We fill there heads with fluff instead of the truth. When does
it stop? Usually after a childhood friend tells the child that Santa does exist. That Santa is a fairtale. A way to keep them DOWN!
But, recently I receieved proof that a resistance that had begun long ago but thought to have been stomped out.. no... it lives. Not all the children
have fallen to this notion... this mind control... the insanity. And they are letting it be know!!!!
God Bless them. I present to you... The Santa Resistance Front!!!! Please support their efforts and keep your kids away !! What the hell is up
with these Santa's? Did the PTB slip a little when they sent these operatives in?
Not if I can get away you won't look....[atsimg]http://files.abovetopsecret.com/images/member/fad5215a0586.jpg[/atsimg]
We're Screwed:
The Little One just figured it out....He ain't no Santa
Ummm, excuse us.. could someone please help us!!!![atsimg]http://files.abovetopsecret.com/images/member/78ced662bf10.jpg[/atsimg]
My Personal Favorite: Mr. Sensitive
Well, I think you see. From what the PTB want you to believe and how things are suppose to be to what actually if going on in most children's lives.
Again I ask, Why do we do this (Santa Claus) to our Children?
[NOTE: If you have any creepy Santa pics-please post]
See you on Christmas..... Muhhhahhhahhahaaa
edit on 12/23/2010 by anon72 because: Title edit
edit on 12/23/2010 by anon72
because: (no reason given)