posted on Dec, 23 2010 @ 05:54 AM
Tin foil should be restricted to use on the turkey this festive season. I realise this may cause hardship for some folks on ATS but believe me it is
better put to use there.
To all ATS members young and old, new or long termers, mods and rockers (oops wrong era), and whatever your religions persuasion, yes and even to
Secular Humanists (like me) and the Unitarian Universalists:
I have been advised that in various strategic locations around the world props have been put in position to prevent the sky from falling during the
holidays so you can relax on that score.
So, enjoy the holiday and for a few hours at least forget that the PTB are after your 'junk', ignore the UFO that is bobbing around in the
viewfinder, there will continue to be seismic events that blacken the recorders all round the world (none serious I hope) and wisps of steam will
emanate from Icelandic volcanoes without causing an eruption (I hope
Relax with friends and family. If you have no friends and family with whom to relax then especially I wish you well this festive season and fervently
hope that you will make new friends in the coming year.