I used to think that I was one of those enlightened people. I would always talk about how much pop-culture sucked and how I thought I was so much
above it all. Now that I look back at where I was back then a few years ago I thought I was a purest, and that all these things that were on
pop-culture were really horrible and they were brainwashing everyone.
Granted, there are certainly a lot of junk shows out there like American Idol, or the Next Top Model, Seinfeld, or Friends, Full House, Hanna Montana
or these other shows that are about nothing, or Bones.. but like while there are a lot of junk shows out there there are intelligent programs too,
like Law and Order, CSI Miami, Dexter (I haven't seen it but apparently it's good), Doctor Who, South Park, and other shows that make you think.
I think with pop-culture there is a mixed bag of good shows and bad shows. First of all, it's not all about blood or violence. I mean sure there
are a lot of channels with a bunch of bloody movies, on TBS or TNT, and if you watch them obsessively I'm sure that you could maybe become mentally
unstable and loose track of reality. But, pop-culture doesn't make you lose all sight of reality.
A lot of what pop-culture critics think is that when you watch pop-culture you start to think that the movie world is your own reality, or pop-culture
is like reality and you need to act or think or be like how it is like in the movies or on TV, and that's what you need to do to fit in. I mean
yeah, if you don't meet pop-culture's standards of what makes you attractive you might get left out. But, like other than that... there is no one
set kind of way that you are supposed to act. No one expects you to have a TV personality! Not too many people go around killing other people
because of some game they saw, or some movie they watched, or some song they listened to... if movies, songs, and games made people more violent--
there would be a lot more deaths out there.
I don't think pop-culture dumbs people down. I don't think it makes people more violent. I mean yeah, sure it might make people think about how
attractive they look... but is that really a bad thing? Is it really that bad that people dress up and try to look nice for other people? Maybe they
shouldn't think about living up to unrealistic Hollywood styles of fashion... but I mean come on really... is that really a problem?
I mean, just look at what some of these people say about pop-culture, and you tell me, is pop-culture as bad as they say it is? I used to be one of
those and I thought I was above it all... lately as I've been in college I've realized I'm not. Now you might say, oh hey... you just sold out...
I don't think I sold out at all. I made my choice, and I happen to like pop-culture, and I don't think it nearly is as bad as the people who hate
it or admonish it say it is.