reply to post by zorgon
The idea of a hollow earth is one of the ten most astonishing ideas I encountered in 2010. I'm trying to create a top ten shocking revelations list on
my research journal That could be a thread -- top ten surprises of 2010.
Anyway, I'm going to just fire off some hollow earth ideas I've found, sorry-- no time right now to dig up all the citations.
Alex Collier -- (Moon and Mars lecture?) according to his ET sources, ALL planets and many moons are hollow.
It has been scientifically determined that Phobos is hollow or has significant cavities.
The Lemurian Scrolls -- interesting idea -- while mortals inhabit planet surface, immortal elite of planets live inside, sheltered from radiation.
Breath-airian physiology is possible (don't have to eat) because the closed atmosphere can be supersaturated with nutrients -- one is nourished just
by breathing. Flight is possible and easier because of denser atmosphere, and lower gravity (concentrated in shell). This source also says they have
oil that can turn stone and gold into putty for easy modeling and can levitate heavy objects with sound. That's how they do megalith joinery.
Check out the Legend of Atlantis video on YouTube. All sorts of info about inner earth and secret brotherhoods, explains ubiquitous entwined serpent
and eagle motifs found all over the world.
I was doing research on Mars. ESA? For some reseason, it was not possible to acquire radar telemetry of the poles -- (because of hollow cavity?)
You can find video of Jupiter pole which shows a wierd pixelated black splotch which continually changes size then, dissapears.
Digging for the rare, rare polar images of earth, I found a meterology site which shows a wierd black splotch at the north pole of earth.
If you look at Stereo vision of the sun- there is often an object at the north pole. Same for other stars. Found suggestions that stars have wormholes
exploited as shortcuts by starships. Perhaps this may explain the mysterious thermal profile of the sun with corona hotter than surface-- antimatter
contact through singularity?
MIT scientist said we must face frightening possibillity that the Eath's moon is hollow. Apollo era research suggested that a shell model of the moon
was appropriate.
I seem to have a dim memory from college geology that a shell model of earth was a pretty good model for seismic propagation, but of course, said the
professor, we know the earth is not a shell. But is it? Perhaps during planet coalescence inner heat repulsion balancing gravity produces a shell.
A YouTube source from Telos, the reputed city in Mount Shasta says their biosphere under the mountain works as follows. Electrical or cosmic
excitation of giant crystals produces light. Oxygen producing plants absorb the light, and produce the atmosphere. Voila - biosphere underground.
Entrances to inner earth supposed to include, north and south poles (Hopi? / native americans say there are guardians), Antarctica, Brazil (Manaus)? ,
under the great pyramid. Perhaps Tibet. Diagram on the web, copy also on ancientfuture - hollow earth page.
Again, apologies for the quick post, wanted to get the ideas out while the thread is till going -- holidays busy-- I'd appreciate your help with this
research! It could be a matter of life death. If 2012 earth goes the cataclysm route, inner earth could be evacuation possibility for
edit on 26-12-2010 by keyseeker because: (no reason given)
edit on 26-12-2010 by keyseeker because: add info