posted on Jul, 6 2004 @ 11:59 AM
Yesterday there were fireworks in southampton (they had them on the 5th because the 4th was a sunday).
Well, i was sitting there before the fireworks started waiting for it to get dark and out of nowhere (i didnt even realize i said it at first) i
stated "Its going to rain, stop, rain, lightning".. My friends laughed, it was clear skies, no clouds, sunny.. Well.. it rained 20 minutes later...
stopped... rained again 15 minutes after that.. stopped, and lightning appeared in the distance.
So my friends said that was wierd, so they tried to get me to guess the first firework color. I said green, it was green..
Just a couple wierd happenings.. Funny how stuff like this happens every day, and can no longer be attributed to chance.
Moral of the story: Only you can proove stuff to yourself! So many "odd-coincidences" happen to me every day, i've proven all I need to prove to
me.. Anybody else have these wierd little happenings, and the wierd BIG ones as well?