Scientists have no idea where DNA, the Code of Life, came from. But all life on Earth came from a code, imprinted in just one DNA molecule.
Scientists often refer to DNA, the Code of Life, as a Double Helix. The Code of the Bible is also a Double Helix according to its creator, the great
mathematician Dr. Eli Rips of Hebrew University.
To demonstrate this, Dr. Rips printed out a transparency of a page from the Torah with the coded portions reading, �Judgment of God� and �Mercy of
God, encoded in the same place.
He told NY Times journalist Michael Drosnin, �We�ve always been looking at a three-dimensional cylinder. We just unroll it to display the code in two
dimensions on a computer screen, just like you lay a map out that instead of showing the globe. But look what happens when we turn it into a
He twisted the transparency into a cylinder, joining the words together. The two terms intertwined around each other, just as the strands of a DNA
molecular structure intertwines.
All the original letters, of which the words are comprised, in the Bible are laid together in a string retaining their original order. A computer then
searches every fifth, tenth, fiftieth or what you will letter. Many are without skips in a linear or diagonal order.
The result is said to be the discovery of messages hidden in the Bible text.
Many have prophesied past events. Some are said to prophecy coming events, and you will be receiving many of these in future updates.
We draw your attention to this particular extract reproduced in the Daily Mail Wednesday 4th December 2002.
�DNA spiral� was encoded and crossed with the words �in Adam the model, template.� The clues continued. �Genetic code� appeared with �His gene you
will inherit to advance man.� Other encoded words were �DNA was brought in a vehicle, Your seed, In a vehicle your seed.�
One of the Bible code�s most extraordinary hidden messages came in Genesis, at a point where God tells Abraham: �I will bless thee greatly, and I will
greatly multiply thy seed as the stars of Heaven and as the sand that is upon the seashore; and in thy seed shall all of the nations of the world be
Coded within those famous words was an alternative narrative of our creation, containing the hidden message that our �DNA was brought in a vehicle�.
In the same place in the Bible are encoded the words, �DNA code,� � DNA Spiral,� �In Adam, the model, Template from a code� and �Bible Code.�
According to Dr. Rips, the chances of those words appearing at random are against very high odds. Dr. Rips is one of the world�s most highly
recognized figures in group theory, the mathematics underlying quantum physics.
The world�s most eminent authority on DNA is Francis Crick of the Salk Institute in San Diego. This Nobel laureate biologist discovered the double
helix, the DNA spiral structure. Over a quarter-century ago, he wrote his conviction that DNA was indeed brought in a vehicle, a space ship. His
theory was published as �Directed Paspermia.�
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trust the sender of this message.Crick argues that the Code of Life could not have arrived in a comet or embedded in a meteor as some have suggested.
�Anything living would have died in such an accidental journey through space.� The only possibility, he stated, �A primitive form of life was planted
� deliberately.� (emphasis mine.)
Now, 27 years after his Theory of Directed Paspermia was published, he says, �We know very little about the origins of life but all of the new
scientific discoveries support my theory, and none disprove it.�
But we must trust our intellect and what we see with our own eyes. The Torah was written 3,200 years ago. No mortal could have foreseen the future,
and yet the Bible Code has predicted accurately events that were to occur thousands of years later. Mathematicians have confirmed the theory�s
approach time and again. All readers of these Updates have read what had been predicted, and those events have occurred precisely as they were
prophesied in the Code, given names, dates and details as clear as if they had been stated in the nightly news.
Some information herein was developed from a portion of:
The Bible Code II by Michael Drosnin,
published by Weidenfeld & Nicolson at �18.99.
� Michael Drosnin 2002. Or ask at your local library.
edit: link added
[edit on 6-7-2004 by TrueLies]