The conspiracy here is that many think the world is only 6,000 years old. The fact is, She is a great deal older than that. Before I really go into
this, I want to tell a story that I was told as a child by my Grandfather, a very wise man whom I just worshiped. He told me that at one time there
was a race of people called the Titans.Anyone who has read the book, or watched the film, "The Odyssey," will recognize the Titans. The story is
popular Myth, and it is known that all Myth is based on actually truth. That being said.....
The story I was told is this:
The Titans pretty much ruled the Earth at one time, as I said before, there are legends of these Giant Creatures, and skeletons of them have
supposedly been found...
After all, the Bible does say:
Genesis 6:4
There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children
to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.
Numbers 13:33
And there we saw the giants, the sons of Anak, which come of the giants: and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we were in their
The historical account in the Bible does not say how tall the Nephilim were. It does, however, say that the height of the Philistine warrior Goliath
was six cubits and a span, which would make him about 2.9 meters or 9 1/2 feet tall — see 1 Sam. 17:4.
Giant Human Remains What Darwinian "scientists" do not want you to know
Skeletons Of Giants Found In Midwest Mounds
47 Inch Human Femur
Anyway, back to the story. The Titans were being killed of by MAN, and some went into hiding. At the last there were but five left. Very sorry for the
things their race had done to mankind, and the Earth itself, they formed a circle, and began to raise their Spirits to the highest level possible. As
the Spirits rose, the began to meld together into one Spirit. These Spirit Beings then formed a womb, and being in Spirit, they descended into Earth,
and formed the womb of Creation, and thus began the cycle of life and death for
man/womankind, and the planet itself. They became what is not known and called "Mother Earth," a sentient being of intelligence and creative ways,
as a mother creates a child within herself, using only a small portion of man's essence, then produces the greatest Magick known to man, the birth of
a human child!
Fast forward to NOW. The Spirit of Earth, the Mother, Gaia, whatever you call her, is alive, but very sick right now, and if one looks around, one can
easily see what She is sick.
Mankind has "subdued the Earth," and took from her many things, including, coal and minerals to power production of machines, then oil to run the
machines pumped from the Earth like blood from a woman, and the thirst for the oil became a worldwide thirst, and like so many Vampires the human race
consumed the oil at a fantastic rate. They still do. They still dig for the coal too, along with minerals that make nuclear bombs that can blow up the
Earth in one big mushroom cloud in space. One is left to wonder that these things, as Earth begins it's final destructive mode, one wonders, is MAN
grateful to Mother for all he has taken from Her? Whom does MAN thank when he eats the food and wears the clothes that comes from Mother Earth? Does
he thank Her, or some outside entity that He cannot see, hear, or touch, a being that lives in a fantasy world of fear and sexual repression, a
control freak who warns of severe punishment if MAN detours from his path of destruction, or lets Woman become the Queen of his house.
Modern Organized Religion has a morbid, unhealthy preoccupation with sex. For centuries, Christianity has had an exceptionally unhealthy fixation on
sex, to the exclusion of almost everything else
(except power, money, and the infliction of cruelty). This stems from the numerous "thou shalt
nots" relating to sex in the Bible. That the Ten Commandments contain a commandment forbidding the coveting of one’s neighbor’s wife, but do not
even mention
slavery, torture, or cruelty—which were abundantly common in the time the Commandments were written— speaks volumes about
their writer’s preoccupation with sex
(and women as property).
Religion produces great misery among its own adherents through its insistence that sex (except the very narrow variety it sanctions) is evil, against
God’s law. Religion proscribes sex between unmarried people, sex outside of marriage, homosexual relations, bestiality, and even “impure” sexual
thoughts. Indulging in such things can and will, in the conventional Religious view, lead straight to Hell. Sex made the Universe, some think and
theorize, the mating of a God and a Goddess made all of this. Somehow, this makes perfect sense to me.
From my years of study and research it is clear to me that Mother Earth is in Her death throes right now, and could, at any time, go into full
destruction mode, and end one cycle while beginning a new one, all in seven days time, just like the Bible says.
My question is, are we, Man and Womankind ready for this? Are we of the mindset that we are the creators, and not some outside God that interferes
with man at every step in his evolution? Are we ready to create, and occupy a pristine new world, free of all pollution and machines that spit black
smoke into the air? How will we act with a new world, having retained our memories and ways, will we change ourselves, or will we go about the again
destroy this once beautiful planet?
I have it very clear that in an instant we, humankind, will be suddenly thrust into Spirit Form. there will be mass confusion, some will wish to die,
and will call out the the mountains to fall on them, and crush the life from them, but they cannot die, a Spirit is Pure Energy, and can never be
destroyed. Many will wander about, not knowing what to do, or how to do it. Will we band together to make good things happen for us, or will we lose
our minds, and require programming for another cycle of some 28,000 years? We have but two choices here, we can subdue and conquer the Earth again, or
we can love and take care of the Earth. Mother Earth requires no worship, no sacrifice, and no rules. She only wants us to love Her, and take care of
as a MAN takes care of the WOMAN he loves. He does not "worship" her, he loves her, and would lay down his life to defend and protect
What do men fighting in war think about? It is not apple pie, I can assure you. It is the tender touch of the woman left behind. Now even women are
being sent to war. It never seems to end, does it. Kill, kill, kill. Destroy, destroy, destroy. Rape, Plunder, Drink, and be happy at what you have
Thanks for listening, this post was not designed to draw worship from any God, or to place one deity above the other, that is not the point here. The
point is clear. We have utterly destroyed the Earth four times in the past, and we have destroyed Her again this time too. When will we learn?