posted on Dec, 22 2010 @ 10:44 AM
The experimentation extends out on a subconscious and futuristic level. The aliens have an ability to plan events in abductees lives 5-10 years in the
future. An abductee can experience heightened levels of psychic ability and feeling closeness to God. The question is if psychic ability is related to
evil. I would think that mentalism, magic, psychic ability are not evil at all but abilities of the brain that humans don't use on a large scale yet,
so it all depends on whether the person who has them does evil. These abilities have been praised by the occult so for one to learn about them it is
usually from an occult setting. Some magician have been saints, I would not think that since magic opened your mind that we have a no win situation at
true enlightenment. The abductee can love the aliens simply because the aliens have the mind power, the aliens have a vast knowledge of emotions, and
as I was saying their experiments can go on a subconscious level. Through the expirement they may heighten the emotion, the outcome of reality will be
your choice but it will be much more tough, leading to increased potential (no pain no gain). The task of trying to prove that evil is not associated
with aliens or magic is difficult because of the evidence against it. Some researchers have noticed that methamphetamine would be the aliens drug of
choice, not for them but for us humans. This drug has been known to effect certain areas of the brain that cause distortion to a normal human reality.
From the actual alien stories, it is evident that aliens are distorted in a sense, as they would create hybrids of humans and animals, especially
cows. Are the aliens hoping to lead us to a schizophrenic state so we no longer have control over our actions? There is evidence that leads to this.
Based on their own inteligence, I just wish the aliens were not evil.