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Human Genocide: Cover-up Operations for ALIEN HARVESTING ? ! ?

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posted on Jan, 2 2012 @ 07:23 PM

Originally posted by blocula
reply to post by BlackSatinDancer
Its no accident that all throughout history,no matter how much our worlds politicians wheel and deal with eachother and perpetually lie to us,no matter what they say and do,their wars and genocides they inflict upon us,upon the masses of innocent people the world over,never stop and continue on and on and on...

All throughout history they follow pre-arranged agendas of control,domination and soul sacrifice to diabolical beings,evil gods who reward them,the royal bloodline elite world leaders who are all blood related,with wealth, secret knowledge and high technology...

We are their cannon fodder who never stop being killed...

We are their expendable commodoties perpetually annihilated...

We are their sinister harvests of souls again and again and again...

Whos next?...You?...Me?

edit on 2-1-2012 by blocula because: (no reason given)

who knows and i agree that much blood has been shed in the name of MANY religions and political beliefs, but faith in a divine creator often drives many to humble his own soul, making him see how truly small he is...and humbling it desperately needs, because it is not religion reaching out and doing things with it's hands... it's man.

These are the deeds of MEN.

edit on 2-1-2012 by BlackSatinDancer because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 2 2012 @ 07:29 PM
reply to post by Getsmart

LOL...this is a poor argument for me friend. If you knew "my" mother, you wouldn't say that at all. I am not convinced she is my mother AT ALL. It is something I always wondered. I hear your point, but poor argument for me, and with the wrong person.

I think, therefor I am..." The "I" has never been established, so it's doesn't validate anything. So if I can't even prove that "I" exist to myself, I can't go any further at all about a single other thing that "I" can prove, not even to you that I actually do exist when you are looking at me.

Hence my point of the post and him ALWAYS talking in fact, when he can't even prove he exists yet.

Then again, he has a tendency to talk in the extreme in his mind...must be a dangerous jungle up there.

posted on Jan, 2 2012 @ 07:51 PM
reply to post by crankyoldman
A 5 year old girl living in a german town in 1939 is "rounded up" at gun point and sent to a death camp to be killed,how does thats childs "free will" fit into that situation?...Seems to me that child was helplessly swept along within a situation far beyond her control,something that was orchestrated against her by her countries dictators evil will...

edit on 2-1-2012 by blocula because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 2 2012 @ 07:59 PM
reply to post by Awoken4Ever
I do not "really" know that my mother is my mother,or that my father is "really" my father...All i know is what others have told me,nothing more,nothing less...

And its the same example that can be used for so many things in life that we are told by the media,teachers, politicians,scientists and physicists...We know what they tell us,nothing more,nothing less...

And lots of people love to lie...

edit on 2-1-2012 by blocula because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 2 2012 @ 08:22 PM

Originally posted by blocula
reply to post by Awoken4Ever
I do not "really" know that my mother is my mother,or that my father is "really" my father...All i know is what others have told me,nothing more,nothing less...

And its the same example that can be used for so many things in life that we are told by the media,teachers, politicians,scientists and physicists...We know what they tell us,nothing more,nothing less...

And lots of people love to lie...

edit on 2-1-2012 by blocula because: (no reason given)

You are right about one thing for certain...we are told things as part of an agenda in many different fields. An example of this Grade School as well as in High School...we were always told that Gravity was a Force. It is is Space/Time Geometry and no one has yet to find the Higgs-Boson...and probably never will. This is an example of a system of education decieding to teach something in a simplistic concept rather than go into all the grey areas.
The same can be said of Geopolotics as well as the denial of actions by various Agencies of the U.S. with the sole purpose of creating balance and world stability....thus we back alot of different sides to this equation...and sometimes it blows up in our faces but most of the time it works.
As far as what we are told about this topic...I would not put it out of the realm of posibility...but then would be a tiny percentage and without our little bit of leverage...we would have no ability to put constraints on it so....lesser of two evils.

It is tough to understand why something like this might be allowed but then again...most of us are not in the positions to make the hard choices. I have had to make a few tough calls in my time and they haunt me to this day. I always think...did I miss something? Was there another way out that I didn't think of?

Now imagine how the people sleep who have to make calls that effect World Wide events? No Sleep!
Split Infinity

posted on Jan, 2 2012 @ 09:44 PM
reply to post by SplitInfinity
Tptb have and have had for a very long time,pre-arranged agendas and one-way guidelines that all state and government funded mainstream medias,scientists,teachers,physicists,archeologists,police and others must strictly adhere to...

They are forced to follow rigid and sinister thought and action programs that supress the truth and keeps away from the vast majority of us the real origins of humanity,the re-occurring cycles of natural and self inflicted disasters,government orchestrated wars and genocides,human blood sacrifices to evil gods and harvested souls death delivered unto diabolic beings,the sinister over-lords of this demon driven,alien infiltrated fallen world...

Tptb want our solidarity broken,they want our family structure fractured,they want helping eachother the last thing on our minds.They want the mainstream left alone and in the dark,only seeing what they want us to see through rose colored glasses as we are swept along by their iron fisted threats of forclosure,homelessness, starvation,prison and death if someone dares to rock their boat upon their ocean of domination and control...

They force us live our only lives perpetually worried about greed and materialism,so much so that the vast majority of us have been warped and twisted,changed from who and what we once were as a society not so long ago.We have been turned into work robots and money slaves posessed by temporary illusions that only wither and fade and return to the dust from where they came...

Any out of time,out of place evidence and artifacts,any eye witness testimony concerning human sacrifice,alien abduction,flying saucers,ufos,secret subterranean activity and other such nefarious and hushed up matters are quickly and ruthlessly kept out of the limelight,purposefully ridiculed,ignored and denied...

We have been dumbed down,drugged up and blinded.We are sheeple led so very far astray from what really matters,our empathy,our compassion and our love...

edit on 2-1-2012 by blocula because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 2 2012 @ 10:14 PM
reply to post by blocula

WOW! BLOC! That was a very grim post. I will agree that greed will always fuel abuse but I do not think that things are so dire. Think about this....although we have been at war...these wars are nowhere near the carnage that just 60 years ago...killed Millions and people have things better now than they have ever had it in Human history but not everyone is so lucky.

I am an optimist and would not have taken a certain job if I did not feel I was doing some good. There will always be Robber Barons and the like...but things will get better and better....I have faith on that.
Split Infinity

posted on Jan, 2 2012 @ 10:26 PM

Originally posted by SplitInfinity
reply to post by blocula

WOW! BLOC! That was a very grim post. I will agree that greed will always fuel abuse but I do not think that things are so dire. Think about this....although we have been at war...these wars are nowhere near the carnage that just 60 years ago...killed Millions and people have things better now than they have ever had it in Human history but not everyone is so lucky.

I am an optimist and would not have taken a certain job if I did not feel I was doing some good. There will always be Robber Barons and the like...but things will get better and better....I have faith on that.
Split Infinity

i see the point that things do not seem as grim as the past... this is true, but what if all of that is about to change and not in the form of madmen on horses cutting offf arms and legs but in the form of "let's turn our heads as the billions we deluded die in the oxygen depleted atmosphere... but let our armies make sure that only THEY are the ones who will survive. who needs more problems in a crumbling world?"

that is much more the human style right now.
so, in a sense, it could actually be much worse.

instead of just angry madmen, we just don't care enough to get angry about anything anymore.
edit on 2-1-2012 by BlackSatinDancer because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 2 2012 @ 10:50 PM
reply to post by SplitInfinity
The calm before the super storm,lulled into a false sense of security before the it really hits the fan,thats why things may appear better now than they were...

Think about what was said after WW-1 annihilated 25 million people,"we must never let this happen again" "the war to end all wars"...Yeah right?!?!...Well whataya know!...25 years later 60 million people killed in another worse world wide war,along with genocides and holocausts...

And in between those hellish wars,genocides and holocausts the worlds populations were plunged into economic misery and chaos.... Sounds familiar...Doesnt it?
edit on 2-1-2012 by blocula because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 2 2012 @ 10:58 PM
reply to post by blocula

This kind of situation is often trotted out to counter the idea of free will. The word "innocent" is also used - as if not guilty of a criminal act is a baseline for free will.

The answer is more complicated then the simple sided scenario you present. The soul matrix has its reasons for doing what it does, often times one's personality is simply mislead, confused, or programmed for an event that on its surface seems horrifying to the rest of us - are you sure it was a real event? The morality we are taught to experience is part of the problem; if there was no outrage over such events, but merely an observation of "well, that seems a curious thing to choose" then the feeding would not be as profound. It is the moral and religious outrage that helps create the feeding. Should people be numb? No, of course not, but so little credit is given to any other level of consciousness besides the obvious level presented and this is a huge limitation.

Further, this confusion over free will does not take away from the effort said controllers put forth to control us here on the earth plane. The system is so complex, it starts from prior to the arrival on the earth plane and continues via the myriad of programming: social, religious, work, media, monetary etc. All the programming is simply designed to get us to agree to not only stay here - we're a bit nuts for doing so, but to feed the system our fear/insecurity based energy at rates that are impossible to fathom. We do experience things here as well ; )

Earlier you mentioned the outrage over the abortions. While this might be a noble notion to carry, it is woefully devoid of the facts. Birth is a process by agreement, any of the three parties involved can opt out at anytime - there is no penalty for this, except by the moral rules installed by the controllers, as they hate opt outs. Again, choice is at play, three people get together outside the reality structure at play here and can change there minds if things look different during the process. What if you were, prior to body birth, told your parents were stable, loving people and their system of family would be a good set up; only to get a sense after a few weeks of gestation your parents were really drug addicts looking to feed off of you once you were born? Why bother with inhabiting a body when an ENTIRE consciousness is there for you to wander around in? Suicide is the same matter, at the most basic level it is a choice that leads to other choices. The controllers want NO ONE to leave this plane, and they have instilled fear of death as their primary weapon against leaving, it is also their primary feeding mechanism - the process of death.

Consciousness evolution is not a draconian process of life/death, heaven/hell, in fact the draconian's made up part of this absurd system to suit their needs. Consciousness doesn't need to be forgiving because it is all done in the name of knowing more about the all that is - you, it, us, we. Free will is the mechanism that makes it happen, otherwise one energy would simply trap another under a cup and everything would end there. Instead you can CHOOSE to be stuck under the cup, until you choose not to be. The catch here on earth is people can't figure out how to get out from under the cup without dying, and they are so afraid of dying they stay under the cup. If everyone simply executed their free will, the planet would be ghost town as you can have all this stuff here WITHOUT the limitation elsewhere, but here you get nothing but the limitation.

All of this programming exists inside your brain, it does not exist outside the body system in the same way as it does here. Your brain is the problem, it is programmed every moment of every day it exists - from cell one to death. All of that effort is designed to get you to simply act as a human robot who's purpose is to feed the system. You, from your own sense of self have something different in mind for you growth, as such the conflict at play for most of us. Outside the realm things are different. People who have near death experiences in which they interact with the soul matrix never say "wow am I a judgmental lunatic hell bent of making my own life a mess!" The most often phrase is, "wow, no judgment!" But free will being what it is, everyone is free to make their life a mess despite what soul matrix wants.

BTW, all death is suicide, all. You choose when you leave and by what mechanism. If your heart stops, it is you that does the stopping - you are not a victim. There is no victim death, odd choices sure, but not victim death.

You have two choices here, would you rather live in a reality governed by your access to your free will, or would you rather live in a reality where there are only victims and you are nothing but a perpetual victim?

posted on Jan, 3 2012 @ 09:41 PM
reply to post by crankyoldman
You've used the word programming so many times that i cant help but think of the fact that our reality might actually be a simulation,including you and i and everyone else who are also being simulated,we just think we are real,but in reality,we might not be real at all.We very easily could be three dimensional holographic projections created within the program of some advanced alien beings super computer.If so,random events and freewill,life and death are only illusions within our brains...

edit on 3-1-2012 by blocula because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 3 2012 @ 10:02 PM

Originally posted by blocula
reply to post by crankyoldman
You've used the word programming so many times that i cant help but think of the fact that our reality might actually be a simulation,including you and i and everyone else who are also being simulated,we just think we are real,but in reality,we might not be real at all.We very easily could be three dimensional holographic projections created within the program of some advanced alien beings super computer.If so,random events and freewill,life and death are only illusions within our brains...

edit on 3-1-2012 by blocula because: (no reason given)

you really seem to be looking at the glass half empty. not knocking you, just curious... are you ok?

I have actually thought about this and all I can come up with is be the best 3d hologram you can be.
If that is all you are, then that is your nature. I'm not judging the existence itself, just suggesting an approach to such a thought.

i used to think strange things like "doctors are really controlling me from afar"...back in my teens before i had ANY idea that it could really happen. It was just a feeling, you know... like when someone is watching you sleep.

Now I KNOW doctors are controlling people from afar and it doesn't feel as inhuman.... but that is mostly because i have lost A LOT of respect for humans.

posted on Jan, 3 2012 @ 10:12 PM
reply to post by BlackSatinDancer
Is anyone...ok?...The way tptb make us live,more and more,faster and faster,tptb and their greedy rat race that they make us all run is insanity in itself,so much so that if we were examined by a psychologist from one hundred years ago,he would declare each and everyone of us literally insane...

posted on Jan, 3 2012 @ 10:21 PM

Originally posted by blocula
reply to post by BlackSatinDancer
Is anyone...ok?...The way tptb make us live,more and more,faster and faster,tptb and their greedy rat race that they make us all run is insanity in itself,so much so that if we were examined by a psychologist from one hundred years ago,he would declare each and everyone of us literally insane...

I agree... i just meant aside from the everyday crappiness.

For me, this is usually where vengeance comes in... as well as rage against the machine.

But, at least i still have my hearing. *knocks on wood*...wait, there's no wood in here!

posted on Jan, 3 2012 @ 10:28 PM
reply to post by BlackSatinDancer
I was driven insane when i was in high school and my "tough" step sister started introducing me to all her really hot girlfriends who always wanted to be around her in case they ran their mouths too much,my step sister would back them up,you wouldnt believe it if i told you what they were willing to do with me,just because my sister told them i was an alright guy and let me tell ya,those days are lllooonnnggg gone and bitterly missed (*_*)

posted on Jan, 3 2012 @ 10:29 PM
reply to post by blocula

So what you are saying is that you just pick the best of all lies to run with. I gotcha

Happy New Year

posted on Jan, 4 2012 @ 12:23 AM
reply to post by blocula

The gnostics said it quite well, we are an organic life form - earth/humans, living in an inorganic reality. You are correct in the assumption that we are largely, not entirely of course, but largely executing programs that have been put into us. Everything we do and know comes from the earth plane matrix, at least in the personality sense. While this can be fun, we have an isolated experience that immerses us in this game we call earth, it can cause confusion and worse as we get turned around and totally forget that we are part of the whole; a whole that is not limited by the programming we experience here. Breaking down the programming is so key to moving past the limitations that have been imposed on us - challenging but it can be done. What we see now, the extreme chaos in the inner and outer worlds is the breaking down of the programming.

I would suggest the sudden surge in posts of this kind - a lot this week alone, is a sign that this programming is really falling apart and some sort of clarity will be available to those who wish to break free of the limitation.

posted on Jan, 4 2012 @ 07:57 AM
reply to post by crankyoldman
The earth itself and everyone and everything on it,what we perceive as our reality,might be nothing more than an alien experiment.It is very possible,that the earth "could be" suspended and hoovering within some super advanced alien scientists laboratory.Shrouded by a virtual curtain of holographic stars and planets and moons that they have wrapped around our world and our minds...

Superior beings from some where,another galaxy? another dimension? from earth? have made humanity a living part of this "grand illusion" and they want all of us to feel really small and helpless.And what we think we see, makes us think and believe that we are trapped here on earth,with nowhere else to go,but are we really? I don't think so...

edit on 4-1-2012 by blocula because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 4 2012 @ 08:05 AM
reply to post by crankyoldman
All death is suicide?...So the million or so little children who were literally forced into gas chambers, shoved into crematoria ovens and thrown into an open air burning pits couldnt wait to kill themselves,were deciding that those were the ways they wanted to die?

Even though their fates had already been decided for them by the political and military high command of nazi germany,who were orchestrating those childrens deaths from far away during situations completely and totally beyond those little childrens control...

Seems to me they were killed by evil forces,not by themselves.Thinking that all death is suicide sounds like denial to me,denial of evil,denial of very real evil beings that exist in this fallen world,evil beings that actually control it,who some call the demons of hell,who i call the insectoids and reptilians who live below us deep underground and they are able to seduce and posess our world leaders into delivering massive amounts of human livestock to them,human cattle the aliens allow to breed upon the surface of their planet and we are being harvested in massive amounts through our perpetual wars,genocides,abortions and suicides for our human souls...
edit on 4-1-2012 by blocula because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 4 2012 @ 12:50 PM
reply to post by blocula

Your hyperbole of death aside, you choose everything that happens to you. Death is not excluded. More importantly there is no death at all, only a change of form. If you don't accept this as fact, then the images you see in front of you are disturbing, but babies are not babies - they are full grown animating energies attached to a body that hasn't developed.

Try reversing the entire process, per the theme of the thread. There are a group of beings who have lived a very long "time" and who have not really evolved beyond the notions of controlling others as the best life one can have. Many more evolved ones have tried to "speak" with them and reason with them, but to no avail at all. Said beings still insist on controlling through killing, fear, destruction etc. - it is what they do. So, a group of folks got together and decided to try and help them from the inside out - skip talking, but actually take up life inside the killing factories and try to show said beings that they too can move on from the primitive point of view. The folks knew they could not die, but decided to play the earth game and pretend to die, in all different ways, in the hopes that being a more evolved player in the game that a few of the controller beings would finally get it.

The death thing is THE single greatest tool the controllers have to control people. People are so insecure about it they will suffer all manner of indignities to avoid it - that is the real tragedy, not death, but the self imposed suffering to avoid it. Again, look to what people who have been at death say - nearly all point to it being wonderful. Yet, ask anyone who has only "seen" death and they will say it is horrible.

Try looking at the reality that gets you worked up and say "hmmm, they are choosing that experience, I don't know why they would, but they are empowered and are choosing." Do this for a week, you're reality will change.

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