reply to post by NewAgeMan
This thread's author saw a vision that occurred all at once while he was watching the eclipse. For myself, the eclpise is given for the date 12 21
2010, or 12 12 12, but it was mostly the evening of the 20th, going into the 21st.
I was up for this with my children.
On the 21st I sungazed and was very alarmed and worried due to the black sun taking up my sungazing, it really surprised me. I have sungazed for 1
1/2 years now, often being called out by my connections and sensing Family to do it. I had seen that mural and now the sun loooked like that, and I
kept resting my eyes and redoing this only to have the same huge black sun occur.
I was going to write to a very knowledgeable friend and ask him about this. I meditate picturing a waterfall in the sun, and that is my special
meditation garden with a window to home/Beyond. But, I was reluctant to even picture the sun.
Then Magician's Apprentice shared this and as soon as he said it I told that the moon wasn't the moon for me. That my kids saw a moon shaped moon,
throughout the entire eclipse but I only saw this when it was red, I saw something that was stacking disc, pure glowign white, and it formed a Dove
for Peace and an Angel, then it arced into preceding white arches, as if they were going through different snapshots of this in "time" all at once.
When he mentioned his vision and the quake I realized, knew, understood. I also understood something else, this isn't about the bible coming true as
the bible is, for it is hijacked by those who love wars and hurting others. This is about seeing with Love and Positivity only. Being the Light
Squares. Our Family Loves Us. Is the Earth Changes all going to be the worst case scenarios? Can it be another way? Are we not in a duality
school? Can we not see with Light and Love only?
Can we not understand what Jesus meant by his life?
Can we not read things with eyes filled with Light?
I did a meditation some time ago, where I was trying to see a wonderful move back home to the Okanagan, and pictured a house, a pet, and all my kids
happy. I was doing a envisioning, Law of Affinity one.
What happened instead in the meditation was a sudden SHFT, in the twinkling of the eye. We all transformed. It was not about destruction or death.
It was not about the end!
It was about the SHFT to progression. Nordic ETs/Family walked in from the balcony and drew my older son aside. We were so happy. Even our natures
had shifted and we were all competent and highly capable but filled with humor, love, gentleness, all the imperfections and moods gone, overcome.
Edit To Add: What we need to do, with our families first, friends,and everyone around us, community, world, however we can or are led is, to make
amends with anyone who we feel hurt us, or who we hurt, ask forgiveness from all, we don't know past life events that could even lead to another
hurting us. We should be the ones to be grown ups. Never fight, walk away, put into Love and Peace. If we can pray, pray for the Spirit of Peace
and Love to be with everyone, in our hearts and nations, in the world.
To not value the world or possessions but pray and put all at the disposal of others as we can. Obviously there are differences, and children need
homes. We need to try our best to see with eyes of Love. Nothing in this matter, really matters at all.
The dulaity and frequency is that like is drawn to like when that separation occurs. That we need to renew the pieces, transform, learn from them,
ask for forgiveness for the train wrecks many of us make with our lives, and let go of what is weighing us down. The gravity, the shame and guilt.
Let Love in, unconditional Love can work miracles in everyones lives.
edit on 22-12-2010 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)