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A Truther Debunks no SLAMS Jesse Venturas show

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posted on Dec, 22 2010 @ 07:15 AM
I knew Jesse was a hack before I watched the show. But to have a truther slam Jesse this hard says something.

Here's the link.

A comment from the first paragraph.

is not just a slap in the face, but it’s a knife in the back that spends ALL of its precious prime time doing everything it can to undermine our credibility.

About his team.

Jesse and his crew of “investigators” (his “staff” consists of nothing more than a group of producers from various tv shows,

He goes on to tear apart ever aspect and persons appearing on the show. Reading this will warm the hearts of every truster. What does it say when the truthers can’t even agree with each other?

His conclusion.

In fact, it must have been hard to find such a collection of unreliable and discredited people to respresent the Truth movement.


Jesse Ventura is no friend of the Truth movement and it’s time we let him know it.

The truth movement is like a pack of rabid dogs going at each other. Classic!

posted on Dec, 22 2010 @ 07:21 AM
Can't say I'm suprised really.

It happens to the best (and worst) of them it seems.

My thoughts on subject of conspiracy theory champions being turned on by conspiracy theorists:

+8 more 
posted on Dec, 22 2010 @ 07:43 AM
I don't understand how when this dude goes on national TV introducing the FEMA camps to many people who had probably never heard about them before, plus some interesting points on how 911 may have been an inside job, can even be considered against 'the truth movement.' Sure he may be making some bank off of it, but at least he's pushing the ball in the right direction, getting the message out to many people who would have never given it any thought without seeing it on television.

posted on Dec, 22 2010 @ 07:51 AM
reply to post by samkent

It's a blog...
I could probably find a 100 blogs saying it was a great show..
He gives no links for proof and most of the people commenting disagree with him..

BTW, he's also an ATS member, not you I hope..

posted on Dec, 22 2010 @ 07:57 AM
I think the show could have been produced in a much more professional manner.
Why cant some scientist, the Myth Busters, or some respectable group address this stuff?
While I think the content Jessie is discussing is the draw, Jessie and Alex Jones seem to think kinda weird, in a non logical way.
They talk loud in an effort to self empower their views, which is very transparent on both men.
I agree that his crew of investigators are not too impressive.
Overall the show is a little too sensational for people to believe all the content.
Seems like another quack quacking at first glance.

posted on Dec, 22 2010 @ 07:57 AM
reply to post by samkent

Hey, read any good blogs lately?

The title of this thread and then the content the OP provides?

What a jerk I am to allow myself to be lured into such a bogus proclamation.

That's not your blog is it?

Hey, Merry Christmas all the same huh? To you and yours this holiday season.

May your New Year be filled with enlightenment and prosperity. I mean that.

posted on Dec, 22 2010 @ 08:11 AM
I must say that while I do not consider myself a truther nor a skeptic but just an American who can see through the BS of the official story. I do not consider Jesse's show anything indicative of real investigative anything. Sadly his show has resulted in walking between that gray line of truth & conspiracy without ever really getting to the heart of anything but touching on theorys already covered here on ATS. Matter of fact his storyline in a few episodes have resembled many threads which makes me wonder where they get their material from. The recent show on the Pentagon is an example. All aspects in that episode I have personally written about here on ATS in my threads on the Pentagon and saw nothing worth repeating after watching the show. His show might shake up the average sheeple should they stumble upon it while flipping through the channels but to truthers and even skeptics his show should be titled "Conspiracy Lite".
edit on 12/22/2010 by mikelee because: Spelling

posted on Dec, 22 2010 @ 08:13 AM
reply to post by CHEDwick

I thought the same exact thing about getting some more 'mainstream,' or less fanatical people on the show, but I think anyone with a successful career knows the best way to ruin it is to start biting the hand that feeds them, so to speak. I always thought it sucks how some of these conspiracy 'theories' are only ever spoke about by the crazy people, crazy enough to speak about them on TV. Doesn't do much in the way of validating these claims, but I think as time goes on It'll be harder to ignore as more and more families put their grievance behind them and start to question the facts.

posted on Dec, 22 2010 @ 08:35 AM
Personally I believe Ventura is in it for the money. Period. He produces each episode with the minimal of cost and puts out a second rate show at best. He doesn't care what results it nets. He's making shows about conspiracy theroies because that's what's big right now. Mostly because everything the govt does lately fits the bill.

Ventura doesn't know much of anything on any of the topics he covers; which he clearly admits on every show. For him to become well-informed about each episode would be next to impossible unless he only produces one show every three months or so.

Having said that, and in spite of his own agenda, he is providing some value to the general public because he's bringing issues to light that most of the steeple know nothing about. And because of the very nature of steeple you can bet they won't be going to investigate the background of anyone on the show. They are the ones that tend to believe everything that's told to them by MSM. So they are highly likely to actually see, maybe for the first time, that their government just might be conning them.

Lastly, if his show is so benign, then why did TPTB not allow for his FEMA episode to be broadcast?


posted on Dec, 22 2010 @ 08:40 AM
reply to post by mikelee
I agree Mike, it is 'conspiracy lite'. But, there is one thing that can't be overlooked, it's progress. The truth movement is not going backwards, as evidenced by the group of dupes that troll this site. They're yelling awfully loud lately so that's a good thing. If there's one guy in the US who isn't bought and paid for it's Jesse. Success in hollywood requires things that aren't really necessary for our mission, so I'm willing to take what we can get. "They" know now that this is not going to go away quietly, so I expect their attacks on Jesse's cred to really ramp up now. He's on our side so let's support him in any way we can.

posted on Dec, 22 2010 @ 09:03 AM
Governor Jesse Ventura is the most credible person that truthers could ever hope for. He brings more awareness to the topic than anyone in the movement. The truth movement and interest in it has been dead for many years. The exposure from his show has brought back and introduced new people to the topic. Without it; the truth movement would stay buried in blogs.

posted on Dec, 22 2010 @ 09:08 AM
reply to post by dillweed

But, there is one thing that can't be overlooked, it's progress.

Very true indeed. And thats good to prompt other people to delve into some of those issues who otherwise wouldn't.

posted on Dec, 22 2010 @ 09:10 AM

Originally posted by iversusvsversusi
I don't understand how when this dude goes on national TV introducing the FEMA camps to many people who had probably never heard about them before, plus some interesting points on how 911 may have been an inside job, can even be considered against 'the truth movement.' Sure he may be making some bank off of it, but at least he's pushing the ball in the right direction, getting the message out to many people who would have never given it any thought without seeing it on television.

What FEMA camps? I have heard of them plenty but I have not seen any, seen any proof they exist or are what anyone claims they are on ATS or anything from Ventura proving same. To me, the idea that he went on TV to spread that fear mongering, never proved anything about it, and people came on here and praised him as backing up their fantasy was what sealed the deal for me. It was an entertaining little show, not it is not even that. I used to really like Jesse but even the best of us slip down the hill a little when you get a lot of people standing behind you yelling "Go for it, just one more step! For the truth!" Holding up FEMA camps as proof he is helping scares me.

posted on Dec, 22 2010 @ 09:37 AM
This is going to be a 'control experiment' wherein the identities of those interested in finding the truth will be easily differentiated form the 'trolls' who's motivation is so puzzling. Whatever your personal feelings are about the Gov. are, ANYONE who attacks him about his investigation of this topic is identifying themselves for what they are, worthless windbags with a bizarre agenda. God bless Jesse Ventura.

posted on Dec, 22 2010 @ 09:48 AM
reply to post by Sinnthia

So I guess the huge "Family Relocation Center" they filmed with kids playing in a playground behind a gigantic barbed wire fence designed to keep them inside was a figment of our imagination? FEMA camps exist, that's undisputed...the only thing that's up for debate is the purpose of these camps. Were they built for altruistic reasons alone (a place to keep people during a pandemic/regional catastrophe) or as a way to control and exterminate a large portion of the population? That's the debate.

posted on Dec, 22 2010 @ 09:51 AM
reply to post by samkent

yawn. No matter what this guys saying, Ventura has opened a ton more eyes than he could ever. Once eyes are opened, people can start to read and research more. I first learned of the discrepancies around 9/11 by watching Fahrenheit 9/11... a movie fraught with inaccuracies and innuendo, yet I have gone on to watch many move videos, researching sites and reading much more on my own.

Also, the guy needs to realize that this is an hour long TV show, so it can't go into too much depth. It's a taste, that will hopefully make the viewer hunger for more.

posted on Dec, 22 2010 @ 09:53 AM
reply to post by Hoosyourdaddyo

Are you saying that you honestly believe you saw footage of an up and running FEMA detention facility with families locked inside on the playground? Why were these people in there? When were they rounded up? Why are we not in there with them? Why are half the FEMA camp locations put out on ATS COMPLETELY EMPTY PLOTS OF LAND?

Hey, that's all for another thread. If you believe you saw on television a currently operational FEMA detention center with families locked inside on that show, then must love "Operation Repo" I have seen some folks on their wearing feather boas too so I would follow them to the end of the earth. LOL

Groundbreaking truth about the dirty tricks the government is really up to presented by a wrestler on TRU tv, brought to you by Cialis.


posted on Dec, 22 2010 @ 10:05 AM
Hi...thanks for the post ...I noticed His program is constructed in a way that actually gives away the construct ...quick stop,shift,quick stop,shift to where we become fixed to the suggestions while never demanding he answer the previous post about him knowing ....sorry Jessie but you lost this lad .....S&F to op ....peace.....

posted on Dec, 22 2010 @ 10:07 AM
reply to post by Sinnthia

Fine, I guess I must have imagined the building where Jesse and Alex Jones spoke to two spokespersons from DHS, while kids played on a swingset inside the fences that were pointed in to keep people from escaping. I guess the sign that said it was a criminal act to bring items that can aid escape was also a figment of my imagination. I guess the multiple facilities I have seen that were built on old military installations are all just there for #s and giggles, and the legislation, REX84 and FEMA acknowledgement of these sites is all just a big plot to make them look evil.

posted on Dec, 22 2010 @ 10:13 AM

Originally posted by Hoosyourdaddyo
reply to post by Sinnthia

Fine, I guess I must have imagined the building where Jesse and Alex Jones spoke to two spokespersons from DHS, while kids played on a swingset inside the fences that were pointed in to keep people from escaping.

So the people you saw inside, what were they in there for? Why were they being prevented from "escaping?" Who were these people? Are you really telling me that you thank Jesse Ventura and Alex Jones for showing you a building in the US with US citizens trapped inside and all you are doing is sitting here on ATS? Why are you not rescuing these poor folks?

I guess the sign that said it was a criminal act to bring items that can aid escape was also a figment of my imagination.

What was the entire context of that sign in this 44 minute heavily edited show again? I have seen lots of signs on television shows.

I guess the multiple facilities I have seen that were built on old military installations are all just there for #s and giggles, and the legislation, REX84 and FEMA acknowledgement of these sites is all just a big plot to make them look evil.

What are they there for? You say you have seen buildings at millitary installations? NO WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Real actual BUILDINGS?

You just said you saw US citizens being detained in a FEMA camp and are doing nothing to save them. Then you say you saw a sign and some buildings. I am convinced.

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