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Sun wheels, fire chariots and winged discs

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posted on Dec, 23 2010 @ 05:15 AM
reply to post by karl 12

Thanks! I will have to check it out.

posted on Dec, 23 2010 @ 05:17 AM
Then regarding the "winged sun disc" shape, I again ask myself the question, what could be the reason then for why those people back then did create such a for them so important symbol?
Did they only wanted to imaging the moving sun with that, or did they saw objects in the sky which they interpreted and imaging as being a moving or flying sun and therefore gave them wings, and if so, are they also been seen in much later times?

Well, again, it looks as if such objects where seen and also described as sun like, here are just a few of such witness accounts.

BC Rome: In the territory of Spoletium, in Umbria, a globe of fire, of golden color appeared burning in the north with a terrific noise in the sky, then fell, gyrating, to the earth. It then seemed to increase in size, rose from the earth, and ascended into the sky, where it obscured the disc of the sun, with its brilliance. It revolved towards the eastern quadrant of the sky.

122 BC Gaul: "In Gaul three suns and three moons were seen." - Obsequens, Prodigiorum, Ch. 114

163 BC Formice: "In the consulship of Tiberius Gracchus and Manius Juventus at Capua the sun was seen by night. At Formice two suns were seen by day. The sky was afire. In Cephallenia a trumpet seemed to sound from the sky. There was a rain of earth. A windstorm demolished houses and laid crops flat in the field. By night an apparent sun shone at Pisaurum." - Obsequens, Prodigiorum, Ch 114

BC China: The, Hsui-nan-tzu, a Chinese classic there is a description of ten suns appearing in the sky.

Erfurt, Prussia: Two burning suns were observed. The report says that a great burning beam then landed, took off again and then became circular in shape.

Two burning suns were seen at Erfurt, Prussia. Then a great 'burning beam’ landed suddenly. It took off again into the sky, where it became circular in shape.

• England: The scientist Tiberius Cavallo was a witness to a sighting that also stunned Royal guests at a celebration to mark the birth of the 15th son of King George 111 and Queen Charlotte! A luminous object appeared from beneath a cloud and soon became brilliantly lit before coming to a halt. According To Cavallo"s account of the incident: "This strange sphere seemed at first to be pale blue in colour, but its luminosity increased and soon it set off again towards the east." Even though the sun was shining the object is said to have lit up everything on the ground and eventually disappeared with a terrific explosion!

Edinburgh: A bright fireball light like the sun was seen traveling horizontally through the sky at. It dropped a little, then rose again, bursting behind a cloud.

• England, Devon: A Colonel Marwick reported a sighting of numerous 'highly colored objects like little suns or toy balloons.

• Korea: “Three objects appeared beneath the clouds, their color a rather bright red. As they approached the ship they appeared to soar, passing above the broken clouds. After rising above the clouds they appeared to be moving directly away from the earth. The largest had an apparent area of about six suns. It was egg-shaped, the larger end forward. The second was about twice the size of the sun, and the third, about the size of the sun. Their near approach to the surface appeared to be most remarkable. That they did come below the clouds and soar instead of continuing their southeasterly course is also curious. The lights were in sight for over two minutes and were carefully observed by three people whose accounts agree as to the details." A sighting by the U.S.S. Supply off of the eastern coast of Korea, as reported by then Lt. Frank H. Schofield, later to become Commander-in-Chief of the Pacific Fleet.

1951 Project Blue Book Unknowns
USA, New Mexico, Gallup: I was on the air at radio station KGAK in Gallup, New Mexico, just prior to the 8 a.m. news during November of 1951 and I got a call on the phone. A voice said Would you look toward the southeast and see if you see what those of us up on the mountainside see? I put on a long record...and I looked toward the southeast over the mountains (just before sunrise). There were five objects and...I had never seen a jet airplane in those days...with the flame out of the back. This is what they looked like...a cigar would kind of describe it. They were elongated objects, was almost as if they were in formation moving in place in this formation...on a horizontal plane...not much vertical motion. I had to run back...get another record on...(give) five minutes of news...(I mentioned) it on the air...went back out and looked. The sun had come up by then and it was the exact color that these objects were, but the objects were gone. Later...I got to thinking a disc-shaped object, if it were metallic, could have reflected the sun in this elongated pattern...certainly a presumption on my part. There was a military radar post about 20 or 30 miles east of Gallup at that time... and I thought it was some kind of a military thing because the White Sands Proving Grounds were to the southeast of us quite a few miles away.

edit on 23/12/10 by spacevisitor because: Made a correction

posted on Dec, 23 2010 @ 06:20 AM
Thanks for all the awesome posts folks.

This ancient Iranian Santa Claus Dude looks like he was up to something, we just dont know what...(unless we believe the ancients who say he was a flying sky-god).


edit on 2-1-2011 by Skyfloating because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 23 2010 @ 07:10 AM

Originally posted by Ghost374
Of course SUN wheels will be all over the world, because everybody can see the SUN. Anyone who thinks that these represent alien spacecraft and not the sun is dumber than a rock.

Come now, must you be so insulting? You claim we are "dumber than a rock" for believing there is more to ancient art and history than simple metaphors and analogies but I think, if anything, you are about as open-minded as a rock. Perhaps if you did your own research, maybe even pay attention to the OP's post and the evidence he has spent some time and effort presenting to us you might start making connections of your own.

posted on Dec, 23 2010 @ 07:46 AM
Did anyone consider that Mercury is the winged disc?
Look at Hermes winged feet.

The Sun wheel represents time.

the Celtic cross is the cross of Thoth.

Thoth = Mercury = Hermes = Nabu = Osiris.

The Celtic cross represents the tree of life.
The Celtic Cross represents Adam and Eve.

Adam and Eve = Mercury and Venus = Osiris and Isis

The tree of life represents the great year (also time, this is why the wheel and the disc conform)

The flying contraptions used Mercury.

So many levels, so multifaceted

posted on Dec, 23 2010 @ 08:50 AM
reply to post by Pimander

Here is another Site about it ! The Celtic Cross as a Navigation tool a Surveyor Astronomical Device and to Tell time Who knows as Crichton said he Discovered not invented from many years of research and Filed a Patent and received it ..

Ironically it sorta looks like The Antikythera mechanism could there be a connection ?

and a Connection of the Ley Lines also ?

Interesting in deed!

The Working Celtic Cross

By Crichton E M Miller

Well if you think about it if Modern Man as Been on this earth Scientist ( 250,000 years) Vs Creationist (biblical) 6 - 7 thousand years ? You Would Think we Should be far more Advance! than we are

From Turn of the Century Industrial Revolution! to Now ,, Look Just in How Far Advanced We Are and that is just a Little Over 100 years ! Yet we have Only been on this Planet (Modern Humans) 200,000 + Years !
There must of been some Advancement Somewhere Unfortunately as i have said it and ill say again Of all the Ancient Anomaly's On Earth ... There Was One Place that could of Explained Most of it.. As im Convinced as One Piece of Evidence is the Piri Reis Map.. as there was Ancient Maps that were Used to make Admiral Piri Reis's Map that were Originally from the Library of Alexandria and were claimed to be over 2,000 year old Copies in his Time .., The Library of Alexandria ... what Wonders did it Hold! ? Was it all Lost from a Fire! ? To bad they didn't think of making Backups or DID They ?

World (Piri Reis Map )

Library of Alexandria discovered
By Dr David Whitehouse
BBC News Online science editor

it was at the library that Archimedes invented the screw-shaped water pump that is still in use today. At Alexandria Eratosthenes measured the diameter of the Earth, and Euclid discovered the rules of geometry. Ptolemy wrote the Almagest at Alexandria. It was the most influential scientific book about the nature of the Universe for 1,500 years.


Now if Only Religion Can Stop Getting in the Way of Rational Thinking as Prior to The Industrial Revolution I wonder how Far Advanced we Would of Been

Are We are the Aliens ! Well a Part of them ! Hybrid ? at Least...

a Little Of Topic but If We are not them ! and Were Created! by Some Supreme Being We Should Not have any Genetic Flaw's I Would Think IMO .. if We are 6,000 to 200,000
years Old and we Should not not have any Useless or Unexplainable Factual Reasoning Body parts
Top 10 "Useless" Organs (Science Channel)

Useless Body Parts

What do we need sinuses for, anyway?
by Jocelyn Selim, Photography by Max Aguilera-Hellweg

From the June 2004 issue; published online June 26, 2004 (Page one) (Page two)

29+ Evidences for Macroevolution
Part 1:
The Unique Universal Phylogenetic Tree
Copyright © 1999-2004 by Douglas Theobald, Ph.D.

posted on Dec, 23 2010 @ 09:01 AM

Originally posted by Kandinsky
Hiya Sky. No doubt the thread will generate scores of flags and an overwhelming level of agreement with the notion that all these symbols were flying devices and space craft.

Naturally, I'm opposed to the idea of ancient astronauts or even 'lost advanced technology.' We have no evidence of the infrastructure needed to build machines at any point or location in ancient history. Things that fly need engines or power sources. They need metal presses, steel and alloy foundries, lathes, and machines to build nuts, bolts and washers. They need factories of one size or other. Another point is that the civilisation that creates them would need to face great catastrophe in order to lose the machines and all that knowledge. Your contention would need earth-shattering events that removed the knowledge from all the civilisations you suggest had these machines. Such a series of events, spread across continents and a period of some thousands of years would need to erase all the evidence and then erase evidence of itself.

Alternatively, the objects and symbols in your images are actually what they are claimed to be...sun symbols. The sun has always been very important to humans, being both a source of heat and way of measuring time and seasons. As we developed agriculturally, it also grew in importance. It's no surprise that we have tried to capture the qualities of the sun in objects and images. A lot of these have become stylised and specific to regions and cultures. The 'winged disc' was shared by Egyptians, Assyrians and the Sumerians with the wings representing the vaults of the skies iirc.

I guess the 'abridged version' of my argument is this; either we were flying around in stuff for thousands of years or these symbols are representations of the Sun.

I don't think that the author is implying that these were like cars and everyone had one. Only the "gods" had them. The sun doesn't put off smoke or make thunder type sounds upon breaking sound barriers. No one would discribe the sun in this manner as it is a silent helper.
My theory is this: From my studies it is told that their have been four worlds "eras," this being the fourth. Each era has had the creation phase leading the way to a destruction phase. Who is to say that a small area of the world survived these catastrophies and carried on with vital technologies. They could store away technology and many other aspects of their lives by having the knowledge of what would happen. I read a quote that made the point; technology that is super advanced can be interperated as "magic." My theory is these are the people who presented themselves to the surviving races as gods.
It makes sense to me. These guys monitor the rebudding population (most likely areas that were underdeveloped with ignorant populations would be the ones to be spared, hence no knowledge transferrence) and present themselves when the numbers begin to get too large.
The people from the sky are always refered to as pale skin and very tall. I think it's some arian race sect (the one that runs the world) that would be holed up somewhere safe like the City State of London or somewhere even more remote and secure. Possibly deep underground. Anyway, they could fly down to the ancients and step out as a god and be believed (a 6'4" white guy would be imposing as hell to a group of 5'3" indians). They then teach them the ways to advance their culture under the leadership of these new people "entities or gods"
I could keep going on and on about the thoughts I have put into this subject.
My last example to kind of some it up is: Enoch the Sumarian that was taken by the "gods" to their planet to be "trained." I think he (being ignorant) boarded a plane, of some kind, with one of these fellas and they flew him to a base and he started being tutored by more white (pale/tall/bearded) guys than just the one that picked him up (he spoke of diffent gods having different expertise to teach him). Then they flew him back home and told him he had been to their planet with him being non the wiser.

posted on Dec, 23 2010 @ 09:14 AM

Originally posted by jonnyc55
It's so obvious they were trying to worship the 'UFO', because to them the UFO would look like a being of God because of its technology was cosmically superior to anything in them days and they still are to this day.

If the Wright brothers didn't invent flying we would of still looked at UFO's as the same importance as the ancient man did.

This is a bit off topic but i believe Jesus was an alien. His intelligence would of astonished the simple folk of his time, so much they wanted to document his words(bible).

edit on 23-12-2010 by jonnyc55 because: (no reason given)

My Response

how GOD and Religion created?

Maybe the Sumerian Assyrian Egyptians & Pre Columbian's Saw the Same thing ! what the Video Shows

Show this to all the people of the World Civilized or Primitive and they Would Probably Know it as a Angel , Holy Being ! Gods from the Sky Fairy or a Winged Demon


posted on Dec, 23 2010 @ 11:25 AM
I love how some people think this way: Of course SUN wheels will be all over the world, because everybody can see the SUN. Anyone who thinks that these represent alien spacecraft and not the sun is dumber than a rock.

Anyone who has done even the slightest bit of research into the Ancient Alien situation realizes that it's blatantly obvious that these ancient gods were aliens, there's just too much information to ignore. It's actually pretty sad when people can't see this because it's usually because they're just too lazy to look into the large amount of information. So did all of these ancient cultures just like to sacrifice people by cooking them and feeding them to the sun? These ancient Gods literally ate us, we were just LULUs to them, I don't think an ancient people would anthropomorphise the sun so hard that they would kill people for it, maybe people as stupid and delusional as Christians, but anyone with common sense realizes these sacrifices were to feed the Gods, not appease them. Getting away from that, what about the Ark of the Covenant, what about all of it's energy and destructive capabilities, unless you were wearing the proper gold and silver laced clothing. What about all the people who went up to "Heaven" and talked to Gods and demi-gods, what about Gilgamesh screwing up his fuel rods and having to go get the punting poles. What about Enoch being taken up into space/heaven and becoming god-like and becoming Metatron, who judges over the Fallen Angels. What about the Fallen Angels, or the classic concept of Gods having sex with women, or extremely horny gods like Zeus. What about "dreaming" angels going up and down a ladder from Heaven to Earth? Or the Tower of Babel which was them building a space ship to "reach heaven"? What about the vehicles that these gods constantly traveled in? Are those just representations of divine-ness? Or are they literally the vehicles of the Gods, like they clearly state? What about ancient Indian documents telling us how to build a mercury engine for a flying saucer? How about the very tall Reptilian who stands on two legs, has wings, and talks back to God in the Garden of Eden? How about the Hopi's Lost White Brother? Or the Pueblo's Kachinas? What about the fight between the ancient Nagas and Garuda? Or how about Quetzalcoatl and Kukulcan being shown as giant white men who can transform into feathered Reptilians? How about Virachoca, a white guy who spread culture throughout the Americas? How about lowering those Easter Island heads down 40-50 feet below on a cliff edge? How about Stonehenge showing us that eclipses happen in cycles? What about Gobekli Tepe being created when we were just out of the Cave men stage? How about the global recognition of flying, fiery, serpents? Or flying discs with Sun Gods? How about the flying chariots for land based cultures, and the flying canoes or ships for those cultures who traveled on water? What about the ridiculous amount of construction which the ancients took part in that we still can't accomplish today, you know, the ones built by levitating the stones? How about Manna, the pillar of cloud, and the pillar of fire? How about the teraphim that allowed you to talk to people throughout the planet, but also be taught through them by people on other planets? How about the ephods which allowed people to get yes or no questions answered by God? What about the Sumerians clearly telling us we were created by the Gods to do their work for them? Or the Popul Vuh clearly talking about the Gods creating us too Godly, then lowering us down to our current level? What about the global concept of the gods creating man, mating with the women, creating demi-god giants who were the heroes and the villains of old, screwing everything up, having the flood kill most everyone, then rebuilding civilization with the help of the Gods?

If you don't believe the ancient alien truth, then I challenge you to do more research, there's just no way anyone with a truly open mind couldn't see this truth. There are plenty of books out there with specific information, I just finished reading Flying Serpents and Dragons by R.A. Boulay, it's quite informative, though he missed the truth on a few matters, like the fact that there is so much evidence for these fiery-flying serpents, that he believes all the gods of old were Reptilian, though many were, most were Humans, Reptilians, and hybrids between the two. I would suggest watching Ancient Aliens if you don't know much about this subject, it's a great place to start. Here's what we have as options, either God snapped his fingers and everything came into being just as it is, or swirling gasses and determined single-celled organisms managed to create everything very slowly (even though this doesn't explain Cro-Magnon), or ancient aliens came here for some resources because they needed gold for their depleting atmosphere, they got tired of doing all the work, so they took the monkey men and gave them a DNA upgrade, these beings were then our Gods, they left after they screwed everything up, but some bad guys stuck around and continued trying to enslave us, while good guys stuck around and monitored our progress while keeping the bad guys mostly at bay. It's very clear that the Christian idea of creation is ludicrous (even though all of their stuff was stolen from ancient cultures, then vetted to remove all the truth) and it's quite clear that evolution doesn't explain Cro-Magnon man's sudden appearance and domination, but the Ancient Alien theory actually can answer every "unanswerable" question there is, it literally explains everything.

posted on Dec, 23 2010 @ 11:51 AM
reply to post by NightFlight

I am starting to believe in universal balance - correct vibration and a need for the earth to stay within these boundaries. Everything is built like Hoagland said at 19.5, pyramids and architecture all across the earth grid to keep our planet in line. Our ancient races learned this - were taught this, and that is why we are finding more and more hidden/ancient pyramids across the grid.

These beings have warned us - turned off the contact/control for nuclear missiles, it has been documented around the world by those who are in charge of maintaining them - they have made it clear to watch ourselves and what we are doing with our weapons and war.

They could have destroyed us if they wanted to - there is a reason we are all still here. But, cross a line and it would not be difficult to wipe the earth clean - again!

As a "personal" witness to these craft, their speed, their maneuvering I can tell for a "FACT" that they are not from here, they are from somewhere else - very much older/intelligent than us and have been monitoring what we are doing from the start. And if these visitors/grays are "programmed artificial beings" what does that say - that something can land and contact influence/contact us and they are bio/artificial beings?

We need to step back - forget everything and clear our minds - something is here - something is warning us but yet - we go full steam ahead into hate and destroying ourselves.

And how many times have we repeated this process?
edit on 23-12-2010 by arizonascott because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 23 2010 @ 11:58 AM

Originally posted by arizonascott
reply to post by NightFlight

I am starting to believe in universal balance - correct vibration and a need for the earth to stay within these boundaries. Everything is built like Hoagland said at 19.5, pyramids and architecture all across the earth grid to keep our planet in line. Our ancient races learned this - were taught this, and that is why we are finding more and more hidden/ancient pyramids across the grid.

These beings have warned us - turned off the contact/control for nuclear missiles, it has been documented around the world by those who are in charge of maintaining them - they have made it clear to watch ourselves and what we are doing with our weapons and war.

They could have destroyed us if they wanted to - there is a reason we are all still here. But, cross a line and it would not be difficult to wipe the earth clean - again!

As a "personal" witness to these craft, their speed, their maneuvering I can tell for a "FACT" that they are not from here, they are from somewhere else - very much older/intelligent than us and have been monitoring what we are doing from the start. And if these visitors/grays are "programmed artificial beings" what does that say - that something can land and contact influence/contact us and they are bio/artificial beings?

We need to step back - forget everything and clear our minds - something is here - something is warning us but yet - we go full steam ahead into hate and destroying ourselves.

And how many times have we repeated this process?
edit on 23-12-2010 by arizonascott because: (no reason given)

I find it infinitely sad that another species may have to come down here and sort our own "s***" out for us. In a way, I'm glad we have what is a seemingly wise and benevolant race looking down on us (and I say this that despite our self-destructive, violent, greedy ways they haven't wiped us off the face of the Earth) but it makes me wonder when we start to toe the line. When do they stop thinking we are worthy of their time and leave? Who knows their motives, they could be secretly defending us from another threat, they could be preparing us for when we finally grow up as a race and take to the stars? Who knows. All that I know is that, one way or another, we'll find out eventually. I just hope it's a good thing.

posted on Dec, 23 2010 @ 12:38 PM
reply to post by SincerelySarcastic

sounds like "anybody that doesn't fully agree with you must be stupid or dumb as a rock. I can't beleive the powers that be haven't tapped you as an incredible all knowing resource.

posted on Dec, 23 2010 @ 04:14 PM
reply to post by Skyfloating

This ancient Iranian Santa Claus Dude looks like he was up to something, we just dont know what...(unless we believe the ancients who say he was a flying sky-god)."

It's called the Farvahar. It represents Zoroastrianism, the religion still exists, its not AS mysterious as it looks. It's supposed to be a person's guardian angel and it represents good deeds, good words, good thoughts and wisdom of the religion. I've also read in some books on the subject that the man in the middle could be the representation of the persian king Darius himself, since he believed (portrayed) himself as being sent by god(ahura mazda) himself to rule persia. As you can tell the wings come directly from egypt, and the symbol is heavily influenced by the assyrian version. Zoroaster wanted to find a religion to unify Persia, since it was vast and included people of many different cultures and religions, he took aspects of many different cultures of the empire and came of with Zoroastrianism, a single religion, used to try and unify the empire. This is obviously a quick simple version of the story, but I'm not as dedicated as you guys haha. Ive seen some of the objects, monuments presented here in person, in museums, and have been to persepolis, it's pretty awesome!

Interesting fact is that Farvahar loosely means something like" forward moving force" in english! there's your ufo

edit on 23-12-2010 by snakeyeswatchingyou because: (no reason given)

Edit : oh yeah and no where in the religion does it say that's a Flying Sky GOD. Sounds a lot like something the guy's in the show Ancient Aliens would say

edit on 23-12-2010 by snakeyeswatchingyou because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 23 2010 @ 06:44 PM
Excellent thread OP! The usage of sun disks in mainstream symbols is something that I find fascinating.. Check it out.

Egyptian Sun God

Great Seal of the US

Egyptian Sun Disk

This is found inside the base of the Washington Monument on the eastern side. That's George Washington beneath the sun disk

First Dodge Brothers logo



Mini Cooper

Southwest Airlines

The BMW logo looks very similar to lots of images in the OP as well

edit on 23-12-2010 by Circular Universe because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 23 2010 @ 07:08 PM

Originally posted by Kandinsky
reply to post by hoghead cheese

Actually it's more than possible that much of what we look for in regards to technology did get destroyed. We had a global flood/ cataclysm that happened at least 10,000 BC (most likely longer).

I've no doubt a lot of our history is submerged; but disagree about a 'global flood.' Sure, the sea has risen and regional flood events are a familiar act of nature to this day. The thing is, those rising sea levels could only be cataclysmic if people remained still for a couple of hundred years whilst it lapped around their ankles.

I have to agree with Kandinsky that any flood like the one described in the Bible and other myths is likely to have been regional.

A global catastrophe, if it happened, may have included regional flooding. If said regional flooding was caused by a comet impact then on other parts on the planet the impact may caused earthquakes and associated volcanism. The volcanic dust might lead to global cooling as less sunlight gets through the atmosphere - like a nuclear winter. Now that would be catastrophic. Even enough dust to destroy agriculture would send a civilisation back to the hunter gatherer stage.

However if the civilisation had technology like ours then would the catastrophe destroy enough for the civilisation to leave little trace? That's doubtful, unless it was VERY ancient. However if an advanced civilisation had a different type of advanced technology, then maybe we do not recognise it and it's under our noses?

Advanced missing prehistoric civilisation then is, in my view possible. It's either very ancient though or of a different type to our own and we may just not recognise it.

Why was this so important to this thread??? I was enjoying that but forgot why I was going on....Oh yes, many of the Gods associated with winged disks are also associated with bringing agriculture etc back after a disaster and triggering a new civilisation. Maybe they are the symbols of a 'God like' brotherhood who still had the knowledge from the old one or had survived somehow? It's so easy to just say alien intervention all the time. Even if they could fly, they might have been from Earth. Whoever they are, they seem to have a beard more often than the current crop of space invaders. How many close encounter reports recently reported guys dressed as Santa

posted on Dec, 26 2010 @ 08:13 PM
I got a question! so if there is such a thing as the annunaki, and they left the planet, what do the "association of worlds" or "confederation of light" or "galactic government" saying about it?

posted on Dec, 31 2010 @ 03:45 AM
I have not read all the pages, but did anyone notice how the Nazi Eagle symbol looks very similar

But then again, as someone did say before, it is most likely time travel

posted on Dec, 31 2010 @ 07:27 AM
What an awesome thread, it's been a great read so far!

The sun is obviously very important to us, or rather always has been, only lately have we forgotten it's true contribution to our culture. One of the best questions i've ever heard is: Why is the history of sun worship not taught in schools? In terms of history we almost ignore one of the most important aspects of our development.

From this thread, my most exciting find has been the "working celtic cross" model by By Crichton E M Miller.

The earliest civilisation to become seafarers would have developed technology and ideas far faster than any others could have. It also makes a very good argument for the (relatively) rapid advancements in geometry. The shape and form could easily have led to "sundisc" images, to signify that knowedge.

The existance of flying sundiscs, with people in them, is a completely different topic, although obviously closely linked. The only question is to the possibility of an alternate view of science. No nuts and bolts, but a means of levitation that apparently used mercury ... curious that, with mercury being the "winged messeanger". The wings would most likely be fairly simple sails, with which to navigate.

The ideas of flying by an unknown means is exiting, and i'm convinced it's not that far away, just in a very unexpected direction. When you have that, the next step is a navigational aid. With those 2, a person could travel anywhere, do anything really. Free power and travel would make governments obsolete.

posted on Jan, 1 2011 @ 12:20 PM
its just so OBVIOUS ,,that people need not argue..its a flying disc(s)

posted on Jan, 3 2011 @ 03:55 PM

Originally posted by Skyfloating
The symbol people have been most obsessed with as far back as the Stonge Age is the so-called "Sun-Wheel". This is also one of the only symbols found all over the world, from India to Ireland, from South America to Siberia.
This article proposes that the sun wheel, the "chariots of fire" and the "winged sun disc" are one and the same thing: Ancient flying devices used by extraterrestrials or technologically advanced humans.

Tenet 1: They're all manifestations of the same symbol.

True, basically. Celtic crosses, and various other wheels w/crosses, lightning wheels, medicine wheels often with double circles in the middle. All related. 4 cardinal directions, 4 winds, 4 rivers in paradise, if I recall correctly. Again, all related symbols / myths. Ancient in origin.

Tenet 2: Flying saucers.

Not even close.

Read David Talbott's "The Saturn Myth" and Dwardu Cardona's God Star, Flare Star Primordial Star (additional titles forthcoming; Radiant Star, etc.) for a better synopsis what the symbols REALLY are (they make a strong case, one you really dig into it). See also David Talbott / Wal Thornhill's "Thunderbolts of the Gods" monograph. No, not literal 'Gods'; in the ancient religions the 'gods' (and their various forms, incarnations and morphologies) were associated quite specifically with planets. Mostly Mars, Venus, Saturn.

Seriously, look it up (and trust me, there's A LOT to read).

(The Lightning Wheel in Ancient Times)

(The Winged Disk)

(Saturn in Ancient Times)

Also closely related to:

(The Pedestal of the Sun)

There are many more archetypes beyond just the Eye of Ra and various other orbs-within-orbs images, and many of the images from mythologies are inter-related in other ways, one form ostensibly similar to another, possibly morphing from one to the next. Or so says Talbott.

You might even watch a few of the YouTube videos Talbott has put out. Still in production... 2ndDVD nearing completion, 3rd / finalish DVD yet to start production.

Specifically the "Symbols of an Alien Sky" and later videos (replace "Alien" [bad choice of words] with Ancient / Forgotten / Foreign [not common to our experience today] / Changed [not literally "little green men"] and you get the thrust of what he means).

Hopefully that starts you on the path to answering your own questions and matching up symbolism versus actual known historical imagery / mythologies related to the symbols you've pointed out as related (which I agree with, just not the bit about flying saucers, which is simply not supported by the mythology / ancient accounts, IMO).

edit on 3-1-2011 by mgmirkin because: Blah. Typo correction and some additional info.

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