posted on Dec, 25 2010 @ 02:18 AM
The old man thing was probably a scam. Years back, people would make fake lottery tickets and then say, "Because of social security, I can't cash it.
So if you give me the money, I'll give you the ticket." (Or similar with illegal alien stories)
The thing with the lotto is probably true, but also probably an old story. They've done everything they can since then to prevent that kind of thing.
Like the Ball Sets. You see, there's also MORE than one set of ball sets for the Florida Cash 3. That's why I almost hit the other day with 073, and
also a 3 came out in the middle of tonight's/Friday night's night time number. Those were probably the ball sets where 033 comes out so much. But like
I said, the "Game" for me will END in April when they change ALL of the ball sets again, and then I have to wait a really long time until enough data
piles up to have high probabilities.
Even besides that, the next ball sets are already being "probability tested" in a lab to prevent the 033 thing. Something probably got screwed up with
the 0, the 3 and the 3 over the two year period of time.
Then there's also the fact that the 033 thing really is a fluke with that ball set. I ran this program with Cash 4, Lotto, Fantasy 5 and Mega-Money,
and there's no balls or numbers that would pay 2 to 1 like 033 does. So I would probably have to scr*w around with games from other States to find
another number or situation like 033. I honestly don't have the time and don't really care to. I just did the Florida thing because I DID have a
LITTLE spare time and I LIVE in Florida. And it was actually a friend at my old job who egged me into it. He wanted high-probability Fantasy 5
numbers. I didn't find any, but I gave him 033 straight/Boxed, and 409 played Straight... based on the most likely ball in each position, NOT based on
409 coming out Straight a lot. (I made an error in this post...'s 409 as you can see, not 489)
Again... I would NOT have started this thread if 033 didn't have such a high probability like it does... like the second drawing after I started this
thread coming out 073.
Edward Slayton
edit on 25-12-2010 by EdwardSlayton because: (no reason given)