reply to post by wisintel
First get rid of all the illegal drug users...Theres a large chunk of the population right there and those people are aware of the war on their
freedom- so most likely they already oppose the government.
Then the "media". In reality it will be a crackdown on "freelancers" and amateur photographers. Have one event where the journalists invoked
troubles- make it seem like the people on the bottom of the media chain are "Out of the loop" and are not 'credible' like our trust worthy Fox
news. Maybe insert a law where only those with special credentials can practice "journalism", that way the fed can sort through the ones who will
spread info without second thought and those who have govt' interests on the tip of their pens.
At this point angst will have most likely exploded- as opposition only increases... Monthly house checks will be inforced.
Our childern will be subjected to weekly interviews- where the childs 'family situation' is observed and if theres the chance they are in a
household where radicalism could be spread to the childs mind, then the child would simply be removed and inserted into a government project that
would ensure the childs "needs" would be met.
False flag a townhall meeting. Make sure its gruesome. That way the people will open up to the idea of closed door meetings and new "suggestion"
boxes. This will cut off peoples direct relations with their cities leaders.
As the cyber war continues, increased sensoring of the internet proceeds. Any domain that displays any negativity towards the government is subjected
to radical monitoring and our corrupted daily to prevent communication.
At this point patriots and valiant citizens begin migrating to one part of the country, knowing the day that had to come and confronting TPTB.
An unpopular decision is made by the FED.
All the 'rebels' contained in one spot, the fed declares the area they are in the RED ZONE where they will apply different rules than the rest of
the country (For your protection of course). They gate it off from all exits and build sniper towers on the corners.
The zone will be considered NINO... No one in- No one out.
The fed makes sure they catch anyone trying to go to the RED ZONE.
By this point any gun laws that were still in tact would be removed and the nation would be unarmed.
The RED ZONE will become an epicenter of violence- yet united.
The RED ZONE will become the new home land for the rebellion.
And the rest of the country will be tricked into believing the RED ZONE is the new enemy and prepares for battle.