posted on Mar, 18 2003 @ 06:18 AM
This is pretty strange, but I found it too noticeable not to post something about it. During his speech last night, on the right side of his forehead
I could see what looked like the word 'ME'. Is this just wrinkles, or something more? Its one of those things once you see it, you can't not see
it. If anyone could post a closeup of his face from last night ( I've now noticed it in older pics too though) I can point out what im talking about.
I'm not sure how to post pics. The reason I'm posting in the religious forum is that part of thinks this could be linked to the forehead mark of the
beast. The word 'ME' would'nt be too surprising, could refer to the love of self, or our ME ME ME society. Or maybe I'm just talking pish but I'd
like to know if anyone else can see it.