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Quake Watch 2011

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posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 04:42 PM
The sounds. Yes, they are creepy. Earthquakes make noises even if it's not a felt earthquake.
Here's an article about earthquake noises. I especially like the Native myth. I also think the sounds are amplified by caves.

"The Wangunk Indians, who lived there when the first European settlers arrived about 1670, warned their new neighbors of the peculiar sounds. Tribal meetings were called when the noises sounded, for reasons not recorded. Perhaps they considered the sounds a supernatural summons. In one Wangunk myth, an angry god created the noises by roaring through a cave."

Here's another about anomolous sounds.

"It was remarked that the noise of guns firing in Flanders could often be heard in the east of England, especially in the summer, but rarely in winter. When explosions were later made for the explicit purpose of investigating this effect, it was found that the apparent time of propagation showed that the waves reaching the zone of abnormal audibility had travelled on a path considerably longer than the direct one. It became clear that the sound was being reflected in the upper atmosphere."

The problem is that sound travels through things, is amplified, and bounces off things. So, they will fool you. It is very difficult to find the source of a sound that is enveloping you. That's why we trust our eyes over our ears.

The majority of the sounds I've heard on the videos are definately air movement. Gas at high pressure moving. Also, you have the groaning rumbling sound. This as well sounds like a trumpet or wind instrument. So, air is involved as well. But it may be subterranean due to that rumbling and echoing. This would make me thinking it was being moved through the earth. The noises sounds almost as if someone is moving a heavy table across a floor. This is the earth vibratiing.

The problem is that it is very probable that the noise is not orginating in the place it is heard. So, the source is obscured. We don't have any video or witnesses pointing to a cause. If it was eminating from a particular spot on land, I think someone would be able to pinpoint the location. If these noises orginated in the vast, mostly unoccupied oceans, then the source could remain hidden. Maybe it's methane escaping the sediment and you get groans and gas releases which then are heard as they bounce off atmosphere.

Remember, we are experiencing a warmer climate. The oceans are changing and this could allow warmer water in zones that were once cold. This could thaw frozen methane which could migrate into pockets, which then collect and when big enough, burst from the bottom and travel up into the atmosphere.

Just a thought.

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 04:54 PM

Originally posted by wasobservingquietly
No earthquakes for a few hours now. But look at PuterMan's Virginia seismo! Something is up!!!

Just took a look,,,,I don't see anything on USGS. And I am in Virginia, didn't feel (or hear) anything either.

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 04:56 PM
reply to post by Robin Marks

Thank you very much. Would you consider it probable that a land locked area hear the noises but not the people on the water? New Madrid, MO heard noises but no reports by the gulf? Any info would be a help.

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 05:11 PM
It looks like the earth is slowly shaking off her nap. M 5.3 in Vanuatu and M 5.0 east coast of Honshu, Japan.


edit on 9/20/2011 by Olivine because: to fix my ridiculous typing

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 05:15 PM
reply to post by Doodle19815

From the article I posted,
"An apparently different phenomenon was first noticed in 1666, during an engagement of the English and Dutch fleets in the Channel on 1 June. The sounds of the guns were heard in London, but not on the South Downs, Deal or Dover, all points between the battle and London. This was recorded in the diaries of John Evelyn and Samuel Pepys as a remarkable occurrence, that the winds brought to them the noise of the guns, but not to the people in between. In 1904 a large explosion at Förde in western Germany was accompanied by similar results. There was a small area in which the sound arrived directly, then a zone of silence, and finally the sound was heard again, at a distance of 100 to 200 km from its source. G. von der Borne explained this as the return of an acoustic wave reflected from a hydrogen or helium zone in the upper atmosphere, and he was supported by van Everdingen, who observed large explosions..."

Since sound can bounce, it can leap-frog right over top of you and you'd never hear it and yet people further on will. Mountains would also block noise from getting to the coastal waters.

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 05:26 PM

Originally posted by summer5
reply to post by PuterMan

Here are two different sounds (being reported all over the world - not always followed by a significant quake). Here are two video's I found this morning regarding the quake in CO, and the following day in VA. Both were heard prior to the quakes.

Here is the one in VA:

And the one in CO.

What say you PM?

Neither of these sounds sound anything like the noises heard here before or during quakes. THat's a totally different sound on so many levels!

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 05:28 PM

Originally posted by PuterMan
reply to post by MoorfNZ

The plains are gravel, if that makes a difference to the way sound is generated etc.

I would say that was a yes.

The rumble we hear (it's very very distinguishable from any other potential noise, sounds like nothing on earth) is very very low resonance, you can almost 'feel' it as well as hear it. It is eerie. It's strange because it's so low you feel you ought not to be able to hear it, yet it's very audible (if that makes sense) yet it's not LOUD... but all around you.

In relation to the paragraph below about the sharp ones, are these always subsequently traceable to a smaller quake?

The LOUD noises, more like jets, arrive with the movement. Particularly the 7.1 (about 12km from me) which when it hit sounded like several large jumbo jets landing in the garden, and continued for a good 40 secs with the movement.

I would imagine that the sounds that arrive with the shaking at resultant upon the rending/movement of the ground and not with the P waves.

Sometimes booming will be heard with NO movement. This type of boom is different - short and sharp like an explosion. I've experienced this too, as have many I know. These are weird ones because you brace yourself but nothing comes. I've noticed these are often v. shallow and close by and small quakes (sub 2.5). This was the case the day before the 7.1 where residents near the epicentre (which is also fairly need a small Army shooting/bomb practice range) had rung the Police after hearing booming to check it was the range. It wasn't. Next day the 7.1 hit.

The proximity may be a clue here. I am thinking speed of the seismic waves. These are belting out from the hypocentre at huge rates - up to 11km a second. That is supersonic, hell no it is even way above hypersonic.

I am not the best at maths so someone please haul me up if am an in error here.

Seismic waves:

The propagation velocity of the waves depends on density and elasticity of the medium. Velocity tends to increase with depth, and ranges from approximately 2 to 8 km/s in the Earth's crust up to 13 km/s in the deep mantle.

That is per second please note. Even the slowest at 2km/second is 7,200 km/hr. The 11 km/s ones are 39,600 km an hour

39,600 Kilometers per Hour = 24,606.23 Miles per Hour. That is truly hypersonic and faster than escape velocity or re-entry speeds. I make that Mach 32

Yes, Mach 32!

There must be barrel loads of vibrations coming off that and yes this is undoubtedly where topography plays a part. Any formation that acts as say a venturi on these frequencies would speed them up - I am hypothesising here - and probably raise them into audible levels. (Rock formations do deflect seismic waves even though they can travel through them). Most people can hear 100 Hz, not many hear below that. But you can feel vibrations down as low as 14 Hz - the one which can kill you if sustained. I have sat and watch a bass speaker playing 17 Hz as an experiment in science at school. Oh yes you really could feel it. (I think it was the same teacher that allowed us to make TNT and gunpowder! Who says school was not fun?)

But I am still curious as to why this seems to be recent so await input from StealthyKat. Perhaps with more info we can figure this thing out.

edit on 20/9/2011 by PuterMan because: (no reason given)

Puterman - yes, the sharp short ones I can always trace back to a small sub 2.5 quake. Our Geonet usually doesn't list those until a few days later as generally not felt but I could always go back in their dbase and tie them up. You get quite good at looking at the time immediately you feel something

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 06:03 PM
reply to post by Robin Marks

Yep, should have read that twice. *shrugs*

*Lifts bangs so Robin can smack my forehead.*

edit on 20-9-2011 by Doodle19815 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 06:20 PM
reply to post by summer5

I'm sorry, but I have to say it. The second video sounds very much like someone breathing through his or her nose into a microphone. I don't have any technical means of analysing it - its just what it sounds like. I even followed the breaths to see if I could replicate it and - yup, I could.

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 06:59 PM
reply to post by Jebbaroo

Have to disagree there. If you remember I said there was a narrow band of frequencies at 3000Hz dead centre.

There is absolutely no way in the world anyone could be breathing dead on 3000Hz.

Here is a 3000Hx sound:

Here is the spectrum showing that band. It is not strong, but I bet once you have listened to the 3000Hz file you will then be able to detect it in the sound once your ear knows what to listen for.

By the way, no comments anyone on seismic waves travelling up to Mach 32? I thought that was quite significant.

ETA: Apologies you said the second video. Even less likely. No way can breathing create such a flat start to the wave.

edit on 20/9/2011 by PuterMan because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 07:06 PM
reply to post by MoorfNZ I find that VERY interesting! I wish I could hear the difference of what you have heard in comparison to what others have heard via these vids (as example).

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 07:09 PM
reply to post by PuterMan


By the way, no comments anyone on seismic waves travelling up to Mach 32? I thought that was quite significant.

If I had a clue what that actually meant, I might find it interesting

All the mhz (I think that's what the numbers were you were referring to :puz
I do not get. Sorry, I told you I was a dummy. When you all start throwing out numbers, and mhz, my mind just does not compute!

I tried to follow all your great information regarding the noises you downloaded. I just could not wrap my brain around it.

Edit: WOOPS see I am a was HZ I just saw above this post, not mhz

edit on 20-9-2011 by summer5 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 07:14 PM
reply to post by PuterMan

Puterman, you had me thinking myself perfectly daft when I listened for that sound in the second vid, but you're right, I could hear it in the first. As a matter of fact, I can still hear it now, lol! You gave my dogs a start.

And thus the reason I post so little on here. There are so many of you who are so knowledgeable, and I read and I read, and in the end I just hear things like people breathing. (I still think it sounds like that, even though I may well be wrong.) Sometimes I think I should spend less time working, and hunting and fishing a 4-wheeling, and more time studying up on the things I like to read about here. And then I read some more, and feel like I should spend more time hunting and fishing - just in case, you know.

Thank you to you, and those like you, who are so willing to share what you know.

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 07:19 PM
reply to post by summer5

If I had a clue what that actually meant, I might find it interesting

32 x the speed of sound. Faster than a speeding bullet. Faster than a spaceship lifting off and escaping the earth's gravity. Think of a sonic boom at Mach 1 = 1 x times the speed of sound.

These waves travel 32 times faster than that. Over 10 times faster then the fastest fighter jet in the world (known to mere sheeple like us)

That HAS to have some effect. It makes this look like a snail. It is only Mach 20.

I know it is a wave and not an object but surely you cannot have waves that can move the earth up and down and side to side and that travel at those speeds that have no sonic output?

edit on 20/9/2011 by PuterMan because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 07:27 PM

Originally posted by PuterMan
reply to post by summer5

If I had a clue what that actually meant, I might find it interesting

32 x the speed of sound. Faster than a speeding bullet. Faster than a spaceship lifting off and escaping the earth's gravity. Think of a sonic boom at Mach 1 = 1 x times the speed of sound.

These waves travel 32 times faster than that. Over 10 times faster then the fastest fighter jet in the world (known to mere sheeple like us)

That HAS to have some effect. It makes this look like a snail. It is only Mach 20.

I know it is a wave and not an object but surely you cannot have waves that can move the earth up and down and side to side and that travel at those speeds that have no sonic output?

edit on 20/9/2011 by PuterMan because: (no reason given)

Ok, I am with you on this explanation
YEAAAH!!! My pea brain can follow that.

BUT, you lost me here:

It starts a 172 Hz. but goes right up to 4000 Hz. The bands of frequency come down fairly rapidly in harmonic divisions (roughly) down to 172. The slice I analysed was right in the middle of the sound covering about 2.5 seconds

And again here:

The bangs are very different. VERY sharp completely flat front wave like a nearby rifle shot. Frequency range of this one is 43Hz to 131 Hz

I am not sure what Hz equals, or means.

By the way, would you happen to have the sound of an earthquake? I noticed a few times you on your posts you would mention "hearing" one coming? How do you do that?
edit on 20-9-2011 by summer5 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 07:39 PM
reply to post by summer5

t starts a 172 Hz. but goes right up to 4000 Hz. The bands of frequency come down fairly rapidly in harmonic divisions (roughly) down to 172. The slice I analysed was right in the middle of the sound covering about 2.5 seconds

The signal is full of harmonics and that is something you often get in pipes, be they gas pipes or volcanic pipes. They are not strong and easily defined harmonics so they are not volcanic and they are too high as well, but it could indicate high pressure gas escape - venting perhaps. Certainly sounds like it. Somewhere on the Arkansas thread I think someone posted a video of a natural gas pipe venting. Sounded just like that.

On the other one look at the post about 4 or so up - second image. See how sharply the wave come is. Very flat front face to it, like a very close small earthquake or a rifle depending on whether you are talking seismic or sonic.

I just realised this page is not visible on the QVS Data site

It has links to earthquake sounds including a link to my 4shared site where nearly all the earthquake sounds I produce end up. Enjoy.

Not hearing one coming by the way, although I probably could if i had GEE translated into sound in real time!

I collect the waveform data that makes the seismic plots you see and turn that into sound instead of a plot. It is pretty much all the same thing at the end of the day - just data!

edit on 20/9/2011 by PuterMan because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 08:02 PM

Originally posted by summer5
reply to post by MoorfNZ I find that VERY interesting! I wish I could hear the difference of what you have heard in comparison to what others have heard via these vids (as example).

Unfortunately, unless I was to know a quake was about to occur I'd have no way of recording it! It's brief, too, maybe 2-3 secs max. And as I said, it's a weird vibey sound that you feel as much as hear... makes my heart skip beats thinking about it tbh.

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 08:34 PM
I used to drive a tractor on a farm. Most of the time it was uneventful. There are two different days I will never forget. One was the day I thought I saw a ufo. It took my a few moments to realize a stealth jet just flew over my head. The other occasion was when I thought I was going to die. I heard a horrible loud noise and realized it was the Trans Canada pipeline venting gas. At first I thought it was going to explode.

Here's what it sounded like. And it sounds like the noise in many of the videos.

I think the video with the little girl is legit. Puterman can account for the actual sound. And I think the little girl has a natural reaction to a loud sound that comes on suddenly. She puts here hands up to her ears and walks to her father for comfort. That's probably why he stopped taping. He had to be a daddy.

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 08:35 PM
Can you believe that people make up stories like the following to instill FEAR:

"The next allignment between Elenin, Sun and Earth will be Sept 26th 2011. According to "Alexander Retrov", the whole pacific rim will go. There will be mag 12 to 15 earthquakes. New Zealand, Japan, Indonesia, China, Korea, Russia, West coast of America, will disappear.

"The East coast of Australia will be affected by tidal waves. A cosmic sonic shockwave will blow out our protective van Allen belts and magnetic fields and will leave the planet totally open to gamma radiation. We will be fried alive like vampires in the sunlight. There will be an electomagnetic pulse that destroys all electronics. Surface temperatures will be 60+ degrees Celsius. There will be 1000km/hr winds. There will be an eclipse that lasts for 3 days. There will be volcanic eruptions everywhere, pyroclastic blasts and acid rain from all the ash. There will be wildfires everywhere..."

So much BS in there that it's hard to comprehend that anyone would believe it...but there will be

edit on 20-9-2011 by SpaceJockey1 because: spelling

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 09:31 PM

Originally posted by SpaceJockey1
Can you believe that people make up stories like the following to instill FEAR:

"The next allignment between Elenin, Sun and Earth will be Sept 26th 2011. According to "Alexander Retrov", the whole pacific rim will go. There will be mag 12 to 15 earthquakes. New Zealand, Japan, Indonesia, China, Korea, Russia, West coast of America, will disappear.

"The East coast of Australia will be affected by tidal waves. A cosmic sonic shockwave will blow out our protective van Allen belts and magnetic fields and will leave the planet totally open to gamma radiation. We will be fried alive like vampires in the sunlight. There will be an electomagnetic pulse that destroys all electronics. Surface temperatures will be 60+ degrees Celsius. There will be 1000km/hr winds. There will be an eclipse that lasts for 3 days. There will be volcanic eruptions everywhere, pyroclastic blasts and acid rain from all the ash. There will be wildfires everywhere..."

So much BS in there that it's hard to comprehend that anyone would believe it...but there will be

edit on 20-9-2011 by SpaceJockey1 because: spelling

There's a great FB page for "discussion" about this set up by some friends and I. I can't believe there are people stupid enough to follow him, nevermind buy his DVD. Alexander Retrov (aka Trevor Alexander and Trevor Mackenzie) is a scam artist. He is currently on his Egypt tour (nice $$$ earned ka-ching) and predicts mag 12 - 15 quakes on 26th along with searing solar rays that will fry everyone, NZ and Pacific rim will fall into the sea....

.. BUT.. and I love this...

He's taking bookings for his European tour in 2012!!

Excuse me while I go laugh myself silly again....

FB Page:

edit on 20-9-2011 by MoorfNZ because: (no reason given)

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