posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 05:38 AM
Contrary to to what most people belive, this really isnt that uncommon my friend. Spirits or the "soul" are certaily very real. But to understand it
and communicate with them requires a vastly suprior level of counciousness.
People have been trying for centuries to accomplish this. For some strange reason some people are born with a natural ability to do this, it requires
very little effort on thier part to commune with spirits. My Guess would be that your Girlfriend and her family seem to have a genetic line in thier
blood/DNA that makes it easier for them.
We are all capable of achiveing this, even you! Its just most people need to train thier minds and put more effort into exploring thier conciouness in
order to be able to get to that level.
As far as auras go, i can only offer you my own personal view on it.
The human eye only see's 5% of the visual spectrum (Red to near Ultraviolet). If the body does indeed give off an Aura when we feel emotions, it
wouldnt be a far stretch to say that that auras could possibly be only visable outside of our narrow 5%. This would again explain why cameras can pick
them up. Cameras (depending on the lense) are capable of seeing a much broader range of the visual spectrum the the human eye. The trick of courser
would be to try and find out which level of the spectrum they are actuly in.
When you level of counsioness is tuned enough to experience all this stuff, you shouldnt even need a camera to see Auras. The Pineal gland at the base
of the brain would act as a kind of "sixth sense". It would essentially allow you to be able to detect an aura without actuly seeing it (Along with
other various uses).
Iv been training my conciousness for years, and its only recently that i have been able to "sense" auras. They come to me as colours like most
people. Just seeing someone its like a gause of colour floods them. I dont actuly see it but i feel it. Its very hard to explain.
Just to end on a good note, your girlfiend and her family arnt crazy, they are just more perseptive