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pelase this will be the most interesting question/story you will answer/read today. please help me u

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posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 05:13 AM
Sorry about the title being long and unspecific. i am drunk and couldn't think of anything to describe this.

I will get straight into it.

have someone important to me that I have just starting dating and we have been sharing much about ourselves together over the last few weeks.

anyway last night we got onto the subject of spirits and paranormal stuff. and what she told me over the next hour frightened the # out of me. (i have little understanding of spirits/paranormal just what i have browsed here from time to time)

first. she told me that her mother had a still birth before she was born, her mother communicates with the spirit frequently by some sort of weegie board. yes yes i thought crazy girl, but i like her much so i keep listening and asking questions. apparently her two sisters and brother know about this still birth (the mums first pregnancy) and how she communicates with 'her' and they all know about her presence around the house. eg lights would turn on/off; things would be moved. and that the were all comfortable with it and were never afraid or anything.

second. one time the 'spirit' warned her mother (via the weegie) about an imminent accident that was avoided at the last second. this accident was a room collapsing where a family member was in but left after being called to 'Come here quick' as per the 'spirits' warning.

that's a bit of background her family... now about her. (my girlfriend) she has witnessed this stuff before (spirits) from time to time. they are almost always benine?? non threatening??. . she tells me you have to trust your instincts and if your not really instantly afraid you have nothing to worry about.

She goes on to tell me about one time in her life she was absolutely filled with fear. it was she was lying in bed she felt something one her feet like a pillow or lose clothes (nothing heavy just a slight pressure) anyway her feet were uncomfortable so she adjusted them. it kept happening so she opened her eyes and she was facing the ceiling and she tells me, some sort of figure "not human" came down from the ceiling and breathed on her face. She felt extremely terrified and could not sleep in the room. ANYWAY if you have read this far it gets stranger she tells her mother about this horrible fear and figure that happened to her. and her mum told her the EXACT same thing happened to her when she was pregnant with my girlfriend............ what.....

also her mum had a dream that my girlfriend was born with clothes and teeth,. blue and red clothes i think it was.. not sure what that means but apparently it upset her mum.

another thing.. don't know anything about auras or reading but apparently you can get some sort of 'aura' photos taken the show energy in colours over your two shoulders and head. apparently it;s past, present and future. anyway hers came out strange or something and there is just a solid same colour over each point.....

ok if you have read through all my # grammar, punctuation and spelling. THANK you. I have also not proof read it so I thank you so so much for your patience. but PLEASEread it all and help me explain.

ANY comments & questions welcome.

posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 05:28 AM
well , my good man , lol i really dont know what to tell you ,other then kill another brewski and ride this one out , if she is prego that would be freaky man , but as far as seeing peoples energy ,i have heard some people can see it , but as far as predicting the future from it , i really dont know , i would be more worried about being in her moms house ,because every time she F!@#s with that board she is opening a porthole that is not supose to be open , and who knows whats dwelling in her house now , but seeing is believing to me , so i guess just ride it out broski



posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 05:36 AM
Well the "being held down", "dark figure looming over you in bed" experience is absolutely classic sleep paralysis, you couldn't find a more traditional example of it if you tried.
It is pretty terrifying and I have had it myself.

posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 05:38 AM
Contrary to to what most people belive, this really isnt that uncommon my friend. Spirits or the "soul" are certaily very real. But to understand it and communicate with them requires a vastly suprior level of counciousness.

People have been trying for centuries to accomplish this. For some strange reason some people are born with a natural ability to do this, it requires very little effort on thier part to commune with spirits. My Guess would be that your Girlfriend and her family seem to have a genetic line in thier blood/DNA that makes it easier for them.

We are all capable of achiveing this, even you! Its just most people need to train thier minds and put more effort into exploring thier conciouness in order to be able to get to that level.

As far as auras go, i can only offer you my own personal view on it.

The human eye only see's 5% of the visual spectrum (Red to near Ultraviolet). If the body does indeed give off an Aura when we feel emotions, it wouldnt be a far stretch to say that that auras could possibly be only visable outside of our narrow 5%. This would again explain why cameras can pick them up. Cameras (depending on the lense) are capable of seeing a much broader range of the visual spectrum the the human eye. The trick of courser would be to try and find out which level of the spectrum they are actuly in.

When you level of counsioness is tuned enough to experience all this stuff, you shouldnt even need a camera to see Auras. The Pineal gland at the base of the brain would act as a kind of "sixth sense". It would essentially allow you to be able to detect an aura without actuly seeing it (Along with other various uses).

Iv been training my conciousness for years, and its only recently that i have been able to "sense" auras. They come to me as colours like most people. Just seeing someone its like a gause of colour floods them. I dont actuly see it but i feel it. Its very hard to explain.

Just to end on a good note, your girlfiend and her family arnt crazy, they are just more perseptive

posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 05:46 AM

Originally posted by Nephi1337
well , my good man , lol i really dont know what to tell you ,other then kill another brewski and ride this one out , if she is prego that would be freaky man

who my girlfriend? why freaky?

Originally posted by davespanners
Well the "being held down", "dark figure looming over you in bed" experience is absolutely classic sleep paralysis, you couldn't find a more traditional example of it if you tried.
It is pretty terrifying and I have had it myself.

yeah this is what i first thought. but she claims to have smelt the breathe and with her mother having the same thing happen to her (when she was pregnant) just seems too much of a coincidence it's only happened once to each of them.

reply to post by Jademonkey2k

thank you for that i will have more questions for your knowledge after i get up for another beer and cook dinner. thank you.

posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 05:52 AM
reply to post by Th0r

If you do some googling there does seem to be a link between sleep paralysis and pregnancy also, I'm guessing because you have increased levels of anxiety.

posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 05:55 AM
reply to post by Th0r

and her mum told her the EXACT same thing happened to her when she was pregnant with my girlfriend............ what.....

thats why its freaky , i am saying what if your gf is prego man ,and she has a miscarry

posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 06:13 AM
reply to post by davespanners

oh this happened to her a year ago, long before we were together.. she is not pregnant(i think...) and wasn't then. i dunno sorry if i cant explain enough,,

posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 06:30 AM
Hmm.. By chance is your girlfriend asian ? As its quite common in asia for people to talk with deceased family members - though without ouiji boards.. Yes the ghosts of the deceased are around and do communicate.. Most are harmless. Auras can be seen by some people and have been photographed with kirlian photography.. Would say youve nothing to be worried over. As to the other presence / entity not sure what to make of that.. Such occurances seem to be a western phenomena so cant offer any advice on that..

posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 08:42 PM
Asian nope. some Polynesian.

posted on Dec, 22 2010 @ 01:36 AM
Kirlian photography is the practice by which auras are (supposedly) photographed. I have no experience with whether there is any legitimacy to the claim, but if you want to investigate it, that's what it's called.

posted on Dec, 22 2010 @ 04:51 AM

Originally posted by Th0r
Asian nope. some Polynesian.

Ahh.. Ok.. Not as familiar with polynesian culture.. Tho if remember correct theyre also quite aware in regard to the paranormal..

posted on Dec, 22 2010 @ 07:17 AM

Originally posted by Th0r
Asian nope. some Polynesian.

The plot thickens lol

Alot of ancient cultures, Polynesian included (who are a very old culture btw) tend to have traditional Heddesses that place a symbol over the forehead depecting the 3rd eye. You also see this in the middle east and asia. I belive both western and eastern indians still symbolise this today with a small red dot on thier forehead. We see it all the time.

This bring me back to what i was saying before. The pineal gland at the base of the brain is thought to be the 3rd eye. Opening your mind and concionesess to "see". Ancient shamans used to tell stories of this, and thier practices used to involve taking herbs and substances to kick start thier pineal gland. Unfortuently today we are not allowed to do this as such substances are branded as illegal (aka drugs).

Whats the kicker? The pineal galnd has been branded by most mainstream scientest as a junk organ, like your apendix, it aparently has no use. However on closer inspection, when activated, the pineal gland secreats as class 1 drug, specifically a hallucinogen. Your own body is capable of providing the nesseasry substances to access your other level of conciousness. Some people need drugs to help them do this, other people, like your girlfiend and her family do this naturally with no need for any outside help.

If you want to look into this abit more, i would highly recomend checking out David Wilcock, his 2012 enigma videos on YouTube explain all this in way more detail then i can. He seems to be very good at putting science to work on what would otherwise be called Spirituality.

posted on Dec, 22 2010 @ 09:43 PM
Your story is TERRIFYING. Your girlfriend may be pregnant? That would scare the hell out of me. That's why I always double up. (Besides, it adds girth)

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