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EXACTLY 2 YEARS from 2012 (21/12/2010) The Age of Enlightment is coming !!

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posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 01:54 AM
I'm just basing my thoughts on the general public I see daily in the area I live in...

I think in order to achieve B, A must happen first

there has to be a catalyst for this awakening, and with the masses of ignorance I see around me, I can think of little besides a global cataclysm that reduces the population, and the survivors are the ones that wake up and see how precarious life is

the truth is, we(the ones discussing 2012) are the minority

the majority of the population either have no clue about 2012, only know it was a bad movie, or have complete faith in what they are told to believe and expect it to just be another day
edit on 21-12-2010 by kalisdad because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 01:54 AM
reply to post by Ben81

What authority is going to remove the darkness ? Better be something powerful !
Well I can hope at least people will make amends with all family members, people will forgive those who have done them wrong, people will try to right any wrongs and use that unfounded fear for some good.
A new age of enlightenment huh.? Well ,o.k. I'll go for people being lit up with light.The light of Truth and Love.
Sounds good.

posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 01:55 AM
reply to post by Ben81

OK. The Earth is about to turn into a star. Late 2012, things start to rumble, most people will panic and go off world with the alien overlords. Certain people will know to stay, deep in their heart, and enter doorways into higher frequency Earth.

posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 01:58 AM
The earth will turn into a star? Some will stay ? Sounds like if the earth is going to turn into a star, those who stay will become... star-DUST.

Alien overlords? So basically you're talking about armageddon... from the bible... the angels/aliens will come and save the chosen... or the willing... or those who have 'faith' .

So... Why would the aliens come to help us at all, if by staying we become higher-frequency beings?

Don't get me wrong... I think your theory is as good as any other.

posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 02:02 AM

Originally posted by Ben81

Originally posted by rocha123
I know whats gonna happend. ABSOLUTLY NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You must be very depress thinking that nothing will happen and this unsustainable system
will be like this and even worst 100 yrs in the futur.... thats hell

tell me you never felt the coming change ... many have sensed it coming
some have sensed it in the wrong way .. making them panic with fear

so you choose C .. i understand

thank you

And what will you be like when nothing happens. Who will be the depressed one then? I believe nothing will happen, just like all the other predictions (remember 1999?)

The problem is, some people will believe anything they hear,read, or see. If i am wrong, and i hope i am, then i will hold my hands up and say i was wrong, but history tells you that these things never come true.

Its not a good thing when people like you blindly believe something like this, and put all your faith in it when chances are, nothing will happen. How are you going to feel? Are you the one that will be depressed, or will you move on to the next prediction to put all your faith in?

posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 02:03 AM

Originally posted by topdog30
reply to post by Ben81

So you have traveled into the future and can tell all of us what happens?? Please do not spread your opinion's as FACT of TRUTH.

I have not ..
im like you .. egual to you in all way
this is something i have felt for more then 20 yrs
at least starting to understand it .. many others have made a sudden change in the conscience
many signs are also pointing to it
Aliens or not we will get to this age of enlightment
by ourself in 2 yrs exactly from now
it will happen for our futur generations sakes
are you able to tell me that humans have potential ?
or that we only are born for madness

posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 02:07 AM

Originally posted by Xzorter
reply to post by Ben81

What authority is going to remove the darkness ? Better be something powerful !
Well I can hope at least people will make amends with all family members, people will forgive those who have done them wrong, people will try to right any wrongs and use that unfounded fear for some good.
A new age of enlightenment huh.? Well ,o.k. I'll go for people being lit up with light.The light of Truth and Love.
Sounds good.

The Evolution of the soul

are we going to be helped by higher beings ??
i dont think so .. but after this we might be able to communicate with them
after the switch in our conscienciousness

posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 02:11 AM

Originally posted by Mayura
reply to post by Ben81

OK. The Earth is about to turn into a star. Late 2012, things start to rumble, most people will panic and go off world with the alien overlords. Certain people will know to stay, deep in their heart, and enter doorways into higher frequency Earth.

Turn into a star .. ??
seems like an apocalyptic scenario for earth
im still not sure if a mass destruction event will happen
does it has to worsen that much to get better ... its illogic

posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 02:22 AM
Blah... it's a complicated subject.

Just check out George Kavassilas

I did a lot of research, meditation, and all kinds of conspiracy buffing... then it clicked.

Sometimes you have to throw out logic and go with intuition.

edit on 21-12-2010 by Mayura because: Felt like it.

posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 02:23 AM
reply to post by Ben81

I want A! that way we can get to the next level of spiritual existence.

I'd settle for B! That would be cool to try out for a while!

But it will probably be C! I know, I'm a pessimist!

posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 02:25 AM
reply to post by Ben81

I can't tell you our purpose, as I don't know what it is. I can only hope that we will change our ways as we evolve, but I feel our MADNESS will continue for many more years. I don't think our ways will change overnight, the process of change I feel will take more than two or three years. We are still very young and have many more lessons to learn as we grow. Even though I'm only thirty years old, I have learned to never say never.

posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 02:28 AM
reply to post by Ben81

If you are living in the darkness, then for your sake I hope that you are right.

I need no enlightenment, I have lights on.


posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 02:39 AM

Originally posted by v01i0
reply to post by Ben81

If you are living in the darkness, then for your sake I hope that you are right.

I need no enlightenment, I have lights on.


i avoid the darkness at all cost to protect the soul in me

posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 02:43 AM
reply to post by Ben81

Oh, but the darkness is great part of the existence; if you avoid it too much, you cannot never know all what there is. I think it is important to accept the dark side of oneself, otherwise there will be no enlightenment. In darkness, there are hidden many illuminating treasures; but of course, there is the dragon.


posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 02:48 AM
reply to post by Ben81

the truth coming is simple.the hopi are the ones who realise their faith first climaxed.the pahana is returned and gives back what the hopi lost.the secrets of god.

The Native Americans know him as Pahana. They were the first to be taught the ways they should live and once satisfied, he left. He is also known as Quetzacotyl and taught the Aztecs how to live better. In the Mayan civilization he created a calendar showing when Enlil would return to check up on us.

"i am this pahana."it is confirmed already in a thousand ways,my signs and words have violated hopi law except for the truth i would be executed.i have the lost knowledge from the garden of eden.i am gods servant and friend.i was chosen to return to manki nd that which was removed.the hopi are they who lost the gift.they were punished until they remembered who and what they were,where they came from and where they will return.when they came to remember they would be given back their promise from the creator.the creator will live with them.i am pahana,i have the lost knowledge but not in stone .it is etched into my spirit by the creator.i have a brother who i talk with and he is caregiver of all my posessions i reveal.he has neither given up or revealed any hopi tribal secrets.i have revealed them to him.i have built signs that no white man could ever build for no white man has ever seen the secret practices they preform.they told me when my proof was alive and how it would walk.i was calling them to tell them i have life in my hands.the creator has given me the greatest gift ever held by man.his very life in my very hands.i know you do not understand these things .however this is truth ,the creator is alive and cant be killed ever.the most supresses people on earth receive the reward for the word is alive.i posess the living word.i have gods seed in my hands.the hopi are the custodians of the holy seed,i am giving it to them.the living creator on earth.this is what i am giving to them.the very thing we are made of ,pure energy. thank you. dana rene hoecker you see dna rna church./hcr uh c.thats me.pahana.

posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 03:04 AM

Originally posted by v01i0
reply to post by Ben81

Oh, but the darkness is great part of the existence; if you avoid it too much, you cannot never know all what there is. I think it is important to accept the dark side of oneself, otherwise there will be no enlightenment. In darkness, there are hidden many illuminating treasures; but of course, there is the dragon.


im well aware of the darkness on earth
i have passed by many situation to know i dont want to be part of it
im sure many other bad situation will happen .. better take them like tests

posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 03:33 AM
along for the ride also. you never know until it comes. 2012 is made of people!!!! 2012 is made of people!!! that is, fear mongering people. lol. 204 points if you got the reference.

p.s. the moment i started writing this post a commercial for 2012 started on my television. Coincidence. I THINK NOT!

posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 04:49 AM

Originally posted by War10ck42
along for the ride also. you never know until it comes. 2012 is made of people!!!! 2012 is made of people!!! that is, fear mongering people. lol. 204 points if you got the reference.

p.s. the moment i started writing this post a commercial for 2012 started on my television. Coincidence. I THINK NOT!

2012 is made of people ???

for the commercial it was a coincidence

earth not to close from the sun and not to far from it .. was NOT a coincidence
were you sarcastical ?

posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 08:09 AM
I choose (B) but my money is on (C).

The elite don't care if we find out about their 'evil' ways, the flaunt it all around. They'll create the armageddon if they cannot get their own way. They're poisoning us everyday in many different fronts and I'm not just speaking about the water and food.

posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 09:35 AM

Originally posted by Eavel
The options are not of your choice.

We can all "HOPE" for B, but I think somebody needs to pass around a big dose of reality here.

The world os falling apart economically due to elitest bastards, and most people not only put their heads i nthe sand, they hope something is going to come along and save them from the upcoming tyranny.

Buy a gun..

Before a new system can arise, the old one should be dismantled first. This is what is happening now. Just go with the flow and everything will find their right place at the perfect time. You do not have to get stressed because of it.

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