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Amazing alignments of Europe's ancient sites and the Pyramids of Giza and Saqqara

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posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 06:35 AM

Originally posted by xxshadowfaxx
It seems to me like you're only drawing straight lines from places around the world and linking them to the pyramids...

You can draw a straight line from Point A to point B anywhere on the map.... What do all these lines have in common with each other?

Anyone can draw a line from stonehenge to the center of any pyramid on the planet, so I'm failing to see and significance here...

I am on the same page xxshadowfaxx.
I was trying not to be "Debby Downer" but this is a great point. Two points make a line no matter how you look at it.
I applaud your willingness to uncover something here, but feel it might be a too far of a stretch.

Star for your investigation, keep up the good work.

posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 07:03 AM
reply to post by minigunner

Ill try and explain it again!!

I didn't just draw a single line from Stonehenge to a Pyramid.

You can draw a line that passes from Stonehenge:


Through the Southern most Giza Pyramid

That then CONTINUES through the centre of the most northern Saqqara pyramid

So as you can see, there are 3 points on this line, A,B and C. Not just A and B.

The chances that a line would pass through these two Pyramids and lead to the very centre of one of the most important archaeological sites in the world is crazy, IMO.

Maybe I'm more easily impressed!!

posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 08:30 AM
Our ancestors had great knowledge of finding high energy spots to build their temples and places of worship.Miracles,healings and visions were common in those places.The some myths suggest that these places were pointed out by the gods themselves.

Here is an article i found:

They knew that some places on earth have special, very powerful vibrations, places where feminine and masculine elements blend together to create an exceptional energy. They knew these power places were a kind of gate to higher realms, and that the high level of energy of these places was like food for their souls.

Power places and ancient mysteries

posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 08:37 AM

Originally posted by xxshadowfaxx
It seems to me like you're only drawing straight lines from places around the world and linking them to the pyramids...

You can draw a straight line from Point A to point B anywhere on the map.... What do all these lines have in common with each other?

Anyone can draw a line from stonehenge to the center of any pyramid on the planet, so I'm failing to see and significance here...

He is not linking one line from stonehenge to a pyramid. The line continues through 2 sets of pyramids very accurately which makes it amazing.

Lets just say this: If you drew a straight line from where you were sitting right now, yes you could easily line it up with a pyramid... no problem. If you tried to line it up with the second set of pyramids as well I bet it doesnt even come close to hitting. Thats like catching 2 fish at once with one hook... it just doesnt happen. I agree at some points, some things will eventually line up with these pyramids... but what are the chances of it being oddities like stonehenge and the mystery mountain?? Acropolis?? The chances are pretty stellar... im not a statistician or whatever, but im sure theres very low chances of that happening. Great post, loving the info, keep it up!

posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 08:38 AM
Interesting find,.
one could connect many things with this information

posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 08:39 AM
How are you guys not understanding, ITS NOT TWO POINTS, ITS THREE! They do not just connect anywhere, they connect to notably strange places and it cannot be argued that the egyptians had a thing with lining stuff up... especially to celestial events, constellations, etc.

Sure, you could hold a string from you to your TV. Straight line, two points, I get it. Ez. Now can you hold that string and line it up with your front door AND your TV? Quite a bit harder. The things that line up arent just "spots". Theyre not casual occurences that are just bound to happen, like a city, an ocean, a building... theyre anomalous spots on the earth that are deemed mysterious by our race. There really arent enough to make this THAT common of an occurence, I assure you.
edit on 12/21/2010 by ZyPHeR because: Added some stuff

posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 08:39 AM
Thanks so much for this post. It is nice to see something that is truly stimulating for a change, instead of the increasingly common, low browed subjects of conversation.

Although this notion is not new, and has been covered by a few "theorists" is still nice to see it illustrated here so well.

Keep up the good work. Not that it means much, but I found this so refreshing I gave you my first flag.

posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 08:45 AM
This is intriguing to be sure. Star for effort. But I am having difficulty getting my head around how you are actually constructing your lines.

The earth is an approximate ball shape. While it is possible to draw lines on a ball, getting them straight isn't that easy. You are working on a curved surface here - in 3 dimensions.

Any map of the earth done on a flat 2 dimensional surface will have errors in it because you can't display a 3 dimensional object in only 2 dimensions. Look at lines of longitude and latitude on a globe and while accurate, and "straight" they curve to the eye.

So how does one know how to do this on a 2 dimensional computer simulation of a globe to get these lines between points.

I'm intrigued but a bit puzzled at the same time.

posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 08:46 AM
Why would these monumental ancient sites be built in particualr places along certain areas? the mind boggles. Unless of course they were built by others that posessed great knowledge of how to enhance certain power by using particular areas on earth as reference.

posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 08:53 AM
reply to post by kiwifoot

I heard something even more interesting. If you drew vertical, horizontal, and angled lines on a map, you would find that everything aligns perfectly with something else. Isn't that freaky?

posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 09:12 AM
reply to post by Section31

Missed the point troll.

He linking important locations not any old place.
edit on 21-12-2010 by jonnyc55 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 09:21 AM
I know this might sound a bit silly but what if in earths history these locations were some kind of tranportation/communication locations. If the world is connected by this grid then it would be the quickest way around the planet from node to node, like a giant network.

Just speculation. I have no evidence or further knowledge that supports what I say.

posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 09:22 AM
reply to post by kiwifoot

And it reflect stars in the skys , you know

posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 09:57 AM
reply to post by kiwifoot

Im curious but what made you choose the ending point of the line? I understood where you started but not why you chose to end the line next to nothing. If you have anything Northwest of those two sets of pyramids you can always make a connection with them. But you dont really have the lines ending at a significant point, accept for a couple ending on top of a pyramid. I mean, there are so many cities in this world today you can connect'em.

posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 10:13 AM
Let me point out why all of the flight paths you see on an airline flight path map are curved. Its because a straight line on the globe is curved when the map is a flat projection map. A straight line on a flat projection mat (that isn't totally lateral) will be a curved line. Anything other than an exact east/west line on a flat map will be curved. Why they are called projection maps.

posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 10:13 AM
Hiya kiwi

Good post mate. The earth is more than just a planet sustaining life.
It plays a very important role in the balance of this solar system or the cosmos in general..

The pyramids, the Stonehenge & similar structures of great archeological significance all fall in certain grid lines which connect all across the Earth.
There is a mention of this in a brilliant documentary Kymatica

These were apparently built as the ancients had tremendous knowledge of the earth's & the solar system magnetic fields & these structures are used to do something with them to protect the planet or keep it in a stable state.

Guess this thread can progress a lot

Great start kiwi

posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 10:17 AM
A while back a friend and I were looking at Roswell on Google earth and food some small pyramids or what looked like pyramids. We found to so we did what you did and traced the Giza Pyramids onto a piece of paper then sized it to the Roswell one's and wha'la... we found the third, we didn't think it was a coincidence either or of any significance

more research to do i guess

edit on 21-12-2010 by GummB because: spelling

posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 10:27 AM

Originally posted by wayno
This is intriguing to be sure. Star for effort. But I am having difficulty getting my head around how you are actually constructing your lines.

The earth is an approximate ball shape. While it is possible to draw lines on a ball, getting them straight isn't that easy. You are working on a curved surface here - in 3 dimensions.

Any map of the earth done on a flat 2 dimensional surface will have errors in it because you can't display a 3 dimensional object in only 2 dimensions. Look at lines of longitude and latitude on a globe and while accurate, and "straight" they curve to the eye.

So how does one know how to do this on a 2 dimensional computer simulation of a globe to get these lines between points.

I'm intrigued but a bit puzzled at the same time.

I was about to make the same point (as 'Illustronic' just did, also)

So, can someone do this in a 3-dimensional representation to prove this line indeed connects the sites (they currently only do so on an inaccurate 2D representation of the planet).

This would move this thread into a true find if proven in 3D. We must beware not to forget that there are archeological sites covering most of the Earth, but Stonehenge, the Pyramids and Mecca are pretty iconic.

Could this line have been the earths previous true latitude angle before the last pole shift. This would help explain the coincidence of disparate civilizations building in a line, if it were once the Earths equator - the Earth has only one equator after all - any civilization with the ability to know where the equator was might choose that location to build a shrine.
edit on 21-12-2010 by McGinty because: to un-confuse my grammar

posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 10:36 AM
reply to post by kiwifoot

some researchers think pyramids was a someting to be power plants to use seismic energy, then no wonder that pyramids are placed according to determinate scheme.

posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 10:44 AM
Chances are things are going to line up, especially when intersecting just 3 different sites. It would be interesting to see if three sites on different continents line up with strikingly similar layout, all built in the same exact time period. The Earth's climate changes over the millennium has undergone dramatic climate shifts, since the last real Ice Age, considered to be near the dawn of civilization globally.

Consider around 17,000 BC, it would be quite natural to think advanced civilizations would flourish around the Equator, and be in survival mode as they deviate from that comfort zone. But consider the Medieval Warming timeframe, where we saw the Viking sustain settlements in Greenland, only to have them fall during the Medieval Mini Ice Age hundreds of years after.

I'd be interested in seeing far away contemporary civilizations real global connections, not just anything. For all we know the mystique of Stonehenge for instance could be just that, modern mystique and when build a simple planting tool to survive the short growing seasons, and nothing much more than centuries of observations.

On a world achievement scale tiny Stonehenge doesn't impress me as one of the ancient wonders of the World all that much.

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