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TRON - Possible in Real Life?

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posted on Dec, 20 2010 @ 04:27 PM
Hello everyone! I searched for this subject and could not find anything specific to the new TRON movie. I tend to look at our society and wish that I lived a few hundred years into the future. I just see all the technology being developed today and the ideas being thought of, and I wish that I could be apart of it! I don't know if it is depression about our society now or just my ever-growing imagination. I think in such a futuristic way. I see all the possibilities and I love it!

So, I just got done watching TRON and it has sparked my imagination. I'm wondering what you guys think of the possibility that humans could, in fact, put themselves into programs. We may could have the same affect without physically putting the body into the program (this seems a little too far-fetched). There may be more than one way to do this.

We could simply hook up something to our brain and thus hooking up our sense to the program. Kind of like the Holodeck in Star Trek.

If we could develop something like this, oh my gosh...I can hardly think about it. I get goosebumps when I do! Maybe I should be studying computer science...

But, I made this thread to discuss this topic and get everyones opinions! So let er rip guys - lets see what you got!

posted on Dec, 20 2010 @ 04:31 PM
reply to post by Jibblin

I Really wish it was possible! it looks fecking amazing!

edit on 20/12/10 by TedHodgson because: cows

posted on Dec, 20 2010 @ 04:38 PM

Originally posted by Jibblin
I'm wondering what you guys think of the possibility that humans could, in fact, put themselves into programs. We may could have the same affect without physically putting the body into the program (this seems a little too far-fetched). There may be more than one way to do this.

I think the possiblity you are referring to will be more like James Cameron's movie "Avatar". With our advances in quantum physics progressing at such a rapid pace, more and more people realizing the quantum symbolism behind religious doctrine, and the processing speed of technology growing at a RAMPANT pace, this may be possible.

Personally, I imagine us being able to transfer consciousness into bodies which inhabit alternate universes and possibly being able to bring back things that we find in these universes into our current reality with some energy conduit, maybe based on crystalline structure.

posted on Dec, 20 2010 @ 04:53 PM
you are also describing the matrix.

some people say you are in it now..

posted on Dec, 20 2010 @ 09:52 PM
Or actually, a more realistic future would be one similar to the "Megaman: NT Warrior"/ "Megaman: Battle Network" series.

It would be like a concept extension of the Internet, where each person would have his/her own personality, alter or "daemon", whichever name you want to give it. This person would represent you in cyberspace and you would be together until the "real" you died.

posted on Dec, 20 2010 @ 10:48 PM
What we really need is a way to electronically interface with our dreams, or at least enhance the experience of our dreams. When we dream and when we control our dreams, we can do just about anything. However, the paradox is, that the more we control our dreams, and the less that we engage in "reality" - our dreams eventually become boring, we lose imagination and we run out of ideas. Therefore, it is a balance, between the real world, and the virtual world. Computers have a weakness, they cannot develop original thought, or at the very least, very basic thoughts. The danger of the "matrix" is that over time our minds become cold and calculated, empty, devoid of colour.

posted on Dec, 20 2010 @ 10:57 PM
Tron is entirely possible in real life. The brain is essentially an analogue computer. I recall seeing very advanced things on Oh Gizmo regarding brain-computer interface systems. Too lazy to look it up and link too it though. ... Oh Gizmo, you got that?

posted on Dec, 20 2010 @ 11:05 PM
reply to post by Jibblin

What my views on both tron movies are this that i consider, both of the worlds i.e. the physical and the virtual as the part of the master control program, and this that we are made as a program in that virtual world and than sent to this physical world, which we think of as real but it is not.

posted on Dec, 20 2010 @ 11:08 PM
how can you prove that we are not already inside a program

I will leave at that, I could but I dont want to extend right now ... but you need to realize that its very possible in the future for us to create a virtual real world ...

posted on May, 27 2011 @ 11:20 PM
reply to post by Jibblin

of course its possible, all you would have to do is to create some form of teleportation, which the invention of is actually closer than most people know, link that device up to an collection of servers that are all blank, yeah the servers would probably take up several floors of a building but hey we could probably be able to find a company to sponsor it, and then instead of sending that persone to a place just have the computers inject there data into the servers

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 08:41 PM
reply to post by Jibblin

In my opinion what we see in this dimension/space etc already exists even if it is a fragment of someone else's imagination because whatever we percieve here already exists somewhere else in the astral or another world, etc. i have always followed that statement because it resonates and makes sense to me so it is only a matter of time before it comes to life here or we astral project, etc in its form in the present day. Or we find a way to bring it here or present evidence of it to those who need it.

posted on Dec, 30 2013 @ 10:43 PM
Look, I know this was posted a while back, but I have just begun research on the very thing you discussed, that when you hook some sort of device up to yourself, you basically are in the program, but you are still in the physical world, your mind has left but your body is still here where its not exactly like tron, but you still get the same experience, well my friend I have just started my quest to make that a possibility in the world, scratch that i want to make it happen in the world, currently i am 13, so I have all the time I need, now dont just go oh its just some kid this will never happen, please spare the time to consider that I have the same dream, something has recently come up in my life that has given me a chance to see the importance of this concept, think about it, your wildest dreams that you can actually experience, literally you will feel like your there, trust me I've looked its not out of the question, scientists have figured out how to put people asleep and make them talk, its the art of free will and illusion, it can be done and I am determined enough to make it happen, trust me it will take at least 5 years for someone else to figure this out, but by that time I will be vested in this project completely, currently I am learning programing and computer science, I wish I could speed this process up trust me, I have the wildest dreams that I want to make a reality, imagine, anything you want to experience, just program the computer for the story or world you want to experience, plug yourself in and boom, you have entered the story, world whatever you want, that you have always wanted, shoot me an email if your interested in this project and I will keep you posted the whole length of it [email protected]

posted on Dec, 30 2013 @ 11:08 PM
reply to post by Jibblin

I believe a Holodeck would be within our grasp at some point in the future. It uses matter to "3D print" objects and people. However, in TRON (I loved the old movie, liked the new one) uses a totally different method and something I believe is way, way out of our reach. Tron basically takes you apart "bit by bit" turning you into binary code that the computer can read and insert you into a program. It just sounds way out there to be feasible.

I like Tron more than Star Trek.

posted on Dec, 31 2013 @ 12:52 AM
reply to post by Auricom

Well thank you for your fast response, either way im not offended, im open to everyones ideas and concepts, even if I dont except them. im currently trying to find people interested in the same concepts, I would love to make this a reality, but I believe you misunderstood what I said, I completely agree with you that taking a human apart bit by bit and reassembling him/her into binary code that a computer understands is out of reach at the moment, what I meant is something more like where you have to hook something up to yourself and then you fall asleap and your mind takes you into this world, not a dream, a reality inside your head that allows you free will and the ability to feel, hear, taste, see, and smell, its not tron by any means, but have you ever had a dream where you feel like your falling and you suddenly wake up, I meant something that your mind believes to be true and something that you can feel, hear etc. So basically it would be a simulation, inside your head that you have the ability to do what you want and have all of your senses, I believe something like this may not be out of reach if we crack the way to tap into ones sense, if your body can naturally do this inside of a dream im sure I can figure a way to this manually, I do have the basic understanding of science and the human body to start an indever like this, now fully understand, it wont be like tron, but It will based in the same simulated concept, in fact think of it as assasains creed where you can enter the animus (if you dont know what asassains creed is go look up the story line, and then you will understand what im referring to), basically thats not to far out of grasp, thank you for your time.

posted on Dec, 31 2013 @ 03:26 AM
reply to post by KLO2240

Ah, I see now where you're going. Almost like the movie "The Matrix". Or at least, the same principle of "jacking in to a virtual reality world". Do I think it's possible? I do. Do I think it's possible right now? I don't. We have a rough understanding of how the mind works, but not enough to be able to interface our mind with a computer. Even if that computer is nothing else but a secondary element providing minimum input.

We'd have to have a better understanding of how to influence our various neurons, and how to make our minds "see" the computer data and to process it. I can see where we "plug in" in the not too distant future as we are steadily advancing our understanding of ourselves and our technology.

All I know is that I'll be paying attention to this thread as the topic interests me.

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