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Anti-terror squad arrest 12 men

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posted on Dec, 20 2010 @ 03:41 AM

Anti-terror squad arrest 12 men

Twelve men were arrested early this morning in a major national counter-terrorism operation, police said today.

It is understood that the plans for the alleged attacks were at an advanced stage.

(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Dec, 20 2010 @ 03:41 AM
Ok now i don't care what you think of the mail but this is serious!

Britain is the laughing stock of the world at the moment we are a just one big terrorist camp, the Stockholm bomber was radicalized here too.

What if this was missed!?

Horrible times we live in, please everyone stay safe this christmas!
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Dec, 20 2010 @ 04:10 AM
Hello? Does any one care about the fact we have a major terror threat? even though this one is foiled there are plenty more i'm sure!


posted on Dec, 20 2010 @ 04:12 AM
Thanks for posting this BB, starred and flagged.

Here are some other sources for those who ignore anything by the Mail.

Twelve Held In Major Anti-Terrorism Swoop

Men arrested in anti-terror raids

12 men arrested over suspected UK terrorism plot

I know there are some that think that every terror arrest is either a false flag or something made up just to keep the scares going, but fact is there are people out there that will happily attack innocents.

Just a shame that so many are learning their trade here in the UK now, it seems to be the choice location for budding terrorists.

edit on 20/12/10 by CX because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 20 2010 @ 04:17 AM
TSA in UK? welcome aboard

posted on Dec, 20 2010 @ 05:12 AM
reply to post by BarmyBilly

The more free a society is, the more risk to an individuals safety, it is the price we pay to be free. We will see terror attacks come and go and my only hope is that the government doesn't continue to use them as an excuse to crack down on our freedoms. What are we supposed to do about this situation? The only way to be safe would be to abolish our freedoms, track everyone and everything they do.

If this intelligence is correct then good on our police and intelligence services for preventing the attack, but lets not overreact.

posted on Dec, 20 2010 @ 06:31 AM
reply to post by BarmyBilly

I care plenty . But Im not a sensationalist. We have lived with one kind of terrorist or another acting in our midst for as long as any of us have been alive after all. The IRA , the Lybians and others have over the years been a thorn in the side of peace here for many years.
The Irish situation that until a few years ago was still prone to violence , and used to plan and attempt to cause explosions on British soil. They still blow something up every now and again, or shoot a police man, or some further outrage.
However, we dont carpet bomb the living hell out of entire districts of Ireland in response. Therefore thier issues are largely that the current mob of violent , but as yet short staffed Real IRA involved with these new flare ups, are merely after a slice of the drug dealing, gun running , contraband smuggling action , rather than having a genuine political concern, or any reason to believe that they are hard done by in life.
Looking now at Islamic terror. The only reason to be more worried about Islamic terror plots than the other, numerous and lethal plotting happening in our midst, is that where as the Irish have no genuine grievance at this time toward our people or government , the terror campaigns by muslim terror groups are targeted and fueled by every death that happens in the war on terror. To the people who are of a mind to blow up a bus , or a train, or anywhere else in revenge for the devastation in the muslim world, this is a current and justified action, and although one would not agree with thier methods, it is hard to see how our nation can honestly act indignant when we are attacked. We have killed tens of thousands of non combatants since this terror war began. These people had nothing to do with terror campaigns. They were just baking bread, herding sheep, looking after thier own meagre stretch of dust. Only one or two terrorists die, for every ten, twenty or thirty people who are injured or killed by British weaponry .
If you lived there, and you saw this happening to your homeland, your town, your house, your family, you would be up in arms ! Its well understood that the majority of current terrorists and new recruits would never have considered such actions until the war started claiming huge civillian casualties for comparatively little gain!
Therefore, while being concerned about this terror plot that you have bought to our attention, I cannot say that I am outraged by it, nor can I fail to see a reason why these people would wish to harm our nation. It is clear to me that the actions of our government in dealing with terror , certainly from a foriegn affairs point of veiw, are not conducive to avoiding conflict, and in some circumstances appear to deliberately further the fury aimed at our nation.
What we SHOULD be doing , is not meddling in the affairs of nations to which we have no claim, what we should be doing is keeping ALL our armed forces on our borders, and to spend all the wasted cash that we have been using to prosecute this senile attempt at a war, on getting the intelligence agencies to do the job with minimal collateral damage, and without destroying the lives of innocent people.
These would be a good start in removing the excuses currently given by prospective terrorists for the things they do. If we do not kill multitudes of people while taking out one enemy combatant, then less hate will come our way. If we ensure that our military and political stance has no negative impact for innocent people, then and only then can we expect anything else, than bombings, and violence in response.
Being incredulous about it is possibly the stupidest and most downright ignorant response imaginable, and proves that the person having this absurd reaction has not the slightest clue, about things like responsibility, fairness, decency , and above all , equal respect for all human life. Otherwise why would they respond in this manner to a threat on thier own soil, and either turn the other cheek or laugh at carpet bombs and JDAMs landing on thier less protected foreign counterparts?
Be consistant. You cannot ignore the death of Afghans just because you are not one, if you then seek to rage about the threat to British persons. We are one people , humanity . Stronger together, and far weaker divided.

posted on Dec, 20 2010 @ 06:34 AM
Are we sure its tthe real deal?Not ust another bunch of pimply teens sucked into acting out by some slimeball anti terror agent?
The phoney terrorists created by the FBI et al are so obviously products of them, that its hard to stir up an angry public reaction anymore.
I keep thinking of the fifteen year old boy in afghanistan, the one who supposedly threw a grenade which killed a US soldier......
Funny they neglect to even mention that the very same us soldier was trying to kill him at the time.a fifteen yr old boy caught in a war that he had nothing to do with starting, nor did he invade anybody....He gets used first as a child soldier by the Taliban, and then tortured and imprisoned as an enemy combatent in gitmo bay.
Then they put him in a patently kangaroo court, with a forgone conclusion of guilt,so they can lock him away for another few decades.
Yeaah that fifteen yr olds gotta paay for 9/11....obviously the mastermiind arch criminal.

posted on Dec, 20 2010 @ 07:00 AM

Originally posted by BarmyBilly
Britain is the laughing stock of the world at the moment we are a just one big terrorist camp, the Stockholm bomber was radicalized here too.

But you're missing one very important face, WE ARE CATCHING THEM.

How many threats have been uncovered in the USA too? Some of them have gotten a LOT FURTHER int heir plans, trying to blow themselves up on planes.
At least the ones we have we are catching.

Perhaps that is why it seems we are a breeding ground for terrorists. I actual fact it might simply be that we are more adept at finding them and arresting them before they go off to try to kill people!

posted on Dec, 20 2010 @ 07:04 AM

Originally posted by ImaginaryReality1984
reply to post by BarmyBilly

The more free a society is, the more risk to an individuals safety, it is the price we pay to be free. We will see terror attacks come and go and my only hope is that the government doesn't continue to use them as an excuse to crack down on our freedoms. What are we supposed to do about this situation? The only way to be safe would be to abolish our freedoms, track everyone and everything they do.

If this intelligence is correct then good on our police and intelligence services for preventing the attack, but lets not overreact.


I would rather live in a free country and suffer occasional attacks, than live under constant fear of my own government.

People fail to see the hypocrisy in all of this.
A terrorist attack might kill a few people. But the global financial crisis affects ALL OF US, and yet look at the action taken to hype-up each and bring in draconian controls.

We're willing to give up so much to try to prevent a small number of attacks affecting a few hundred citizens, but we do nothing about the financial terrorists attacking ALL of us every day.

posted on Dec, 20 2010 @ 07:55 AM
Terrorism is as old as humanity, the only thing that's different is how we handle terrorism.

In "the old days" the terrorists were punished for their deeds. Now, the innocent get the punishment pre-crime because of some lunatics that wanna harm innocent people, and another group of lunatics that hapily uses this situation to crack down on our liberties.

posted on Dec, 20 2010 @ 08:25 AM

"The suspects are believed to have been involved in a plot against targets in the UK," he said. "This is not believed to have been a potential plot of a Mumbai-style attack, but a plot involving explosives or bombs."

According to the BBC.

posted on Dec, 20 2010 @ 08:29 AM
reply to post by BarmyBilly

Outstanding! Now what additional fredoms are they going to take away because of this? Those in power are always looking for an excuse.

Terrorists blow something up? Take away something so they don't anymore.
Terrorists don't blow something up? Take away something so the NEXT group doesn't do it anymore.

posted on Dec, 20 2010 @ 11:10 AM
reply to post by BarmyBilly

It's a good thing we have Security ready and willing to tackle these 'Terrorists' head on otherwise we would of had a lot more deaths from 'bombs' over recent years.... you cant deny it....

Anyway i say they do a great job and yes keep yours open when out and about as they are out there.... no matter what people keep saying about false flags and stuff.

posted on Dec, 20 2010 @ 11:19 AM

Originally posted by beezzer
reply to post by BarmyBilly

Outstanding! Now what additional fredoms are they going to take away because of this? Those in power are always looking for an excuse.

Terrorists blow something up? Take away something so they don't anymore.
Terrorists don't blow something up? Take away something so the NEXT group doesn't do it anymore.

It is unlikely that any of the current freedoms we enjoy will be taken away as a result of this. We tend to be reactive in the UK and not proactive.

Also whilst investigations are continuing it is unlikely that specifics will be released that may warn off any others involved that are still at large. Only if an attack is imminent will severe measures usually be implemented e.g. when the army deployed to Heathrow Airport following specific intelligence.

As for the IRA/Real IRA - they are still a significant threat in mainland UK although public attention is no longer focused on them. They do however seriously believe that they have a political agenda although I agree with a previous post, that their main agenda is for dominance of the criminal underworld in Northern Ireland. There is still a lot of grievance with the UK government and military for past actions that will take generations to diffuse.



posted on Dec, 20 2010 @ 12:55 PM
Four arrested here in Stoke on Trent. This is just crazy. It was only last week some locals tried blowing up the mosque, now the muslims try terror attacks themselves. Bosnia here we come...............................................
edit on 20-12-2010 by ufoorbhunter because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 20 2010 @ 04:30 PM
reply to post by ufoorbhunter

last week? where?

You have the links to any stories?

It wouldnt surprise me if its true.... i've seen visions of this type of thing and i think its only a matter of time before one gets smoked.... and then we will have a Baghdad style outlook

posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 01:09 AM

Originally posted by TruthxIsxInxThexMist
reply to post by ufoorbhunter

last week? where?

You have the links to any stories?

It wouldnt surprise me if its true.... i've seen visions of this type of thing and i think its only a matter of time before one gets smoked.... and then we will have a Baghdad style outlook

It's just mental here in the UK. All the nutters are trying to bomb each other, we should set up a contest zone on one of them deserted Scottish islands where they can fight it out without effecting the rest of us. We can let Mossad and the Taliban do the refereeing lol

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