reply to post by BarmyBilly
I care plenty . But Im not a sensationalist. We have lived with one kind of terrorist or another acting in our midst for as long as any of us have
been alive after all. The IRA , the Lybians and others have over the years been a thorn in the side of peace here for many years.
The Irish situation that until a few years ago was still prone to violence , and used to plan and attempt to cause explosions on British soil. They
still blow something up every now and again, or shoot a police man, or some further outrage.
However, we dont carpet bomb the living hell out of entire districts of Ireland in response. Therefore thier issues are largely that the current mob
of violent , but as yet short staffed Real IRA involved with these new flare ups, are merely after a slice of the drug dealing, gun running ,
contraband smuggling action , rather than having a genuine political concern, or any reason to believe that they are hard done by in life.
Looking now at Islamic terror. The only reason to be more worried about Islamic terror plots than the other, numerous and lethal plotting happening
in our midst, is that where as the Irish have no genuine grievance at this time toward our people or government , the terror campaigns by muslim
terror groups are targeted and fueled by every death that happens in the war on terror. To the people who are of a mind to blow up a bus , or a train,
or anywhere else in revenge for the devastation in the muslim world, this is a current and justified action, and although one would not agree with
thier methods, it is hard to see how our nation can honestly act indignant when we are attacked. We have killed tens of thousands of non combatants
since this terror war began. These people had nothing to do with terror campaigns. They were just baking bread, herding sheep, looking after thier own
meagre stretch of dust. Only one or two terrorists die, for every ten, twenty or thirty people who are injured or killed by British weaponry .
If you lived there, and you saw this happening to your homeland, your town, your house, your family, you would be up in arms ! Its well understood
that the majority of current terrorists and new recruits would never have considered such actions until the war started claiming huge civillian
casualties for comparatively little gain!
Therefore, while being concerned about this terror plot that you have bought to our attention, I cannot say that I am outraged by it, nor can I fail
to see a reason why these people would wish to harm our nation. It is clear to me that the actions of our government in dealing with terror ,
certainly from a foriegn affairs point of veiw, are not conducive to avoiding conflict, and in some circumstances appear to deliberately further the
fury aimed at our nation.
What we SHOULD be doing , is not meddling in the affairs of nations to which we have no claim, what we should be doing is keeping ALL our armed
forces on our borders, and to spend all the wasted cash that we have been using to prosecute this senile attempt at a war, on getting the intelligence
agencies to do the job with minimal collateral damage, and without destroying the lives of innocent people.
These would be a good start in removing the excuses currently given by prospective terrorists for the things they do. If we do not kill multitudes of
people while taking out one enemy combatant, then less hate will come our way. If we ensure that our military and political stance has no negative
impact for innocent people, then and only then can we expect anything else, than bombings, and violence in response.
Being incredulous about it is possibly the stupidest and most downright ignorant response imaginable, and proves that the person having this absurd
reaction has not the slightest clue, about things like responsibility, fairness, decency , and above all , equal respect for all human life. Otherwise
why would they respond in this manner to a threat on thier own soil, and either turn the other cheek or laugh at carpet bombs and JDAMs landing on
thier less protected foreign counterparts?
Be consistant. You cannot ignore the death of Afghans just because you are not one, if you then seek to rage about the threat to British persons. We
are one people , humanity . Stronger together, and far weaker divided.