I totally agree with 'amongus', regarding the huge number of spelling and grammatical errors in the work. I find the numerous errors very annoying and
unprofessional; they even add confusion to some of the more important information. This is just plain negligence. If I were Colonel X, I would be more
disappointed than most with the quality of the transcription.
For what it's worth, here is my analysis of the interview. All quotes from the ebook, 'UFO Highway' by Anthony Sanchez are in quotation marks and
followed by a page number. My comments are in interspersed and appear in parenthesis.
'Futuristic machines, but easily capable of being hundreds of years old based on the way webs, dirt and dust had accumulated on the devices; it
didn’t make any sense.' (p.47)
'As they began to find rooms, more discoveries of equipment was made. These rooms like the others were also covered in cobwebs, dirt, and dust,
indicating possible decades of lying there completely undisturbed.' (p.48)
[Why was the alien technology covered in years of dust and grime when the Greys were still living there using it? Were they such seriously bad
'Once deeper inside the facility he also wrote that they found human remains, some apparently were American Indians easily identified by their
traditional clothing.' (p.47)
'And then if it couldn’t get any stranger, they began to find diminutive human-like remains, with enlarged heads and very large eye sockets, many of
them strewn about the area where the cavern began to transition from natural cavern to a fabricated structure. All around the first areas surveyed,
there were signs of a struggle and serious fire fighting, as they found more weapons, dead bodies and carbon blasts on the walls from having been shot
at. But from how long ago the fighting occurred was anyone’s guess. No one was sure exactly. The American Indian bodies were further out; but these
new small human-like remains were being found much deeper into the facility.' (p.48)
[Why were the bodies of both greys and their Indian opponents not removed by the Greys but left to rot on the upper levels of the facility? It doesn't
take more than a hundred years to do an autopsy and only attracts unwanted attention from potential visitors (as it allegedly did).]
'Even as they tried to remain quite (sic) and out of sight, they could sense that someone or something was successfully tracking the soldiers. But
there was no effort to interact with whoever it was … not yet.' (p.59)
'All the reports stated that there were incidents of the mysterious inhabitants peering from around corners to observe the soldiers, usually from a
great distance; almost like shadows.' (p.59)
'No one could determine how this was happening as there was no one else down there, they thought.' (p.60)
[How could the soldiers think that no one else was down there when they sensed that they were being observed and actually noticed beings peeking at
Sanchez: 'Can you say who your colleagues were?'
Col. X: 'No. I simply cannot. The sensitivity of this information can potentially cause harm tothose who were involved. And I would hate to re-involve
those men or put their families in harms way. But what I can tell you are ranks, dates, locations, etc. and I can give you great detail about
everything you need to know, but I will not say anything that would directly identify specific individuals.
As it is, I am concerned over sharing this information with you today. But I feel that the information must to be told to someone, else it will never
make it out publicly; not ever. I know that now.'
Sanchez: 'Interesting … Colonel if I may ask, without naming anyone are they still alive?'
Col X: 'Yes. I’m sad to say that the Brigadier General has already passed on, and the Major is now in a home. The Navy Lieutenant Commander is doing
fine in retirement in Boca Raton, Florida. So as you can see, there is nothing preventing me from talking with you here today, and there is safety
through anonymity. So long as I remain anonymous, I feel okay with this. Incidentally, my role in the military after the Dulce event took on a much
more interesting path than any of theirs. Paths that can afford me both the protection and solitude I need to do what I am doing with you right
[How can Colonel X be so assured of his safety after spilling the beans? There are enough details in his account for the miltary to identify him quite
easily unless he has changed his identity and his face and even then, it wouldn't be too difficult. They have his dates and places of service, his
current occupation and family situation and details of an impending job transfer and relocation. What more could they possibly need to track him
'What he had seen terrified him. The commanding officer wrote in the report that the soldier, upon reaching the group, yelled his head off screaming
in utter terror. Before the soldier even realized he had made it back successfully, he was surrounded by fellow soldiers, pissed off at him for going
out on his own. They in turn were screaming at him, “What the hell are you doing?” they said. “Why are you shooting?” and “What the hell is
wrong with you?” they shouted at the returning soldier.
“What are you doing to me?” the escaped soldier belted. “Let go of me; let me go god (sic) damn it!” he continued. The commanding officer
hurried over to the group telling them to break it up and explain what was happening.' (p.63)
[This account reads like a dramatic novel with words like "belted" and "continued" in the context of story-telling . We just don't speak like that.
Was the story embellished during the transcription or simply written like that from Sanchez's imagination?]
'Once the inhabitants had reached to about twenty yards away from their camp perimeter, their weapons lighted (sic) up the room...' (p.64)
'The inhabitants had somewhat human-looking bodies, but something was odd about their skin.
Their faces … they couldn’t make out their faces.' (p.64)
'One soldier who was stuck behind of quickly disappearing equipment decided to forgo diving behind a metal table and decided to confront the
inhabitants head on. He sprayed them killing several instantly, and then went hand to hand with one of the larger inhabitants. This creature was
ferocious and was tearing the man to shreds not using his weapon, as if deciding to torture the soldier rather than killing him quickly.
As they fought the soldier began to gain the upper hand as his fellows began to target that creature and hit him successfully several times. But these
shots did not stop the inhabitant from grabbing the soldier and pulling him into a corridor. Once out of sight you could hear the soldier scream like
mad and fight hard. Within what seemed to be forever, which in reality was only half a minute at most; the soldier reappeared and had the
inhabitant’s weapon in his hand.' (p.65)
[How could the soldiers not make out the inhabitants faces when they were only 20 yards away? How could they discern the odd nature of the beings skin
but not their faces? I understand it was dark but one of them even engaged in hand-to-hand combat. Did he have his eyes closed?]
'It was suspected that the inhabitants thought the soldiers would be similarly equal opponents to the earlier combatants that they had faced, probably
encountering the same types of weapons and tactics from the time period, but what they had not factored was that this group was a highly trained
military unit with long range automatic weapons, comprised of men who were disciplined fighters, trained to kill Nazis with no mercy.'
[It is extremely odd that the Colonel says the soldiers were trained to kill Nazis when at that stage (1940), America had not even entered the
'And others who showed an unwillingness to keep secret what they had observed were sent to Portsmouth Naval Prison on charges of insubordination
(posing an immediate threat to National security).' (p.69)
'When the reassignments and disbanding was all said and done, according to the report only two men were ever charged with anything, but almost no one
was ever sent to prison.' (p.69)
[Were a number of men sent to prison or weren't they?]
'I kept thinking, if this Grey were to have a name, it should have been “Sparkplug” by virtue of the fact that this creature was all over that
room moving from table to table and writing while multi-tasking and at a furious pace.' (p.85)
[According to all abduction reports that I have read, the Greys move and work in a slow, methodical fashion.]
Col. X: 'But Anthony, it was your work in particular which propelled me to contact our mutual friend and get us introduced. In your blog you covered
human-alien hybridization and key historical references to ancient times predating known history. My work on the Greys has led me to seek out works by
experts who’ve made colorations close to what many facts are from the known Grey history. And I like what you put together.'
Sanchez: 'Is that why you sought me out, because you know of my work on Human Origins?'
Col. X: 'Yes, but more to point the Alien-Human hybridization. And if what some of what I am saying sounds like your work, this is exactly why I
sought you out. Our mutual friend, he and I often share data, and when he showed me your work, I realized that you were the first one to accurately
piece all the data together as best as I could understand, and equivalent to what our own people know from the Greys.
Your work is partly what drove me to do this. At one point I thought you must have been at Dulce and had worked on this project, but now I know that
you just got your and others data to correctly match up (very closely) to the accuracy of the Dulce historians who studied the Greys...
...Look at your own work. The Dogon people of West Africa descended from ancient Egyptian lineages, who in turn descended from the other ancient Near
East cultures; and what all these people retained and described over the tens of thousands of years are the same ‘entities’ who we find in all of
our early writings across the globe.' (p.91)
[Sounds like a built-in advertisement. The similarities between the author's work and alien history according to Colonel X can more easily be
explained if they are both the product of the same mind.
At one point, Colonel X describes the abduction of Myrna Hansen in 1980. If we compare his account with that on a website describing the incident,
there are precise similarities in the wording.]
Colonel X: 'She described being dragged out of the area she had found, with both her and her son later being subjected through a painful process
involving loud noises and very bright strobe lights, before they were taken back aboard a UFO and flown back to the very site where the abduction
occurred.' (p.94)
Website: 'Hansen was dragged out of that area and she and her son were put through a painful process involving loud noises and blinding lights before
they were taken back aboard the UFO and flown (with her car aboard too ) back to the site of the abduction.'
[Could the Colonel have viewed this website and remembered the account word for word or, more likely, did Sanchez simply fail to disguise this source
sufficiently while fabricating the interview?
In conclusion, I'm with UFO researcher, Jacques Valle on this one:]
'Vallée proposes that there is a genuine UFO phenomenon, partly associated with a form of non-human consciousness that manipulates space and time.
The phenomenon has been active throughout human history, and seems to masquerade in various forms to different cultures. In his opinion, the
intelligence behind the phenomenon attempts social manipulation by using deception on the humans with whom they interact.
Vallée also proposes that a secondary aspect of the UFO phenomenon involves human manipulation by humans. Witnesses of UFO phenomena undergo a
manipulative and staged spectacle, meant to alter their belief system, and eventually, influence human society by suggesting alien intervention from
outer space. The ultimate motivation for this deception is probably a projected major change of human society, the breaking down of old belief systems
and the implementation of new ones. Vallée states that the evidence, if carefully analysed, suggests an underlying plan for the deception of mankind
by means of unknown, highly advanced methods. Vallee states that it is highly unlikely that governments actually conceal alien evidence, as the
popular myth suggests. Rather, it is much more likely that that is exactly what the manipulators want us to believe. Vallée feels the entire subject
of UFOs is mystified by charlatans and science fiction. He advocates a stronger and more serious involvement of science in the UFO research and
debate. Only this can reveal the true nature of the UFO phenomenon.'
edit on 15-2-2011 by DesNukem because: Failed to close parenthesis in one sentence.
edit on 15-2-2011 by DesNukem because:
Corrected formatting errors.