posted on Dec, 19 2010 @ 09:10 AM
So to make a long story short. I have insomnia and I take night walks quite often. Bringing a camera with me everywhere because seriously you never
know what you will see in this world. I make my way down to a local tourist spot here in Maine known as "Bug Light". It's a lighthouse that people
love to see, overall good view.
One night I'm walking along, and I was thinking to myself "Wow the lighting and everything tonight looks weird". As you can see in the photo things
may appear shaky, but I assure you I wasn't shaking, and my camera was on a tripod.
I snap the photo quickly and keep on walking. Now if I would have saw this object first hand, I would have deff. tried to focus more on it. But I was
only able to see it after I returned home and looked at the photos on my computer.
Here the photo in question. Have fun ATS.