posted on Dec, 19 2010 @ 04:57 AM
The first thought that popped into my head was the earth's electromagnetic field. As the earth is ground, we are positively charged or negatively
charged. A positive and a negative create a balance correct? As where two negatives hover upon each other. Either alpha, beta, or delta waves created
in the brain to create our said reality. Also that humming noise you hear in your ears when in complete silence is your brain making these said waves
to keep the mind/spirit/soul anchored to this earth. I heard from a guy who knew a guy who slept with a chick who was the sister of a guy that worked
at NASA (Nazi American Space Administration) said you would go insane if you went to space without an electromagnetic pulse emitter on your suit. Some
how we are connected to this earth more ways then one. The sumerians had it right back in the day. More spirituality equals connective ness with
humans and animals alike. Telepathy is real. Try with a friend sometime and you will be surprised with the results. But the is just one thought in my
pea brain.