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A Question to All ATS poster's

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posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 02:14 PM
My personal view on ATS is it's a double edged sword, You all say and post things drawing the attention of the government agencies you all fear, hate and wan't to have nothing to do with.

Some user's call for America's destruction, but yet get mad when news stories come up of Anti-American act's or actions being punished.

Some user's call for transparency but then get mad when the result's and consequences of these transparent act's causes a restriction on people gaining knowledge.

Like in a previous post, you all seem to be suffering from Stockholm syndrome or a new form of it. You all cheer on Assange(sp?) and his group of hackers, but fail to realize that regardless if this is a Problem-Solution scheme enacted by America or just a whistle blower doing his thing, the results of his actions will heavily impact lives of all person's on this planet.

You all cry about too much security, too much watchfulness of the government but then if you, you're friends or family are killed in an attack, you turn around and blame the same government which was attempting to help as being the cause or main workers of these terrorist acts.

Alot of you all claim to not be sheeple(lol funny term) but truth be told, you're just not following the "default" herd, you have disbanded from the "default" herd and are now being herded under a new banner/Shepherd who's goal is to "not be a conformist" lol, it's like jumping out of the frying pan and directly into the flame.

Yes I do agree, things are very wicked and crazy in todays times. but as you all know, things presented via "MSM" can be tampered with and faked (or so the majority of you all feel as so) but then when someone call's you on you're belief's about a conspiracy or cover-up, sometimes you use the same "MSM" source to back your claims, which to me is insanity.

You have American troops come onto this board and bash the very entities(far as group not beings) who hold their lives & freedom's in their hands, and you people applaud and congratulate them "for standing up to TPTB". which is idiotic, because you better understand that America know's sooner or later a Home-grown terrorist will try his/her/their hand, so you think they are not keeping tab's on you "non-sheeple" who have just jumped out into the open to be patted on back or seen as unique?

This is my plea and question to all of you ATS poster's, do you all seriously live in a world so jaded by fear and blissful ignorance that you all are willing to paint the bulls-eye on you're own foreheads? or do you seriously believe in what you say, and what it is you believe you are fighting against and for? I try to look at things from different points of view before making my opinion's known, and I can't seem to understand majority of ATS poster's point's of view, but I do understand that if I was in the government I would keep tab's on ALL of you user's who bash their own government, applaud treason, and call for revolution & the moment I was able to gather you all up and put you away as to not be a problem I would have to worry about anymore, I would.

I just don't understand most of you folks goals or purposes for the actions you take that are clearly suicidal and self-harming in nature.

posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 02:21 PM
reply to post by Ronin22

Generally speaking, the Way of the warrior is resolute acceptance of death. -

Miyamoto Musashi

posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 02:23 PM

Originally posted by indigothefish
reply to post by Ronin22

Generally speaking, the Way of the warrior is resolute acceptance of death. -

Miyamoto Musashi

Come on now, anyone can quote old text's from author's who did not live in our current era. so I am not asking for a cliff note's on ancient Samurai culture, I am asking for you're personal thoughts and answers on the question I have posted. SMH

posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 02:25 PM
sorry, didn't mean to seem reluctant to give a legitimate response, i just think there will always be people around like the people on ats, sort of fringe people willing to dable in the unknown or the occult or perhaps just the interesting, i think these are the types of minds that aren't stopped by fear in any way

i don't think ATS'ers are ignorant, i just think that some truth is relative while some is universal

edit on 12/18/2010 by indigothefish because: (no reason given)

edit on 12/18/2010 by indigothefish because: (no reason given)

edit on 12/18/2010 by indigothefish because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 02:26 PM
I smell a trap here, or is that a rat? any way you have a good point, most boohoo about freedoms lost but do not have a clue as to how to keep from loosing more. Me i know what is coming, and it is not pretty, for more will be taking from you that you have no clue, boohoo now about TSA DHS NSA UE and the UN, the time is coming were they act as one, not just here in the USA but all over the world, we are the test bed, so far so good for them, so sad to bad for us.
edit on 18-12-2010 by bekod because: added info. and word edit.

posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 02:28 PM

Originally posted by indigothefish
what? you want people to refrain from posting in fear of something?

It is not a point of refraining from posting in fear, it's the point as to why do you draw the attention you so clearly display as not wanting in your post on a public forum where everyone can access and see it. It's like committing a crime, and goto youtube posting a 10 minute video of what you did.

It's stupid, the way majority of you user's go about gaining attention, or fighting power's that are clearly greater then you are.

posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 02:28 PM
Good question, it seems to me that if is as bad as some say on here then it is too late. I for one believe that the gov't and the FED will not give up the power in any circumstance. "They" have the plans and the means to squash any serious resistance, just ask MLK, Lennon, Kennedy, both of them, and Tupoc. I believe that there are eyes on this site, and if something happens I am thinking of my family first and foremost.
Take it as it comes.

posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 02:30 PM
This is a place for dialog and ideas. I don't agree with everything that is said here but without having a conversation how do you ever understand truth to the best of your ability to perceive it. Even the most mis-guided individuals have some light to shed on what truth is or is not.

posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 02:31 PM
reply to post by Ronin22

haha i see your point

posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 02:33 PM

Originally posted by bekod
i smell a trap here, or is that a rat? any way you have a good point, most bohoo about freedoms lost but do not have a clue as to how to keep from loosing more. Me i know what is coming, and it is not pretty, for more will be taking from you that you have no clue, bohoo know about TSA DHS NSA UE and the UN, the time is coming were they act as one, not just here in the USA but all over the world, we are the test bed, so far so good.

yea your right, it is a trap But it was not 1 set or ran by me. and I don't know about all the other stuff you're talking about, but I do share the same view as you when it comes to you saying "most bohoo about feedoms lost but do not have a clue as to how to keep from loosing more."

ATS just baffles my senses when I see the arrogance and ignorance displayed by people attempting to fight things greater than them. people like that get silenced, and history is littered with examples of such people and the things they did to cause them to get silenced. alot of people use the quote of Churchill but seem like they truly fail to grasp it's true meaning.

posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 02:35 PM

Originally posted by indigothefish
sorry, didn't mean to seem reluctant to give a legitimate response, i just think there will always be people around like the people on ats, sort of fringe people willing to dable in the unknown or the occult or perhaps just the interesting, i think these are the types of minds that aren't stopped by fear in any way

i don't think ATS'ers are ignorant, i just think that some truth is relative while some is universal

edit on 12/18/2010 by indigothefish because: (no reason given)

edit on 12/18/2010 by indigothefish because: (no reason given)

edit on 12/18/2010 by indigothefish because: (no reason given)

I understand your apology,
but I am not talking about occult sciences or the unknown, i am referring to tangible act's and players of game's in which they do not know the rules in which they play by and end up crapping out before it's all said and done.
edit on 18-12-2010 by Ronin22 because: spelling

posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 02:36 PM
You contradicted yourself. "They cheer on Wikileaks transparency and then complain when it backfires into more restrictions".

Who's fault is that? Of course people are going to cheer on disclosure of any kind, people are sick of the lies. Of course people are going to be pissed, when it turns out that with all of their cheering, the fat cats with the puppet strings are "resolving the issue" with these said restrictions.

It sounds to me like you think everyone should have been informed that Assange was just a front man in order to establish the incoming restrictions. But everyone will never shift that quickly, only a handful of people with enough free time are capable of finding out the truth on a situation such as this. I don't get it, the people want transparency, and still do.
edit on 18-12-2010 by ThinkingCap because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 02:38 PM

Originally posted by BuddhasRolex
This is a place for dialog and ideas. I don't agree with everything that is said here but without having a conversation how do you ever understand truth to the best of your ability to perceive it. Even the most mis-guided individuals have some light to shed on what truth is or is not.

Yes this is a place for dialog and ideas, but what majority of ATS user's post are not just dialog or ideas, they swear up and down by the text files they found on some website they found in the dead of night. and honestly not too many user's bring in proof minus video's of people saying the same or electronic created data, it's a very serious and dangerous game being played by people who do not seem to grasp the fact that their words are gaining the attention of people who they clearly don't want to show them the attention they are craving.

posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 02:41 PM

Originally posted by ThinkingCap
You contradicted yourself. "They cheer on Wikileaks transparency and then complain when it backfires into more restrictions".

Who's fault is that? Of course people are going to cheer on disclosure of any kind, people are sick of the lies. Of course people are going to be pissed, when it turns out that with all of their cheering, the fat cats with the puppet strings are "resolving the issue" with these said restrictions.

It sounds to me like you think everyone should have been informed that Assange was just a front man in order to establish the incoming restrictions. But everyone will never shift that quickly, only a handful of people with enough free time are capable of finding out the truth on a situation such as this. I don't get it, the people want transparency, and still do.
edit on 18-12-2010 by ThinkingCap because: (no reason given)

Please point out to me where I contradicted myself. Yes you all cheer on Assange(sp?) but then when the hammer falls, after America get's tired of seeing their skeleton's aired out then you all will cry and be in fit's of rage about how it's not fair. And no please do not put any words in my mouth, I never said he was a front man, I pointed out the possibility.

So no, I am not contradicting myself, if anything I am contradicting alot of the things you all say and do.

posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 02:49 PM
One of my uncles, a member of the Snipe Clan, a great leader in his day, always said, "Today is a good day to die."

posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 02:50 PM
reply to post by Ronin22

Some user's call for transparency but then get mad when the result's and consequences of these transparent act's causes a restriction on people gaining knowledge.

Sorry, but that is not valid. This is not the "result" of the people, this is the result of the government. It is people with the view, "don't say anything, keep your head down" that get our planet into trouble. We want something to change, we must change it ourselves. I am not afraid of looking up evidence of government corruption, nor should anyone be afraid to share such information.

Thousands of children are dying NOT from natural causes, every single day. The only reason why this is happening, is because we have allowed these psychopaths to assume global control. If they did not want this to be, it would not. We have the capacity to all live like kings, but it is people not willing to fight for what they believe in who will cause our defeat.

posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 02:52 PM

Originally posted by alonzo730
One of my uncles, a member of the Snipe Clan, a great leader in his day, always said, "Today is a good day to die."

I think that's an old viking quote. Good one, considering the context it's used in.

posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 02:58 PM

Originally posted by Ronin22

Originally posted by BuddhasRolex
This is a place for dialog and ideas. I don't agree with everything that is said here but without having a conversation how do you ever understand truth to the best of your ability to perceive it. Even the most mis-guided individuals have some light to shed on what truth is or is not.

Yes this is a place for dialog and ideas, but what majority of ATS user's post are not just dialog or ideas, they swear up and down by the text files they found on some website they found in the dead of night. and honestly not too many user's bring in proof minus video's of people saying the same or electronic created data, it's a very serious and dangerous game being played by people who do not seem to grasp the fact that their words are gaining the attention of people who they clearly don't want to show them the attention they are craving.

I believe it was Thomas Jefferson who said something to the effect that dissidence is one of the highest forms of patriotism. I am a former Marine and the right to be dissident is how I justified my service. If there is something to fear about being dissident then that is the most important time to be just that. If there are consequences for this, mis-guided or not, those who speak out for their belief should be applauded

posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 03:01 PM
reply to post by Ronin22

...I would keep tab's on ALL of you user's who bash their own government, applaud treason, and call for revolution & the moment I was able to gather you all up and put you away as to not be a problem I would have to worry about anymore, I would.

I just don't understand most of you folks goals or purposes for the actions you take that are clearly suicidal and self-harming in nature.

They probably do, to some degree. At the least, there is a system likely monitoring catch phrases...

But in any case, the internet forums offer up a public podium to anyone who wants to jump up and rant/rave/discuss/dissect the topics of their choice. I see it functioning not as a call to action, but more of a public venting arena (in most cases). Maybe it's true, maybe not - but I take everything here (and elsewhere online) with a grain of salt and a lot of skepticism. People have a need to kvetch... these types of forums offer them a way to do so as well as interact with others who are also doing so. It's more fulfilling then a blog, less work then actual action.

posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 03:59 PM
Here's a thought: maybe there is no conspiracy; maybe it's all a ruse to generate traffic to websites & sell books, I mean, you've read all the BS threads, right? Yes, I take everything with a grain of salt as well.

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