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Wikileaks Tel Aviv cables being withheld/removed?

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posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 10:08 AM

Wikileaks Tel Aviv cables being withheld/removed?

Yesterday (and today) the wikileaks sites said 1618 cables released, and I had the page opens for several hours. I refreshed that page and it then said 1613 cables released.

Being curious, and since the downloader I am using ** I wrote myself, I tweaked it to compare what is on a mirror site to what is in the database and I find that I have 1624 cables.

The following cables which were originally included in the releases are now NOT on the site that I am using:


They make interesting reading some of them. I have made PDF files of the missing cables and zipped them up. You can download them from here

Question is since some of the mirrors still have 1618 files will these be removed eventually? Is this a conspiracy or is it just a fault? I have checked and some of them are still on some of the sites but (perhaps significantly) it seems to be the Tel Aviv ones that are for the most part missing.

This is the site that changed when I refreshed.

** Requires Windows XP / Vista / 7 and the .net framework 2.0 (Sorry that is what I use so no comments please!)

The program is Beta and has little or no help info but really does not need it. u2u ne if you have any problems.

Edit to say: This program is free and at present only available to ATS members.

edit on 18/12/2010 by PuterMan because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 10:25 AM
Great find! Thanks.

posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 10:33 AM
There was another thread on this, pointing to many more cables being censored too. I looked at one of the "Tel Aviv" cables and it is interesting, to say the least. It talks about what would appear to be an effort by the Mossad to work with minority groups in Iran towards regime change, what we would consider to be a coup d'etat. Also, some questionable practices conducted by both Israel and the US could be gleaned from these censored cables.

As I have been saying for a while now, it appears as if WL isn't what TPTB would have us think it is. The extent to which this is true, I'm not so sure yet, though if I had to bet money on it, I would say that extent is great. There is a war going on for the minds of the masses and WL seems to be a very shrewed move on the part of TPTB.

Think about it, if WL itself doesn;t have any intentions of spreading disinfo, what would stop authorities from using WL to spread disinfo? Furthermore, if the Mossad and CIA can infiltrate foreign governments and terrorist cells, why would they also not be able to infiltrate WL, an organization that doesn;t have the resources or structure to guard against such an infiltration. In fact, the organization begs to be infiltrated, seeing how volunteers are used. So, at the very least, WL is probably being both infiltrated by intelligence agencies and being "leaked" disinfo, while at the most, WL whole purpose is to spread disinfo. Either way, I think it pretty much goes without saying that the organization and any information coming out of the organization, shouldn't be trusted. It would be extremely odd if the governments of certain countries weren't exploiting WL, at the very least.

Thanks for sharing, S&F!


edit on 18-12-2010 by airspoon because: added last paragraph (before the last sentence)

posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 10:40 AM
Just a note. If you do download the program please let me know if it crashes in Get new cables. It is working OK on one PC here but failing on another. I am working on it!

posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 12:15 PM
Great work Puterman!
You have enviable skills that have produced interesting results, to say the least.
It's what we don't see that might be truly important and it looks like somebody has something to hide.
Working on "regime change" again are they?
They would like an Iranian "Crimson" revolution.

As an American, I deplore any attempts by Israel or the US to overthrow foreign governments.
People get killed when that sort of thing happens and we've done more than enough in that regard.

posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 12:34 PM
reply to post by Asktheanimals

Thank you for your kind comments.

The database program problem is fixed, but I am still working on improvements.

posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 12:51 PM
hey, somebody from ATS should try to contact wikileaks and ask for explanations ... this is a very curious case

cant the owner do that? this is very interesting

is this an inside job, a mistake, org decision, or censuring from some other org?

posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 02:20 PM

Originally posted by Faiol
hey, somebody from ATS should try to contact wikileaks and ask for explanations ... this is a very curious case

cant the owner do that? this is very interesting

is this an inside job, a mistake, org decision, or censuring from some other org?

I'm just curious - why wouldn't you do it yourself?


posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 04:17 PM
And again:

The Cables are there: - if you do not understand what a mirror is and how it can be manipulated please use google.

If you don't understand that some of the mirrors are put up by people who haven't secured their servers enough and have been attacked an even breached (root access on a server) - please use google
(my server gets attacked multiple times every day... from script kiddies to more serious attacks)

If you haven't understood the internet and that you need to CHECK your info , in this case compare multiple mirrors - please buy a typewritter and donate your computer is updated every hour directly from sweden.

Here some of the allegedly removed cables - found on my server (

(root@delpes)-(~) $ locate 10HAVANA84

(root@delpes)-(~) $ locate 09TELAVIV1688

et cetera... the links on the cablegate web site... you can find them yourself

And now please stop with this stupid topics (Cables removed/modified) jesus.... it starts to get really annoying
edit on 18-12-2010 by TheDeader because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 04:45 PM

posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 06:10 PM
reply to post by TheDeader

Perhaps whilst you are crowing over your arrogant and priggish attitude, looking down on other people and making rather pathetic attempts to belittle them you could actually read the OP. But then of course people like you do not do anything as menial as that do you? I stated in the OP:

Is this a conspiracy or is it just a fault? I have checked and some of them are still on some of the sites but (perhaps significantly) it seems to be the Tel Aviv ones that are for the most part missing.

It is probably beneath your superior intellect to have read that, or maybe you just did not understand it?

Incidentally, if the server you mentioned is indeed your server perhaps you could in your superior wisdom explain why your server address does not appear in the list of mirrors, as do one or two others fail to show. I mean I probably don't understand all this having only been a computer engineer and networking specialist for around 35 years.

If you haven't understood the internet and that you need to CHECK your info , in this case compare multiple mirrors - please buy a typewritter and donate your computer

Similarly your comment above obviously needs me to re-iterate for a third time "I have checked and some of them are still on some of the sites".

I assume that you must be having some problems with "kiddies" running scripts then as the following cables are NOT on your server:


(root@delpes)-(~) $ locate 09TELAVIV1688


You said this was on your site but note that it is NOT on your site now, so if it was it has gone - which was the point of the thread as the ones I was looking at vanished as I was looking.

If you haven't understood the internet and that you need to CHECK your info , in this case compare multiple mirrors - please buy a typewritter and donate your computer

You see I DO check my data, but maybe you do not and just sound off hoping no one will notice?

Sorry, who was it that needed the typewriter?

Just in case you did not understand that

5 TEL AVIV cables are missing off your server as well.

edit on 18/12/2010 by PuterMan because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 06:38 PM
reply to post by PuterMan

Nope, not missing, all there

09TELAVIV2500 -
07TELAVIV2652 -
09TELAVIV1688 -
09TELAVIV936 -
09TELAVIV2482 -

Here is a link to an hourly updated .zip of ALL the cables -

As i stated in another thread about missing cables : there were and seem to be some sync problems with the 'main' wikileaks servers (cable counter on the cablegate.html not always correct - sometimes after or during an (hourly) update you get a 404 on a link.

(as Wikileaks say in their F.A.Q about the cables: the release are mostly automated - so there is a possibility of errors - you should've read that...)

I apologize for sounding a bit harsh, i'm not in a good shape right now and i debunked almost the whole last 2 days threads like "OMG PROOF wikileaks is / does.." etc..
Please don't take this personal - i admit i did just overfly the OP - i thought it was the same kind of topic as the past 20 - so sorry again

edit on 18-12-2010 by TheDeader because: clarification

posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 06:47 PM
reply to post by TheDeader

No problem. Apology accepted. I am a little curious as to why I could not find those when I looked. Since this is on your own server are you / have you looked from 'outside' so to speak?

The two links I put in to 2007/9 - the two pages - definitely did not have that cable in the list.

I am just going to grab the pages as I see them and look through the code.

edit on 18/12/2010 by PuterMan because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 06:48 PM
@ My server not in the mirror list:

I don't gave them root access (ssh) to my server - that's why - i'm working together with the pirateparty of germany, swiss and luxembourg - and we do it over those channels - pp = pirate partie

the mirror list ( ) contains mostly (am not 100% sure) links to mirrors of people who send in their ssh / ftp / whatever data and gave with that the wikileaks stuff access to their servers...

*the problem with "stuff" disappearing is the following:

the release are automated, so the page is generated in the same way - sync - internally distributed - and then send to the mirrors - errors happen in such processes, even if it's a simple static html page that is generated. Sadly i don't know the internal (wikileaks) update shedules - but as far as i have monitored all the cables that were missing reappeared / never disapperad. Also, there are a lot of people overseaing the "page 2" link at the top and bottom of each daily release package
edit on 18-12-2010 by TheDeader because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 07:05 PM
reply to post by TheDeader

I am sure people did overlook the second page. I even did it myself a couple of times.

The cable we were referring to is not on the 'date' page (as opposed to the 'reldate' pages)


I guess since you have the cable on your server then what we are looking at is a fault, but never the less you have to admit a curious one in that it is mainly the tel aviv cables affected. One has to be a good conspirator after all!

posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 07:09 PM
YAY! for PuterMan.

posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 07:17 PM
reply to post by PuterMan

Yes you are right. We should remain sceptical about wikileaks as with everything else. I admit that i might be too much "pro" wikileaks right now as, until now, i have not been dissapointed by wikileaks.

The savest way, i think is, to download the (from my server or any other mirror that offers them) as they are not affected by a faulty auto-generation.

posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 07:24 PM
reply to post by TheDeader

OK, that particular cable 09TELAVIV1688 was in the secret cables. It should therefore appear on the pages for SECRET - it does not. There are 8 pages on your server and it does not appear in the list.

You kindly provided a link to the cable on your server, but take a look at the page it brings up. Note the number of cables released (circled)

Take another cable here

Note this has 1766 cables as the total. In fact for every cable I tried on your server this is the case

I believe this means that this cable is actually orphaned on your server since you cannot get to it from the 'date' pages or the 'secret' pages, neither does it appear on the 'origin' page (there is only one )

So what we have is updates that would appear to have eliminated the cable(s) from the page links, but of course have not removed from your server. Does that make sense. Is that a conspiracy?

posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 07:38 PM
reply to post by TheDeader

In your the 1688 file does exist, but it has a different date from the other files and the content is with 1618 cables released as we noted.


The cables zip will be a useful way of seeing if stuff has 'got lost'

posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 09:26 PM
Note to downloaders

If you have already downloaded please be aware that today WL changed the format very slightly and the program is broken BUT I have just uploaded a replacement.

You may need to uninstall the other first. This won't happen again but is necessary this time only.

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