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A threat assessment for planet Earth

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posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 09:06 AM
reply to post by DieBravely

I think these problems are insurmountable. You can call me a pessimist but at this point I see little to be optimistic about.

The only guarantees in life is death and you maybe right. Individually we are helpless in confronting these deep and complex challenges. As a species we have made many great achievements in mapping the world, putting a man on the moon, splitting the atom and overcoming other seemingly insurmountable challenges. The main problem I see is not in the capability but the will. While a large segment of the population remains in the dark about these issues the public will remains inhibited.

posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 09:59 AM
reply to post by Egyptia

Still no one is stepping up to the plate with this, even though we can harness that very technology today.

Blacklight Power and Andrea Rossi are two leading the ground into the cold fusion type devices. Renewable energy like wind and solar is getting a good push here in Australia with the recent approval of an Emission Trading Scheme looking to further enhance this technology as prices continue to come down. There are also many other people working on different techniques to achieve over unity or free energy like Tom Bearden. Deborah Chung, Gabriel Kron, Howard Johnson, John Searl and many others.

The use of magnetic currents does look promising as well some negative resistor affects that have been discovered with semiconductor diodes. There is also more technology coming out to utilise hydrogen in combustion engines with some of it providing very promising results, there are a few scams going on as well. There is free energy in harnessing radio waves, but it is a small amount. One idea I have come across is collecting the radio energy simultaneously on multiple radio bands to increase the power collection. Sending out a powerful radio signal is dangerous to your health and can jam other radio signal, HAARP uses this technology so some care is needed with it.

This does look like it is going to take a grass roots campaign to take on the oil industry on the matters of energy. With inventors and researches gradually refining and optimising their designs through local support there will be gradually more and more options entering the market. I do not expect any big overnight changes with this issue but a gradually change to more efficient and environmentally responsible energy sources.

posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 11:03 AM
Star & Flag!

Lately it is very hard to understand oblivion of others.
When making a list of all issues, lies and discrepancies that we “thinking” people recognize… my biggest question or I can actually say FEAR… is the truth…. It has to be so unfathomable to cause such need of cover…

Every deceit is A Puzzle, let it be 9/11, economy or UFO…. I just can’t understand what is hidden…. So much treachery, and lately very sloppy…? Is it NWO

I highly doubt that the truth is being kept due to religious groups or the fact that it might change the history and possibility of taking the religion out of people or create chaos…. I think people are ready…. Look at Vatican? They ok with “brothers from other planets”… I seriously despise Vatican… I think they are the first group of biggest liars….

Seriously… where are we going… or I should say being pushed to… its so hard, the depth of lies is immeasurable and I think the liars got caught in their lies and can’t even resurface… I just hope it will happen soon as I want to witness all…

Or if the current state of our world especially America is AS IS and there is “no purpose” or no lies or cover up….. THAN we can actually upgrade ourselves to WORSE status
Our government’s officials, should I say leader we are following and trust ARE IDIOTS… and that is deadly…. To humanity and earth….!!!!!

posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 11:54 AM
reply to post by kwakakev

The next question is how? The floor is open for discussion.

Like you I have been following this sort of thing for a very long time, since the coup of the Kennedy Assassination.

As in all investigations it pays to follow the money. Starting point then? End the Fed, and since all individual federal income tax (workers, not owners) goes directly to the Fed - 900 billion in 2005 - this would do away with the need for the unconstitutional Federal Income Tax. The Supreme Court has ruled that income is not wages or salary, but this ruling has been ignored.

The use of Central Banks is beyond moronic, and without them these ultra rich oligarchs would exert much less control over them.

Similarly the NAFTA/GATT fraud needs to be removed and regulations reinstated - though it is a little late for this it should be done on principal. Corporations should not be allowed to contribute to political campaigns ever. If they have that much money to spend to make that much more money, they don't need anymore, or the influence it buys. Allowing Corporations to fund our country in the direction they want is Fascism, pure and simple.

But here is the best part, we should take Bernanke, Geithner, Paulson and Summers and put them in a very small rowboat with one oar, and all the greenbacks they can carry, and set them adrift in the middle of the Pacific.
The Atlantic would not be a good choice here because they could conceivably get to England. What about food?

Oh, okay, they can have the choice of what they want bucks or GMO corn, or whatever combination thereof they can fit in their little boat. If all this happened I would feel like a young man again, and would probably hurt myself that night celebrating.

Oh, and I forgot a really important one, Fractional Reserve Banking would be over as well. Don't worry, someone will teach the bankers how to flip burgers and whack weeds. (high school kid with acne for the first profession, illegal alien for the latter.)

We should also set a term limit for Congress (2 terms) and eliminate the retirement they now get after two terms.
There are gonna be a lot of burger flipping weed whackers out there! None of us will ever have to cut our own grass because we will now have our Income Tax extortion money back in our pockets and the price on lawn car will be way down.

Of course I am being a bit tongue in cheek about this, but these things would go a long way to fix our problems.

posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 01:09 PM
We're dealing with a group in power who:
- have no love of mankind
- have no respect for the environment
- have passed laws that degrade society and community
- are consolidating our food production to gain control
- are allowing, creating and forcing us to eat GMO food
- have shipped millions of jobs somewhere else
- have censored our popular media
- who use religious groups for their own agenda
- have allowed massive chain stores to kill off small shops, killing downtown areas
- have withheld technologies that would benefit mankind
- promoted and invented New Age religions
- have promoted war after war after war
- have convinced everyone that aliens/UFOs exist by their silence
- have driven people from a belief in God to a belief in one self
- have no doubt set the stage for a Project Bluebeam style invasion and or nuclear war.
- have created the welfare state only to start cutting it when there are no real jobs available

So, to me, we've got one sick group of people all agreed on their end result. World wide. They like to see human suffering. They have literally, sold their souls to the devil. See, he wants to be God. That's why we will soon see massive worldwide devastation through nuclear warfare and/or alien invasion. And then the promise of a New Age of peace and prosperity, whether that's from an "ET" or some "Ancient Master". Hell, most everyone is convinced they are up there and most of us have read messages from the "good ones" with their messages of hope so we'll just believe they've come to our rescue. Frankly, most survivors will be so shell- shocked, starving and bewildered that they won't mind having to worship this individual who works miracles. And he will have his time to rage against anyone who refuses to worship him as god and to do anything that he wants.
You know the rest of the story.

posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 02:42 PM
reply to post by galadofwarthethird

Some are just passing by.
Some are here at this time to feed.
And some are here to influence things and outcomes.
And some to control things and outcomes.
And some to do some experiments.
And some to witness.
And some don't even consider this planet and existence important enough to even bother.
And some are in the mix of it all.
And some are not.
And some care about this and that.
And some do not.

When looking at the diversity of life that we do know about it is very reasonable to expect this diversity to continue throughout the life that we do not know about. What ever the actual situation is, complex is the picture that is painted from many different reports and stories.

Some of these reports are accurate
And some are not
Some have accidental errors
Some promote misinformation intentionally
Some have been relayed through many different sites and part of a popular culture
Some have only a very few unique references and part of a quite folklore

It is currently a messy scene if you are looking for certainty
It is an amazing scene if you are looking for possibility

posted on Aug, 11 2011 @ 02:10 AM
reply to post by Rocks123

my biggest question or I can actually say FEAR… is the truth…. It has to be so unfathomable to cause such need of cover…

Deception has been a part of nature for a very long time and is a proven survival technique for many species. There are also a lot of cultural issues, especially when the military is involved in regards to secrecy. The complexity and uncertainty has also appeared to produce a lot of fear as was shown when Roswell was covered up. There are some indications that contact with alien races has been going on for a lot longer, but this is the first main public event that has the topic closed for public discussion and made taboo.

Instead of the public sharing in this amazing find it was kept hidden and capitalised upon by a few. Without the full resources and common sense of the public to apply to this new and complex discovery, those entrusted to explore this where at a disadvantage. Deals between man and the greys where made and all information tightly guarded. With man's desire for power and weakness in fear the aliens sensed and advantage and took it. Abductions, experiments, greater understanding and infiltration has all taken place.

The truth has been hidden for so long and goes so deep with many horrific accounts that you would find in any war. Bits and pieces have leaked out over time and our fear as one weapon that is being used against us.
edit on 11-8-2011 by kwakakev because: added 'all'

posted on Aug, 14 2011 @ 12:29 AM
reply to post by Ittabena

Your assessment of the situation is accurate and understandably a little frustrated. All the corporate funding, lobbying and other corrupt practices must be taken out of congress to stop the conflict between self and social interest from taking place. In one way this is a cultural issue as money is worshipped as the answer to all, but it is becoming clearer by the day that this is not the case.

For America, Ron Paul's drive to reinstate a gold / silver backed currency is a sound option. It has been proven to work in the past as long as deregulation creep does not start to set in and undermine the whole structure.

For the world, The SDR (Special Drawing Rights) is getting some attention by the IMF (International Money Fund) as a solution to this problem. The SDR started as an international trading tool after WW2 to facilitate international money transactions. The basic premise is that it uses a collection of currencies to form the foundation for an international trading unit. If one currency is to collapse it will not take the rest out and they will help to buffer and spread the fallout.

The G20 has started recently managing the IMF from the CFR (Council of Foreign Relations), this is a very good thing for the international community
. There looks to be a lot of conflicting ideas and issues in how to do this as with any big changes there will be big losses and winners and a lot of conflicting cultural values as well. I am thinking that it will be a good idea to make this SDR expandable to accept all of the worlds different currencies once the core engine design has been worked out. To do this I want to see all the universities and financial institutions of the world getting involved to look at the ideas, issues and implications to build the best dame solid trading mechanism the human spirit is capable of.

At the heart money is just a ledger book to keep track of an individuals input and output with society. Its purpose is to manage supply and demand.

posted on Aug, 14 2011 @ 12:33 AM
What have you been smoking lately Kevy?

Too many triple fumes, I reckon...

BTW, what Kwaka ya got..H1, H2, Z1 ?? come on spill the beans.

posted on Aug, 14 2011 @ 03:23 AM
reply to post by gort51

Winfield Blue Tobacco. Are you suggesting I just give up on the problems of the world and go back to being a stoner? Otherwise if there are any specific issues that you have a problem with can you try being clearer about it than resorting to derogatory generalisations. There is already enough going on and this attitude is unproductive.

As for the bike, a KLR650

posted on Aug, 14 2011 @ 03:34 AM
well said op,i agree with you.........i will refrain from commenting till im in a less drunken state.apart from more people need to think this way

posted on Aug, 14 2011 @ 04:00 AM
This is the strategy (somewhat over-simplified) that I was introduced to many years ago and that I am trying to push forward:

In a society or group, large or small, there are three main elements that are required for survival and the possibility of prosperity.

1) Ethics. The members of the group must be honest with each other and must be able to take on challenges to survival with a rational assessment of what will be best for all concerned in the long run.

2) Technology. The members of the group must know how to get things done, how to produce products that other group members need. They must be able to learn to practice their technologies with speed and efficiency.

3) Administration. The group must be well-run and well-coordinated. Communication lines must be fast and accurate. Decision-making must be fair and workable. Executives must always have the best possible data to operate on and must know how to use that data to make decisions that will lead in the direction of prosperity.

These three elements are like levels that depend on each other. If good administration relies on a functioning computer system, then the computer guys must have their technology in for admin to do its job. If that technology requires that people be able to study and understand written materials easily and be alert on post, then an outbreak of out-ethics drug use could threaten the survival of the technology.

On this planet we are reduced to a very out-ethics scene. So solutions that rely heavily on technology or law (administration) will not work well, because society is hampered at all levels with crime and corruption.

So the primary and most basic attack must be at the level of ethics. This involves:
1) Educating people about ethics and its importance.
2) Teaching people how to spot and handle criminals.
3) Helping people to disentangle themselves from criminal situations they may have been forced or lured into.
4) Identifying and containing the criminals who refuse to reform in such a way as to protect society from their influence without the need to lower ourselves to their level. (In other words "war against crime" is a concept that carries out-ethics in itself while promising so solve the problem, and is thus unworkable. "Campaign for honesty" might work a little better as an ethical concept.)

If we can start to get our ethics under control, then we can start to look at developing more balanced (sustainable) technologies, and an administration system that won't pull down the whole show by becoming a magnet for criminal types.

But ethics is the real center of attention right now. It has had way too little for way too long.

posted on Aug, 14 2011 @ 04:05 AM
I have been watching on this site for quite some time now, and when viewed as a whole group, i must ask, how is this so different than the rightwing left wing bias war thats raged on in the states for so long. people fall into one gorup or another and hate the other for all thier supposed misdeeds.
from where i sit, people relentlessly ignore one set of facts, to blame everyone else for the problems in thier life. in the US this problem has gotten completely out of hand! while I agree that the problems we face as a nation, indeed as a species are many, and severe, to simply go off and blame politicians is just as ridiculous and biased. When our great country was created, powers were separated, and responsibilities assigned, and while congress and presidents have used this for thier own self interest, its WE THE PEOPLE who have truly failed. Its our duty to use our votes, and our time, to hold those in charge accountable. This is where the US failed. There should have been full scale revolts, for every single presidential term, but instead we forsake our duties and blame others for not fulfilling thier own. Why? Its easy, and lazy and makes us feel good about ourselves. Have a serious love for the letter D ? blame the letter R and hate on everyone who isn't as enlightened as yourself. All you have to do is pick a topic and you'll notice that same self righteous attitude again and again. Politics, religion, ufo's, debt, gay rights, global warming, nikola tesla, or diet coke, it doesn't matter. There is no such thing as "enlightened!!" until the human race can humbly admit that and from there, seek knowledge without bias, we are doomed to repeat the mistakes of the nations and eras that came before.

posted on Aug, 14 2011 @ 07:51 AM
reply to post by WhoKnows100

I do agree with with your points to some degree, I would not say these attitudes are systemic but with the psychopathic nature common in corporate leadership and legislation it does exist. If I have a problem with any of the points it is the one about the belief of god over the belief of self while criticizing religion in an earlier point.

A belief of self is important if we are to set high goals and achieve them. Everybodies concept of god is different and it does change. I see the universe and all within as god. If I had a religion it would be scientism, a belief in science, reason, truth and understanding to better interact and improve our world.

That's why we will soon see massive worldwide devastation through nuclear warfare and/or alien invasion.

I consider this risk as low. By some reports there have already been attempts to start a nuclear war but UFO's intervened and shot the missiles down. The alien situation looks highly complex with diversity expanding the more you look. One site that does present some of the common descriptions out on the internet is . I am not sure how accurate all the descriptions are, but consider it as a reasonable description on the whole as to what we may be facing with outer space.

The biggest risk I see for social breakdown is due to global financial collapse and would rate the chances as medium. There are many other risks including environmental, earth changes, space interactions and others. Man is my biggest concern though.

edit on 14-8-2011 by kwakakev because: wrong edit

posted on Aug, 14 2011 @ 08:24 AM
reply to post by l_e_cox

But ethics is the real center of attention right now. It has had way too little for way too long.

Absolutely, you have a great plan there
. We must reinstate empathy, integrity, valour, honesty, dignity and respect back into the human psyche and start in the early years, pre school and up. Older minds can still be changed but it takes a lot more work with a lifetime of bad habits and ignorance. There is still more study needed to morally and effectively treat or manage psychopathic and related conditions but a better understanding is building.

One problem to be aware of is the diversity of life, it is continues to adapt, look for weakness and exploit them to its potential. Humans have done many crazy and unusual things at times because sometimes it actually works and improvements are made. While computer viruses and hacking have done a lot of damage, they have also made the internet stronger. It will not be possible to fully eradicate the problem of this front, but it is still a very important one where all will be lost with out it.

As for a campaign, I was thing of 'war on corruption', but you are right with the first casualty of war being the truth. 'Rally against global corruption' has been another with some work promoting Anonymous. 'Campaign for honesty' sounds a bit soft for the corporate world, but is suited to work in schools as the target audience. It is defiantly a topic worth thinking about and throwing some ideas around.
edit on 14-8-2011 by kwakakev because: paragraph on slogan

posted on Aug, 14 2011 @ 09:11 AM
reply to post by theXammux

There is no such thing as "enlightened!!" until the human race can humbly admit that and from there, seek knowledge without bias, we are doomed to repeat the mistakes of the nations and eras that came before.

. Organisation and government is facing some serious issues and growing pains from the shear complexity of social and cultural issues of globalisation. As a consequence we have a might makes right system of decision making to cut through the complexity and get some direction moving. While this has introduced a lot of advantages, the disadvantages are quickly building up and do need to be addressed.

In the past we use to have the King or Emperor running the show, but as society grew and became more complex parliament was introduced to help with the comprehension and decision making process. Debate was introduced through the party system to examine the options and voting introduced to find the common sense and make the decision. Society has continued to grow and become even more complex, with more debate needed to assess all the complex and technical issues with more voting required to better asses the common sense.

This is the best solution I have yet seen for the next version of governance

posted on Aug, 25 2011 @ 06:57 PM
reply to post by WhoKnows100

Right on, right on, right on. For those who mistakenly believe in extraterrestrial "rescue", I posit this: ancient sources from the times that "gods" & men allegedly coexisted seem to always have these things to say: that humans were slaves & chattel to these beings, number one (Zechariah Sitchin's translations of Sumerian texts), that humans were in deadly fear of them & helpless before them, number two (book of Ezekiel, amongst others, in the Bible), that these beings played with humans like pieces upon chessboards, number three (Homer's poem about the Trojan War), & that these days people are being experimented upon like the animals in the TV show "Wild Kingdom", number four (Harvard psychiatrist John Mack's books on alien abduction). I just don't get the new-age nitwit ideas about such beings being humankind's saviors, really. There is just too much info out there that says exactly the contrary to those beliefs. I, too, believe that everyone on Earth is about to experience a big awakening- time will tell.

posted on Jan, 23 2012 @ 05:16 PM

Originally posted by WhoKnows100
We're dealing with a group in power who:
- have no love of mankind
- have no respect for the environment
- have passed laws that degrade society and community
- are consolidating our food production to gain control
- are allowing, creating and forcing us to eat GMO food
- have shipped millions of jobs somewhere else
- have censored our popular media
- who use religious groups for their own agenda
- have allowed massive chain stores to kill off small shops, killing downtown areas
- have withheld technologies that would benefit mankind
- promoted and invented New Age religions
- have promoted war after war after war
- have convinced everyone that aliens/UFOs exist by their silence
- have driven people from a belief in God to a belief in one self
- have no doubt set the stage for a Project Bluebeam style invasion and or nuclear war.
- have created the welfare state only to start cutting it when there are no real jobs available

So, to me, we've got one sick group of people all agreed on their end result. World wide. They like to see human suffering. They have literally, sold their souls to the devil. See, he wants to be God. That's why we will soon see massive worldwide devastation through nuclear warfare and/or alien invasion. And then the promise of a New Age of peace and prosperity, whether that's from an "ET" or some "Ancient Master". Hell, most everyone is convinced they are up there and most of us have read messages from the "good ones" with their messages of hope so we'll just believe they've come to our rescue. Frankly, most survivors will be so shell- shocked, starving and bewildered that they won't mind having to worship this individual who works miracles. And he will have his time to rage against anyone who refuses to worship him as god and to do anything that he wants.
You know the rest of the story.

This is the most thought-provoking post I've read anywhere, in a long while. TBTB are truly in alliance with the Devil. They really DO get a kick out of human suffering.

I have wondered why we're all here, right now, at this point in history and maybe this could be it: For some reason, we're supposed to see the outcome, or at least, the beginning. Makes you wonder how soon it will all come to pass.

posted on Jan, 24 2012 @ 07:19 AM
reply to post by RomaMayLi

I just don't get the new-age nitwit ideas about such beings being humankind's saviors, really. There is just too much info out there that says exactly the contrary to those beliefs.

This subject is a really tough one to research and hard to be certain of anything with a lot of conflicting ideas around. Deception is part of the environment these days with a long history as survival and free will runs its course. Is this ascension stuff an interpretation of death and part of project blue beam? There are some good bits popping up from time to time when looking into the subject to indicate that something is going on, kudos to those who work out what it is exactly.

I do find it interesting that all these different sources share a lot of common alien descriptions:

There are many other sites out their sharing similar themes, it is reasonable to be at least prepared for such a possibility. A couple of things I do expect is that the diversity will expand the more we look and some things will be stranger than what we can currently imagine.

posted on Jan, 24 2012 @ 08:34 AM
reply to post by imalitehaus

They really DO get a kick out of human suffering.

I have worked on farms long enough to see people get a kick out of suffering. I put it down to immaturity and the learning process when people are assigned more power than what they are use to. It is common for people to experiment with this power to find the boundaries and understand it, some more than others.

I have abused positions of power in the past, very common when getting a new car or bike to see what it can do and how it handles. It was not until I felt the deep aching suffering in another animal that I finally grew up, gained a better understanding and respect of the environment.

I have wondered why we're all here...

The only thing I am certain about is that our parents had sex, apart from that the mystery continues. Life is just searching to find what works is what I am currently leaning towards.

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