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King, Solomon, Crowley. CNN new anchors? Coincidence? I Think NOT!!!

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posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 12:55 AM
Well.... (pause).... What do you think? Being in the craft, these names are probably the most recognized on the show. If you know what I mean.

Who is going to take over for Larry? Craig Ferguson? Because that would be the #in' #!!! No, but seriously?
Satan? A shape shifter?
No, but seriously? Lizard's that have skin like people over their own but their eyes are slits like reptiles?!!! Aarrghh! NO, BUT SERIOUSLY!!! I don't know.... Would you be suprised if it was Michael Moore?!!! (silence).......(pause), but seriously I think it should be all of us!!! Let us make up our own minds!!! No more, fake wars, no more fake terrorism, no more fake, shootings in city council houses, no more reality show, mind numbing subliminal entertainment. JUST TELL US ALREADY!!! Geeezzz!

The Bridge in the gap has been a long journey... Now give it up.... We're adults for the most part on here... If #'s goin' down... and you are all scared to tell us... Just spit it out already. I have # to do, people to see, places to visit, and things to decree. No more of the vailed in allegory and illustrated by symbols. We are at the edge our bridges and need a ladder. Jacob's Ladder. To the queen and the CRAFT!!!

Holy # that was a crazy mouthful of Crrrrap!!! Peace!
And please don't forget to tip your waitress... Good night everybody! Unite or Die? Of course... Time to amalgamate the states to make it more easily managed when # really does hit the fan... The weather isn't lookin' too good lately... I'd get prepared for immigrants to our coastal shores. Keepin' it real in this steel........(pause).......Cage of the Matrix that is. OUT! *poof*

posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 01:34 AM
Really? Nothin'? Nobody? Zippo? Trying to get reaction here. I got nothin'

posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 01:43 AM
Shhhhhh!! Please don't interrupt the grown ups while we are talking.

second verse same as the first

posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 01:44 AM
Um what?

I'm not sure what point you're making or if you're just rambling.



I just found this quote from "Billy Madison" that better conveys how I feel...

Mr. Madison, what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

edit on 18-12-2010 by freedish because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 01:54 AM
reply to post by freedish

To be quite honest... I'm not sure... Just taking a silly shot in the dark kinda ramble. I'm just really tired actually. You people must get so tired of trying to figure things out when in actuality there is nothing. We are all oh so hopeful. Yet as Agnostic we all may seem... You must admit that we are all starting to teeter towards Athiesm right? Oh no wait... That would be blasphemous right? Does anyone really care anymore? We'll never find it... We will certainly create it.... But we most certainly won't ever meet our maker. We are all made of stars... and star do die I'm afraid.

posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 10:45 AM

Originally posted by PreyBird
reply to post by freedish

To be quite honest... I'm not sure... Just taking a silly shot in the dark kinda ramble. I'm just really tired actually. You people must get so tired of trying to figure things out when in actuality there is nothing. We are all oh so hopeful. Yet as Agnostic we all may seem... You must admit that we are all starting to teeter towards Athiesm right? Oh no wait... That would be blasphemous right? Does anyone really care anymore? We'll never find it... We will certainly create it.... But we most certainly won't ever meet our maker. We are all made of stars... and star do die I'm afraid.

When Jesus comes back every knee shall bow and know that he is Lord of Lords, King of Kings.

If you're looking for answers, it's right in front of you. I promise you He exists and he desperately wants to have a relationship with you. It's like nothing you've ever experienced before.

posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 11:39 AM
This is a shot WAY in the dark. Are there new CNN anchors named Solomon and Crowley?

posted on Dec, 19 2010 @ 04:25 AM
reply to post by freedish

Dude I've been down many-a-road... and Christianity was one of them... Catholicism being the most desperate of them all is failing and falling down a gradual slippery slope of extinction. People are starting to see for themselves... and don't need organized religion to live freely. Yes, there will always be the few that want to control the many. But the only reason they need to control is because they are just as afraid, if not more, of what evolutionary change will mean for their faith.

GREG says it best.

posted on Dec, 19 2010 @ 06:49 PM
reply to post by PreyBird

Christianity isn't a religion man, it's a relationship. It's about God revealing Himself to us through the Holy Spirit. It's about walking with God everyday. It's about changing your life style not because you have to but because you WANT to.

When you truly accept Jesus as your personal Savior all these things happen naturally. The holy spirit indwells inside you and makes your will match His will.

I'm sorry if you had bad experiences with church, I've had some too...there are a lot of cliquey churches out there...but remember, this isn't about church, or 'religion' it's solely about God. HE wants to know you and for you to know Him. People may let you down but He will never let you down.

posted on Dec, 22 2010 @ 05:45 PM
reply to post by freedish
Dude? When did I say I had bad experiences with church? I personally explored most of the major religions. Christianity (Roman Catholic, Lutheran Baptist, CRC, United Baptist), Buddism, Jahova's Witness... etc. All are great for people in search for comfort and a great medium to help people to through difficult times, but when a person does not require guidance to live a true, moral and independant life, Religion is not required. Maybe some day all followers will live together for the greater good for the betterment of humanity through science instead of hidden truths veiling in allegory and illustrated by symbols.

Jesus was just a dude too. If he did exist, he most certainly was not a GOD. Just a dude... That's it. Good story though.

Cheers friend. I judge you not.

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