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Originally posted by Hefficide
reply to post by c0ldPhr34k
It's obvious you've never been married. If you had been you'd know who's really in control of half the stuff men do.
No doubt...I bet it is well thought out
Originally posted by c0ldPhr34k
This is just a theory but I think it holds water.
Bunch of apes really...luckily they shave off the excess fur
I think that if you look throughout history you will see that women have barely progressed.
ya, rights, jobs, positions of power equalling men, all that nonsense
Yes you can say that they got women's rights approved and have jobs, but too me it is all smoke and mirrors.
chicks suck at games at that...ever tried to play a video game when you got like 3 girls on your about fail.
Just like a few countries have a female President or Prime minister, its all part of the game.
untrue...someone has to cook and clean. they have at least 3 functions...
I think the "Elites" or the NWO only need and want women for reproduction.
I wouldn't dream of not got my attention
Please read on.
Lets take a look at women:
Silly emotional wrecks they are, aren't they.
Women are creatures who are led by emotions, led by feelings.
Sometimes they even yell at wind because its blowing the wrong way.
These feelings and emotions can be triggered by the slightest event or unimportant happening.
no, but if you throw chocolate at them, that often shuts them up for a bit.
Quite often man does not even know why the woman is upset or angered.
solving a rubix cube while skydiving stoned and naked is easier than trying to figure out them frankly..perhaps if they would stop being such an emotional mess 24/7
He may never know and quite often does not care enough to find out.
Hmm...are we supposed to listen to them? I thought our job was to nod our head in their direction and occasionally say "yes dear"...what...are you suggesting? 0o
Quite often man does not know what a woman is talking about.
Yes, very suspicious..their natural hysterical predisposition added with the fact that they know where all the steak knives can leave one to worry...(thats why I always bind my women up)
The constant dramatizing of every issue and the hormonal imbalance makes a female rather unpredictable and untrustworthy.
For damn good the previous chapter..
For years a woman was not allowed to do many things.
and clothes washing...they know how to do that also..
She would be kept at home and made to do kitchen duties and reproduce.
well, they are animals...
This part of history went on far longer than women today often realize. It was man who kept them at bay and kept them in place.
silly lowly emotional females...sure, you have some minor examples, like cleopatra, the oracle, and various examples of women in power, but granted, they were the exception...
It was RICH and POWERFUL men that kept them in their lowly positions.
Yes...we fight and kill...granted, we tend to do this for women, to protect or gain...and always does seem to be the men going out and dying while the women are safe at home..but no matter...we get the good chair when we are home.
Man-Kind has always been male dominated.
The good ole days when a women would stop trying to be...equal. I mean, what the hell, what do they want, to be heard or something? these women today. I tell you, the day they were allowed to stand verses kneel to MEN was the day things went downhill...moving on...
Man has ruled the majority of history and still continue to do so. Women knew their place back then and MAN kept them there.
Of course the computer and internet were "theoretically" a joint operation over extended periods of time by both men and women...but I am sure the womens job was not actually touching the electronics...probably got the men coffee or something...maybe washed the lab coats.
Man has been the propeller for which the Earth has progressed. Man Invented Electricity, the Presses, Irrigation systems, building tools, the car and more recently the computer and the Internet.
Lets not forget cheese in a spray can!
the list can go on but those few highlights represent the achievement of MAN.
The greatest thinkers in history were MAN, Aristotle, Socrates, Bacon, Bor and of course Einstein.
And clean...
Men throughout history have only need women for reproduction.
Bunch of flamers...also pretty sure every single president of the US, and king of england was gay, along with einstein, edison, and hawkings...the jury is still out on hulk hogan
The greatest men in history were gay. Socrates, Alexander the Great, Hadrian, Nero, King david of Israel, Richard the Lionheart of England, Leonardo Da Vinci, Abraham Lincoln and some research even suggests Jesus was not immune to the flesh of another man.
Good point...women reproduce, therefore thats what they are valued as only.
My point is these powerful men never need women except for reproduction and to marry to look after their children.
See...let women drive the car and boom...right into a ditch. .Economists...what do they know. Clearly this was women simply playing with the economic wheel.
Now fast forward to 1920 America and Woman won the right to Vote at the Age of 18. What happened a few years after this happened? Yes the Wall Street Crash. Coincidence? No.
Take that FDR, and you too Ike...dont get me started on Kennedy.
America have not had a great President since the 19th Century when only men were allowed to vote.
Man...what do they want thing you know, they are going to want to be able to play sports!
In 1977 we had the big Feminist movement the Second wave of Women equality laws and rights.
No doubt...also about that time, a woman doing equal work wanted equal pay...the nerve of them!
Many have said this was the Death Knell of the West.
indeed...we were an advanced, we are barely existing outside of caves. the mass starvation and plagues..dammit women, get back in the kitchen!!!
And true to form it has been a downwards spiral since then.
These women were our they are expecting for us men to help in the babies we make..can you believe it.
Women have gotten into power and ruled with their emotions as logic is beyond them. They turned there hand to trying to achieve things and pushed for prominence in the boardroom. they left the rearing of kids to nannies and grand parents whcih has done nothing but produced a generation of spoilt, ill behaved and troubled kids. Instead of being at home raising these kids with an iron hand they have let them take to the streets and cause trouble while the woman is out at work trying to forge a career for mere self respect.
Indeed...they shake their nubs whenever someone asks them a difficult question, oh, I seen it. "hey maggy, do you have the updated code to be released in service pack 3? =maggy: jiggle jiggle= Ya..nevermind...I will do it, just shake them things while I type...whoot!
Women have been using the wiles to progress instead of using their brains like men. and powerful is totally gay. One sure way to figure out of a guy is gay and hiding it is to see if he is going to university. If he is furthering his education to "get a good job"...we know the real score...he is just trying to be "rich and powerful"...mhmm
Since a lot of these rich powerful men happen to be gay this goes against the way they think and behave. is hard to be gay when all these broads are shaking their stuff at you in the workplace
These powerful men have lost control for a couple of decades. they let the ideology go down the drain. They hace realized their mistake and are rectifying it.
Harry Potter...come on girls, that the best you can do? At least we did Lord Of The Rings!
Men wrote books like war and Peace so women wanted to create greats too. they wrote books like Harry Potter,
a book of immense popularity but grave dumbness and stupidity.
Well, one minor point...Hawkins is countered by larry the cable guy.but lets forget about that for now...
Men have Stephen Hawkins today, Women have Sarah Palin.
I got my collars ready for the bounty of booty when it finally happens...tired of waiting though.
I am sure, that again, we have the RICH and POWERFUL striving to go back to the glory days of MEN ruling the world and women second.
A good friend of mine is a very high Mason and is a photographer (la-te-da) granted, he only photographs nude women...and totally loves his job..but he is probably gay. No straight man could possibly want a bunch of naked beautiful women hanging around all the time. most of the time, they don't even cook!
The idea of Depopulation is to do with these Rich and Powerful men again using women for reproduction only. The most secretive groups like Masons, Illuminati and such are MEN only groups. For two reasons, they want man only to rule the world and most are homos.
OMG, I never even knew I was being turned gay...I mean, I am always trying to land women, and am highly attracted to them...but if I think about it...why AM I attracted to women...its not natural to want to hear them out in their emotional basketcase jibber jabber they speak...which means, I am probably gay..
Creating a global Homosexual agenda of Man-o-man is the sure fire way to depopulated the earth. With in 3 decades we will have lost over 1.1 billion people dues to old age and not added much to replenishment as only reproduction will be allowed for the Elites. Its the greatest con in History. Pro homosexuality and Anti Women.
NOT a good prospect.
Only a weak man feels the need for either to control the marriage.
Originally posted by The19Keys
Only a spineless man lets the woman control the marriage.
Ya, but only slimeballs do that
Women can no longer play the "Sex" card anymore as they have realized that a man will go and find it elsewhere, without the headache.
men get distinguished when they grow up...that is not the same as ageing. There are plenty of men whom never grow up, and others whom have grown up to be self confident at a young age
Plus, women know that men get distinguished as they age while they just get old.
Men are superficial creatures lead by this case, the emotion being lust
A man can easier find a wife when he is 50 where as a woman has little chance.
I can actually understand getting bored in a relationship...but thats why you then try new things out together...(psst...she is getting bored also). I guess its easier to find someone new verses do something new though...lazy of course, but whatever.
I am one who unfortunately has been married twice. I get bored easily with "doing" the same thing over and over again.
Cards of what?
I would say the cards are in the favor of the man. NOT the women. Except for the men who have zero to offer.
Actually, your choosing base emotional lust over wisdom...there is no logic here..completely void of it
I choose logic over emotion ever time. I do not see need for an emotional context to everything.
We the MAN are the dominate species. Its the way it has been and the way it will ALWAYS be.
Originally posted by SaturnFX
reply to post by Xavialune
been meaning to ask...your that a movie, and is that william shatner as a zombie?
Originally posted by staciebee
reply to post by c0ldPhr34k
I am far too emotional after reading this ill-begotten post to muster up a response. I feel the need to reproduce and get barefoot in the kitchen all of a sudden...
Originally posted by Xavialune
Originally posted by SaturnFX
reply to post by Xavialune
been meaning to ask...your that a movie, and is that william shatner as a zombie?
which part? the moving bit is a scene from metropolis...white faced person well...thats me lol
It was man who kept them at bay and kept them in place
Originally posted by SaturnFX
Originally posted by Xavialune
Originally posted by SaturnFX
reply to post by Xavialune
been meaning to ask...your that a movie, and is that william shatner as a zombie?
which part? the moving bit is a scene from metropolis...white faced person well...thats me lol
Cool looking movie actually...might have to watch it (wiki'ed it...looks like my type of plotline. Still looks like a young william shatner in the white suit though..and they all look like a zombie hoard)
and cool looking body art. industrial goth steampunk is not on 18-12-2010 by SaturnFX because: (no reason given)
Originally posted by The19Keys
Women can no longer play the "Sex" card anymore as they have realized that a man will go and find it elsewhere, without the headache.
I choose logic over emotion ever time. I do not see need for an emotional context to everything.
We the MAN are the dominate species. Its the way it has been and the way it will ALWAYS be.
Originally posted by Xavialune
I have to chime in though and say that not all relationships are totally equal and thats perfectly ok as long as it is by choice (I live in a D/s relationship). thats certainly not the general model for all relationships, but if people enjoy it they can be happy doing so.
Originally posted by c0ldPhr34k
Men throughout history have only need women for reproduction. The greatest men in history were gay. Socrates, Alexander the Great, Hadrian, Nero, King david of Israel, Richard the Lionheart of England, Leonardo Da Vinci, Abraham Lincoln and some research even suggests Jesus was not immune to the flesh of another man.
Originally posted by SaturnFX
Originally posted by Xavialune
I have to chime in though and say that not all relationships are totally equal and thats perfectly ok as long as it is by choice (I live in a D/s relationship). thats certainly not the general model for all relationships, but if people enjoy it they can be happy doing so.
Heh, funny that.
I am super uber equality of the genders.
and my homelife, I am D/s damn near "gorean". but I have my own philosophies of the symbiotic relationship of the two that goes against the norm.
I find the model relationship works just fine of both are comfortable in their "roles". but end of the day, I want an equal mind. mental agility is the only thing thats real...the rest are games of collars and complementsedit on 18-12-2010 by SaturnFX because: end of the day, I am getting tired
Originally posted by The19Keys
Originally posted by Hefficide
reply to post by c0ldPhr34k
It's obvious you've never been married. If you had been you'd know who's really in control of half the stuff men do.
I have to interject here.
Only a spineless man lets the woman control the marriage.
Women can no longer play the "Sex" card anymore as they have realized that a man will go and find it elsewhere, without the headache. Plus, women know that men get distinguished as they age while they just get old.
A man can easier find a wife when he is 50 where as a woman has little chance.
I am one who unfortunately has been married twice. I get bored easily with "doing" the same thing over and over again.
I would say the cards are in the favor of the man. NOT the women. Except for the men who have zero to offer.
I choose logic over emotion ever time. I do not see need for an emotional context to everything.
We the MAN are the dominate species. Its the way it has been and the way it will ALWAYS be.
Originally posted by SaturnFX
Only a weak man feels the need for either to control the marriage.
Originally posted by The19Keys
Only a spineless man lets the woman control the marriage.
Ya, but only slimeballs do that....
Women can no longer play the "Sex" card anymore as they have realized that a man will go and find it elsewhere, without the headache.
SaturnFX, Your responses had me LMAO.
The OP is so bizarre in places, and yet, it's flecked with specks of truth. It's too long for me to respond to fully now.