posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 12:27 AM
We, the people who frequent ATS, are the best people in the world. We are curious, open-minded, and care about the issues that affect the human race.
This is a plea for all ATS members who have the means to reach out to one person in need this holiday.
My son has a friend who is dirt poor. He has very little, whereas, we live in one of the wealthiest cities in America. We have a new Xbox sitting in
a box, and a DJ Hero game. We are wrapping them up, and on Christmas eve, we are going to make one kid a magical Christmas.
Peace may not happen in our lifetimes, but Goodwill to Men can be achieved with a little compassion, unselfishness and concern for our fellow man.
Buy a giftcard and give it to a stranger waiting at a bus stop. Buy a Starbuck's coffee, and hand it to the guy outside.
Do it person to person, cut out the non-profit organization.
Happy Holidays my fellow friends at ATS.
Change begins among us.