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Doomsday Virus

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posted on Dec, 17 2010 @ 10:54 PM
This virus attacks the mind and hearts of many people ,and i think I along with many other members may have it too.
I sometimes find myself wanting an earth changing event to occur,Now this event will kill and injure many people,I know this but for some reason I look forward to it.I am not an evil person and i try and be nice to people and help them if they need it,i love my family and would be devastated if something happened to them and i am sure most people with children would feel this way whether you are in a tent in Haiti or in a country mansion in Richville.
Just recently I was nearly cured of this virus.It happened when North and South Korea started trading fire amid high tensions.At one stage to me it looked like it would turn into all out war ,Thats when the reality hit me that this could be the point of no return ,and i wanted it to stop,I no longer wanted this to happen.
But as we all know it all sort of went back to low simmer and seemed like just another annual incursion.So here i am waiting for the next breaking point,looking at headlines for a disaster or war.
I dont think i caught this virus from the internet as i have only been connected for about 1 year and felt this way during Desert Storm 91,Bosnia and Iraq pt2.
I now know the cure ,Its by being so close to the edge that you are certain you will fall only to be pulled back at the last second.

posted on Dec, 17 2010 @ 11:18 PM
Like you I was nearly cured of this "virus" also. My near cure came when there was talk that China may have launched a missile off the Cali Coast. Something that I still wonder about. I was so accepting of the "it was an airplane" idea, because that explanation made it much easier for me to sleep at night.
Very insightful post. S&F

posted on Dec, 17 2010 @ 11:51 PM
I have this virus and have had it for a very long time. I think mine stems from wanting the world to change. I hate the way the system works now. I feel that if something comes a long HUGE then maybe things will completely change. Nothing has ever cured or almost cured it. I get excited when I read headlines of N Korea and the possible missle off of Cali. I suppose that is why I come here to ATS.... in hopes of seeing that DOOMSDAY has begun. I get so excited just thinking about it. I have always felt that I am here for some purpose that has to do with DOOMSDAY. Like I'm going to survive for some reason.

And it's not like I don't have anything to live for. I have a husband and children whom I love very much.

Ya know, with me its just not about DOOMSDAY. Like you I am a very good person that would give the shirt off my back to help someone BUT I love tragedy. I love seeing car wrecks and hope to see a dead body when i pass by. I don't know what is wrong with me... Maybe someone out there can tell me.

posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 12:30 AM

Originally posted by 12voltz
This virus attacks the mind and hearts of many people ,and i think I along with many other members may have it too.

I am also feeling the same way but I don't regard this as a virus, but this is a part of our evolution, some of us have evolved enough to know that things are not happening in this world as they should be so we want freedom from it, we want change and we don't care if this change becomes painful. So yes we should pray for change, it doesn't matter if it comes after pain and disaster.
edit on 18-12-2010 by vinay86 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 02:17 AM
This thread makes me feel like I'm reading a page from my own diary.

I to sometimes feel there is something wrong with myself, I too have a wife and children but I don't want them to be raised in this world,it's a very sick institution.
I think we all just want to be free, in the true sense of the from mind control, free from government, free from school, work or any other institution trying to keep us dumbed down and ignorant or as slaves to a system that is detrimental to our peace of mind and seemingly out to kill us.

I too am waiting for the complete destruction of this system of slavery, in the hope we can create a paradise where we are all able to live a balanced and fullfilling life with love compassion and kindness towards eachother.
Alas, that destruction we hope for will bring many deaths, but the seed must be broken for the new to sprout. I anxiuosly await that moment.
Everyday I come here hoping to see that final straw that breaks the camels back, the tipping point where we can finally see that new world emerging...and I feel it is getting closer all the time.

I see the riots breaking out in all parts of the globe and TPTB tightening the noose, the people are awakening and I live in hope the rightiouse will live to rule the new world that is surely approaching.

We are those people and we will see it together all in good time my friends.
Continue to do what you do do well, prepare your house and don't beat up on yourselves for we are the ones the world has been waiting for.

God speed.

posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 05:01 AM
Thanks to all for the comments ,it seems this wait for doom is more common than i thought.
I to have children and a good simple life ,yet still look for our downfall.Strange days indeed.

posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 08:37 AM
the amount of times i've thought about this is incredible! night after night without sleeping simply because i'm imagining what the world, or even more precisely, I would be like if things really really changed.

From a virus to an all out war, the human casualties would be immense and that makes me feel a little bit ill inside, like i've got some sort of sick, twisted fantasy. I'm glad i now know i'm not the only one!

posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 02:29 PM
reply to post by 12voltz

i too! was almost cured. but, ulimately became much more infected when i read about the preposed plan to save us from global warming..i, i almost can not even retell it..ok; here goes, we blow - up the moon, this will provide a sheild around the earth and protect us from the radiation..ok, i did it! gotta go get a scotch..

posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 02:38 PM

Originally posted by Mythkiller
This thread makes me feel like I'm reading a page from my own diary.

We are those people and we will see it together all in good time my friends.
Continue to do what you do do well, prepare your house and don't beat up on yourselves for we are the ones the world has been waiting for.

God speed.

Thankyou for this reassuring and slightly chilling advice.

posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 03:11 PM
We have been natures cancer for too long now. The earth is an entity in herself. When a cancer eats her she has the ability to rid herself of it. First she tries to cure it (we are of nature and have had a lot of people try and put the brakes on this disastrous road mankind has ventured onto) now she may just kill it.

She can do that through this theory of a mass suicide virus.

So we go super critical then we go nuclear.

Was it not said in the bible ( I am not religious I am Pagan) God would destroy man with fire and not by flood?

Good Times.

edit on 18-12-2010 by LoneGunMan because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 04:44 PM
Waiting for the other shoe to drop.....Its been a hobby of mine for a loong time now......
To always look a gift horse in the mouth,The crap seems to come wrapped in a candy coating lately.
Dont suppose it may have somethng to do with mans capacity to lie to himself, and just about everybody else too.
So much of our percieved world is composed of others lies and boasts.Mankind seeking his five minutes of fame, but make no mistake, theyll grab anybodys five minutes they can get their hands on so if youve got something to say, might as well spit it out before somebody else takes credit for it.

posted on Dec, 19 2010 @ 02:49 AM
I believe the full cure to be coming soon as the Korean peninsular stands at the brink again.and again

posted on Dec, 19 2010 @ 03:33 AM

Originally posted by 12voltz
I believe the full cure to be coming soon as the Korean peninsular stands at the brink again.and again

Yeah, good point. North Koreans are already living out "Doomsday".

If you ever saw the movie "The Road" or read the book, the people of North Korea live much like the people in the post-apocalyptic world of this story...except that North Korea has gone nuclear.

They have absolutely nothing, therefore they have nothing to lose. If WW3 were to ever start, it would probably start there.
edit on 19-12-2010 by windwaker because: to fix a misspelling.

posted on Dec, 19 2010 @ 03:36 AM
I've been preaching like a crazy prophet for three years that our downfall was near. I bought silver way before it was popular to do so.

People thought I was crazy then, or that I was having a nervous breakdown. Now they are starting to see the truth.

As I warned them, by the time they start to realize what's going on, it will be too late to do anything about it.


posted on Dec, 19 2010 @ 04:01 AM
I'm still infected by that virus.It keeps me alert.It might keep me alive in a disaster or not who knows.
"Sleep with one eye open" is my life.
Noone wants to see the loved ones get hurt,but i feel that we need the change now more than ever.For the future generations to have a better life.
We are indeed the cancer of the planet.

posted on Dec, 19 2010 @ 04:06 AM
reply to post by windwaker

I hope you bought more than silver ,like some food and security.Good luck to you ,i get the impression you have had a hard time .

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