Originally posted by Lunchman
reply to post by SLAYER69
Nothing I hate more then ignorant Americans...
You don't think people in America are fat because of:
1) All the chemicals put in the food?
2) The FDA working with the food industry to allow tons of unhealthy products to be sold?
3) The joke of "non-fat" food will make you lose weight - again allowed by the FDA?
4) The fact that nutrients in food have been declining rapidly for the last 30 years?
5) The fact chemicals are put into various snacks to actually make you more hungry?
6) The fact that just about everything offered to American's is based upon a Corn Product?
I am not a fat American.. I have Crohn's Disease, based upon your ignorant posting, I do not expect you to know or understand what that is.. I can
tell you it is caused because of all of the chemicals and additives that are not originally ment to be consumed by humans..
Do you know what feedlots for beef do to the animals? Do you know what feeding corn does to a cow? Do you know what chickens are raised upon?
You are a joke with all your pretty pictures.. Buddy, this isn't paint by numbers here.. Of all the people you lash out at, you have not given one
thought as to how this happened.. Nor are you placing blame in the correct location.. Many people do not have the time to spend hours each day
preparing and planning their diet, they are spending those hours working their asses off for the dribble of currency (if they are lucky enough to have
a job) that is rapidly being inflated by America's Bankers.
Forgive me for finding you a sad waste of a human with a very small mentality.. I think your mom is calling, you better run and salute..
Get off your high horse, before someone eats it.
What does this have to do with fat people? I knew the OP was gonna get lashed by the fat people and bleeding hearts when I first read the post.
The simple fact is no matter how you slice it or dice it a majority are fat by their own damn fault. I don't care what you or anybody else tells me
this is a freaking fact.
I'm now 5"11 194 lbs at about 11% Bodyfat. Ive let myself go before. Ive sat around playing video games eating ice cream, chips, pizza, cookies. Ive
ballooned up to 245 lbs 23% bf before.
Ive gotten in phases were ill be a gym nut and be in awesome shape then ill let myself backslide and get fat again. Not this time though im gonna stay
in shape.
When i got fat it was my own fault no one elses. Now if people saw me they would think i had good genetics nope i don't think so. I bust my ass to
keep in shape. Right now i can run 10 miles at a 6.4 mph speed and bench press 315 lbs. Used to be close to 400 before i incorporated cardio and
focused more on running and having a healthy heart. None of which happened overnight took a lot of work.
I learned being in the best shape requires ALL THREE. Nutrition, weight training and cardio.
But simply not being fat is relatively easy for most people. Cut out all processed food, don't go into the middle aisles of your grocery stores. Bye
bye to all sodas, drink water water water. Crystal lite is cool too. Get some exercise at least 3 times a week 40 minutes. Cut calories, eat smaller
portions and eat 5-6 times a day.
I do all this stuff and more that's why im fit. Now if i ate like your average American and sat in front of the tube all the time watching worthless
realty shows id be fat too.
My sister had gastric bypass a few years ago the doctor cleared her to have it at only 5"5 230 lbs she actually gained weight so she could have
Now she has the same genetics as me i seen her keep the weight off when she wanted to. But she was to damn lazy to eat right and exercise. She has had
nothing but health problems since the surgery. Yes she lost weight but its slowly coming back. THEIR IS NO EASY FIX PEOPLE!
And you know what she still isn't fit!! Shes not in shape.
Oh and you skinny people who don't exercise at all aren't in shape either.
Skinny does not equal fit. I see skinny people all the time huffing and puffing when they have to do some cardio.
Im tired of all the excuses maybe 1% of the population has a legitimate excuse for being fat the rest DON'T.
Ive sat around and gotten fat and i know who and what exactly caused it. ME!!!!!
So bury the lame excuses if you wanna be fat fine, but don't make excuses as to why you are fat. Take some personally responsibility.
Oh and the part about people not having time to plan diets, even some fast food places have healthy choices. You can eat healthy on the go. So that
excuse doesn't fly either.
edit on 18-12-2010 by ker2010 because: (no reason given)