Originally posted by MentallyUnrestricted
I have question for educated persons out there. Is consciousness and sub-consciousness imagionary, or do they have weight and do they have place in 3d
I have theory, that what religion claims to be soul is actually basic sub-consciousness, but to actually understand that, I need to know do
sub-consciousness have weight and form. I assume sub-consciousness is energy, because brains is tranfering information in form of energy, if I am
right, then from what particles are this energy made? From what particles are sub-consciousness made?
edit on 17-12-2010 by
MentallyUnrestricted because: (no reason given)
edit on 17-12-2010 by MentallyUnrestricted because: (no reason given)
The difference between consciousness and sub-consciousness is the relative weight given to the specific information generated by the brain, and how
that specific information is filed within the brain's memory cells. Carbon is (likely) the best material for information storage that exists on this
planet. Many times more efficient than silicon or crystal mineral, and the human brain is the most sophisticated carbon mass storage unit we know of.
The capacity for data storage is amazing, but as with all data storage, the key to success lies in the operating system that manages the filing and
retrieval of the data within the vaults. The human brain's operating system is provided by the emerging mind itself. We call it the Personality. The
mission of the Personality is simple. Over the lifespan of the brain, it must craft a unique an inimitable Identity for the emerging (gestating) human
What we experience as consciousness is the Personality's ongoing information triage effort, with awareness, the units of information within each
Intellect burst that the Personality has decided to promote - or that are sympathetic to the overall identity that the Personality has chosen to craft
- and the sub-conscious, including everything else that's been filtered out, so as to keep the barrage of internal and external stimuli from causing
the mind to become overwhelmed. In essence, we experience the filing of the immediate (critical level) units of information, and the rest is filed
away to serve as contextual support for all that we do consciously experience as awareness. This stored information provides the sense of continuity
and consistency that our extremely logical brains require, even though it isn't consciously examined. It is during REM sleep that the final storage
filing occurs, and the day's contextual foundation is appropriately filed as permanent record.
Each burst of brain generated Intellect contains what is akin to the DNA that exists within each cell of the body. I call it the Primary Expression,
and it is what causes each burst to immediately identify itself as part of, and to associate with, the gathering whole that has been collecting since
the moment that the brain began generating reaction, thought, emotion, initiation. The sub-consciousness (not sure that's even a word) provides the
continuity that is the Primary Expression, while the conscious awareness provides what makes each burst unique and special. As each burst is generated
from the brain, the sub-conscious Primary Expression is added to and adjusted to accurately reflect the progressive development of the Identity, and
when the last burst is launched (as the brain dies) the whole reflects the full and viable human being - freed now to join all the other human beings
within the informational realm (spiritual realm, if you prefer, but it is actually informational in physical nature).
Maybe this seems a bit counterintuitive, and it takes many thousands of words to properly defend these assertions, but I figured I'd thumbnail it for
you, since you seem interested in the topic. Most of what's real is pretty obvious. The rest is just as obvious if you simply allow it all to connect
itself together as you sit and quietly watch.