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consciousness and sub-consciousness

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posted on Dec, 17 2010 @ 08:46 AM
I have question for educated persons out there. Is consciousness and sub-consciousness imagionary, or do they have weight and do they have place in 3d space?

I have theory, that what religion claims to be soul is actually basic sub-consciousness, but to actually understand that, I need to know do sub-consciousness have weight and form. I assume sub-consciousness is energy, because brains is tranfering information in form of energy, if I am right, then from what particles are this energy made? From what particles are sub-consciousness made?
edit on 17-12-2010 by MentallyUnrestricted because: (no reason given)

edit on 17-12-2010 by MentallyUnrestricted because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 17 2010 @ 12:15 PM
In Kabbalah this is explained in many levels, in relation to the relationship of the mind and Consciousness to the Seven Dimensions and the various Sephiroth or Spheres of the Tree of Life.

Part of our Consciousness becomes trapped in the Klipoth spheres ("empty shells"), and through Initiation we extract our trapped Consciousness from those shells.

This is a very basic explanation, and the Tree of Life takes a lot of study and Meditation to comprehend.

The Kabbalist Samael Aun Weor, referred to various aspects of consciousness as follows:

Supraconsciousness, Consciousness, Subconsciousness, Unconsciousness, and Infraconsciousness.

See also:

Turiya or Nous, Dianoia, Pistis, and Eikasia.

posted on Dec, 17 2010 @ 12:20 PM
The problem isn't explaining what sub conciousness is it's explaining what conciousness is thats hard.

More or less everything your brain does is at a subconscious level, your breathing, your heart rate, the movement of your hands / arms etc and a lot of decisions you make on a day to day basis are all done subconsciously i.e. without you being aware of them at an abstract level.

It's conciousness i.e. the ability for us to look abstractly at our own decisions as if from the perspective of a third person, and our awareness of the idea of "self" thats hard to explain
edit on 17-12-2010 by davespanners because: (no reason given)

edit to add
as for them having "space" well I'm not sure if the science of how thoughts are formed / transported between synapses etc is that well formed.
Maybe someone else can answer
edit on 17-12-2010 by davespanners because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 17 2010 @ 12:28 PM
well I hope so... because in nature everything have mass (at least on earth), so if someone will answer that yes- subconscious do have mass, then I will believe, that subconscious is same soul.

posted on Dec, 17 2010 @ 12:53 PM
reply to post by MentallyUnrestricted

It certainly seems that soul can be accessed through subconsciousness, or that actually is what constitutes the soul. Our soul can be understood as "inheritance" of human race; from there (subconscious) the archetypical images and behavioural patterns arise.

I'd give only secondary importance on what some mystics, who doesn't have scientifical approach on subconsciousness, but approach it from phenomenological viewpoint. If you are really interested about the relation of consciousness and subconsciousness, I warmly recommend C.G. Jung, who researched these with scientific scrutiny, and didn't outrule the phenomenological side either. Jung spent his life time researching this matter, so his works can hardly be dismissed - although there are others, yet I found Jung to be most comprehensive in his approach; he begins from alchemy/gnostism/judaism (the original gnostism, not modern day new-age gnostism), yet he connects the dots with scientific expertise..

I have studied Jung for several years and from this reflection I have written couple threads about the issue. I link them here so you don't have to browse my profile because there are few threads

Psychic abilities and interconscious states
The Christ - Antichrist antinomy
To understand religions
Demons and obsession
Be an individual - unite
Explaining the Occult, the Clairvoyance and -audience
Explaining the Occult, the interconscious and astral

I cannot say whether consciousness/subconsciousness can be modelled in physical quantities very easily, but Jung himself said that they posess certain type of magnetism, where self is the centre (like the sun in solar system) and both conscious and unconscious contents circulate it like planets the sun - or something like that anyways

Jung thought that there was peculiar kind of energy working within our psychological dimension, he called it as libido.

edit on 17-12-2010 by v01i0 because: 2345

posted on Dec, 17 2010 @ 02:46 PM
reply to post by MentallyUnrestricted

I suppose then that the answer is yes.

If thoughts are made from electrical impulses travelling between synapses and changes in chemical activity in the brain and all energy has mass then indeed thoughts must have mass and so take up space

posted on Dec, 17 2010 @ 05:33 PM

Originally posted by MentallyUnrestricted
I have question for educated persons out there. Is consciousness and sub-consciousness imagionary, or do they have weight and do they have place in 3d space?

I have theory, that what religion claims to be soul is actually basic sub-consciousness, but to actually understand that, I need to know do sub-consciousness have weight and form. I assume sub-consciousness is energy, because brains is tranfering information in form of energy, if I am right, then from what particles are this energy made? From what particles are sub-consciousness made?
edit on 17-12-2010 by MentallyUnrestricted because: (no reason given)

edit on 17-12-2010 by MentallyUnrestricted because: (no reason given)

The difference between consciousness and sub-consciousness is the relative weight given to the specific information generated by the brain, and how that specific information is filed within the brain's memory cells. Carbon is (likely) the best material for information storage that exists on this planet. Many times more efficient than silicon or crystal mineral, and the human brain is the most sophisticated carbon mass storage unit we know of. The capacity for data storage is amazing, but as with all data storage, the key to success lies in the operating system that manages the filing and retrieval of the data within the vaults. The human brain's operating system is provided by the emerging mind itself. We call it the Personality. The mission of the Personality is simple. Over the lifespan of the brain, it must craft a unique an inimitable Identity for the emerging (gestating) human being.

What we experience as consciousness is the Personality's ongoing information triage effort, with awareness, the units of information within each Intellect burst that the Personality has decided to promote - or that are sympathetic to the overall identity that the Personality has chosen to craft - and the sub-conscious, including everything else that's been filtered out, so as to keep the barrage of internal and external stimuli from causing the mind to become overwhelmed. In essence, we experience the filing of the immediate (critical level) units of information, and the rest is filed away to serve as contextual support for all that we do consciously experience as awareness. This stored information provides the sense of continuity and consistency that our extremely logical brains require, even though it isn't consciously examined. It is during REM sleep that the final storage filing occurs, and the day's contextual foundation is appropriately filed as permanent record.

Each burst of brain generated Intellect contains what is akin to the DNA that exists within each cell of the body. I call it the Primary Expression, and it is what causes each burst to immediately identify itself as part of, and to associate with, the gathering whole that has been collecting since the moment that the brain began generating reaction, thought, emotion, initiation. The sub-consciousness (not sure that's even a word) provides the continuity that is the Primary Expression, while the conscious awareness provides what makes each burst unique and special. As each burst is generated from the brain, the sub-conscious Primary Expression is added to and adjusted to accurately reflect the progressive development of the Identity, and when the last burst is launched (as the brain dies) the whole reflects the full and viable human being - freed now to join all the other human beings within the informational realm (spiritual realm, if you prefer, but it is actually informational in physical nature).

Maybe this seems a bit counterintuitive, and it takes many thousands of words to properly defend these assertions, but I figured I'd thumbnail it for you, since you seem interested in the topic. Most of what's real is pretty obvious. The rest is just as obvious if you simply allow it all to connect itself together as you sit and quietly watch.

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