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Israeli bulldozer driver murders American peace activist

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posted on Mar, 17 2003 @ 10:57 PM
On 16 March 2003 in Rafah, occupied Gaza, 23-year-old American peace activist Rachel Corrie from Olympia, Washington, was murdered by an Israeli bulldozer driver. Rachel was in Gaza opposing the bulldozing of a Palestinian home as a volunteer with the International Solidarity Movement.

Links to the story:

How come nobody is talking about this!?! An American gets run over by a bulldozer by the IDF and nobody mentions it. I didn't even see it reported on the mainstream media only the AP mentioned it. Nothing on FOX, CNN, or any other channel.

posted on Mar, 17 2003 @ 10:58 PM
Yeah, I have to say that I wondered that as well. On one hand serves her right for being where she is, but on the other it was deliberate... didn't they dump sand on her then run over her ?

Sad ....

posted on Mar, 17 2003 @ 11:01 PM
The Woman was Run Over not once but TWICE!!! The guy ran over her stopped and backed up and ran over her AGAIN!! If thats not murder I dont know what is.

posted on Mar, 17 2003 @ 11:01 PM
That really is sad, especially being deliberate. I actually did see on CNN today that the US was sending over investigators to get to the bottom of it, but I agree it was kept relatively quiet.

posted on Mar, 17 2003 @ 11:03 PM
I certainly feel very sad for her and her family, but 1st of all, it was her choice to be there, and 2nd of all, she could easily have gotten out of the way...

posted on Mar, 17 2003 @ 11:04 PM
You can bet that if it was a palestinian who killed the woman we would be hearing the story non-stop on EVERY news channel! We would see politicians expressing outrage on every channel.

posted on Mar, 17 2003 @ 11:05 PM

I certainly feel very sad for her and her family, but 1st of all, it was her choice to be there, and 2nd of all, she could easily have gotten out of the way...

Oh so that makes it ok? Man I just dont get some people. How can you justify something like that is beyond me.

posted on Mar, 17 2003 @ 11:08 PM

Originally posted by Ocelot
You can bet that if it was a palestinian who killed the woman we would be hearing the story non-stop on EVERY news channel! We would see politicians expressing outrage on every channel.

Sad but true...

When will Israel realize that the crazy zealots are the only real enemies of peace in Israel ?

posted on Mar, 18 2003 @ 01:36 AM
1 She knew what would happen
2 She had the opportuity and ability to get out of the way
3 She was informed by the military of the consequences of her actions...

then ...

is it suicide or murder?

and should someone risk their life - by being exposed to gunfure - to try and drag her away?

posted on Mar, 18 2003 @ 01:42 AM
It's been pretty big news outside the US (e.g. check the usual UK sites Guardian, Times): there are one or two rather awful photographs too ( not for the squeamish).
It certainly sems true that the driver ran her over twice.

posted on Mar, 18 2003 @ 02:20 PM

Emails from the woman who died ... very moving...

I thought a lot about what you said on the phone about Palestinian violence not helping the situation. Sixty thousand workers from Rafah worked in Israel two years ago. Now only 600 can go to Israel for jobs.

Of these 600, many have moved, because the three checkpoints between here and Ashkelon (the closest city in Israel) make what used to be a 40-minute drive, now a 12-hour or impassible journey. In addition, what Rafah identified in 1999 as sources of economic growth are all completely destroyed - the Gaza international airport (runways demolished, totally closed); the border for trade with Egypt (now with a giant Israeli sniper tower in the middle of the crossing); access to the ocean (completely cut off in the last two years by a checkpoint and the Gush Katif settlement).

The count of homes destroyed in Rafah since the beginning of this intifada is up around 600, by and large people with no connection to the resistance but who happen to live along the border. I think it is maybe official now that Rafah is the poorest place in the world.

There used to be a middle class here - recently. We also get reports that in the past, Gazan flower shipments to Europe were delayed for two weeks at the Erez crossing for security inspections. You can imagine the value of two-week-old cut flowers in the European market, so that market dried up. And then the bulldozers come and take out people's vegetable farms and gardens. What is left for people? Tell me if you can think of anything. I can't.

posted on Mar, 18 2003 @ 03:30 PM
Why do we sit back and tolerate this genocide ????

posted on Mar, 18 2003 @ 04:02 PM
What make it wors is that USA are helping Israeli to kill more childern.

posted on Mar, 19 2003 @ 05:24 AM
Here she is burning her own FLAG. This pretty much sums it up.
Spreading hate and teaching it to children who are the future there standing around her. What do they know?
They now know to hate a country that helps many nations with aid......

Who side is she on?
She shoud've stayed in Washington State and appreciate her blessing of being a female and having a right to go to school. I would have. Too goes on.

What happend to her was not right, neither was it right for the Jews in WWII, or even Hiroshima, etc...

[Edited on 19-3-2003 by U.S. Patriot]

[Edited on 26-3-2003 by U.S. Patriot]

posted on Mar, 19 2003 @ 05:50 AM

She shoud've stayed in Washington State and appreciate her blessing of being a female and having a right to go to school. I would have. Too goes on.

You're picking on the dead, US Patriot. That's filthy.

posted on Mar, 19 2003 @ 05:52 AM

Originally posted by Karl Molarius

Originally posted by Ocelot
You can bet that if it was a palestinian who killed the woman we would be hearing the story non-stop on EVERY news channel! We would see politicians expressing outrage on every channel.

Sad but true...

When will Israel realize that the crazy zealots are the only real enemies of peace in Israel ?

When will you realize that the true enemies of Israel, at least her worst, are the nations that surround her? These are the ones that have sworn to destroy her. The Palestinian refugee situation was created by them to be a thorn in her side, a tool to use against her by twisting the truth and unknowledgeable people to believe, but I hear nothing about that from others. Nobody says Egypt, Syria or Jordan should take care of their own people they are using. It isn't Israel that is teaching children at birth to hate another, see the other as animals and want the other dead. No, that would be the PLO, and they are doing that to the Palestinian children.

This stupid, misled girl went over there knowing what she was doing. It's a nonevent. Just another tool for the enemies of Israel to use. Her job as the useful idiot is complete.

posted on Mar, 19 2003 @ 05:54 AM
No I am not picking on the dead. It just shows some people do not appreciate thier freedom, they rather abuse it.
Get a grip on reality Karl........

posted on Mar, 19 2003 @ 05:58 AM
Im sorry, but i'm positive that the Intifada is a consquence of the genocides, not the other way round, since the Intifada came after the palestinian holocaust.

btw. Israel killed 2500 Palestinians in the last year, and currently terrorizes hundreds of thousands.

posted on Mar, 19 2003 @ 08:34 AM
She was wrong (and an idiot) for not getting out of the way of a bulldozer.

The bulldozer driver was wrong (and committed murder) by deliberately running over her.

The right thing to do would have been to arrest her, get her out of the way, and proceed...

posted on Mar, 19 2003 @ 09:01 AM
Let me clarify something:
1. Genocide or ethnic cleansing is the deliberate mass murder of a particular people or race. 2500 Palestinians have died, not as a result of genocide, but as a result of Israel's unwillingness to passively accept the terrorist onslaught initiated and encouraged by the Palestininan leadership during the past 2 years. Yes, though ACCIDENTALLY killed by the Israel DEFENCE Deforces, the Palestininan leaders are ultimately responsible for the deaths of their own people. While trying to protect its citizens Israel does everything in its power to avoid the deaths of innocent civilians. This task becomes even more difficult when the Palestinian militia use the civilian population as a cover for their DELIBERATE and dastardly acts.

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