reply to post by dementedtheclown
Well I would hope that by the time we contact an alien species, that the far sighted of us, and the loving , caring, compassionate amongst us, would
be all thats left, after a battle that sees every xenophobe, fearmonger, and gutless mewling wimp fascist on the earth, shot and burned to death.
That way we could welcome our cosmic friends, with the full knowlege that there wouldnt be any swastika waving , or mindless dolts screaming "not in
my backyard", with the smell of fear oozing from thier every sweat gland.
I really think that some people give us believers too little credit, for not just our capacity for thought and understanding of science, but also our
resolve, strength, and force of will. Myself, I know that my mother and father, and by association, me and my sister, are products of a war that
happened decades before my birth. That war happened because of baseless, absolutely baseless hate and fear, which turned to violence, depravity and
the murder of countless hundreds of thousands of people, and the deaths of huge sums of men and women from all over the world. All that caused by the
fear, and inadequacy of a few pathetic spineless , lesser examples of our species.
Showing that face, to the first intelligent beings other than humanity , that we come across, would be a gross miscalculation on our part, and would
show us to be weak, fearful, timid, mistrustful , and easily spooked. By looking without fear into the face of the unknown, that which is unknown
becomes understood. It has always been thus, from the time of the great migrations which lead to the human race populating the world from the africas,
till now and our ever increasing expansion into our near space. It will be the same no doubt, with our first contact with another
intelligence,regardless of the intent of the visiting species. If they wish war, we are more than capable to that task, but if they wish peace, which
is all the harder for the trust involved, then we must face them with the best amongst us. Not the weakest of mind, and the least of spirit amongst
us. Those who instantly mistrust, those who keep all things of which they understand little, at a distance, lest they some how become infected by the
strange and the wonderful things that they despise , these fools we must either remove from our world by force, or remove from public by some means...
but we must never EVER show that face to a visitor from another world, and I hope that by the time we get to that place in time those gutless examples
of walking genetic waste who fear, will be dead to a man , and nought but dust in the wind of change.